Monday, October 1

Lynn Heuss from VOICE

Lynn Heuss and Ed Fallon are advocates for clean election laws (In Iowa, Voter Owned Iowa Clean Elections [VOICE]). Lynn writes:

This week four of us were privileged to have dinner with former Congressman, Dr. Bob Edgar. He was named President and CEO of Common Cause in May 2007. Common Cause is a nonpartisan nonprofit advocacy organization. The group is committed to honest, open and accountable government, as well as encouraging citizen participation in democracy.

Bob was elected to the US House in 1974, the first Democrat in 82 years in his district. He ran unsuccessfully for the US Senate in 1986 against Arlen Specter. That race fueled his frustration with the undue influence of money in politics and he became an active supporter of clean elections and campaign finance reform, issues that have be en Common Cause's hallmark.

Our dinner conversation centered around politics, obviously. Much of the talk was about VOICE (Voter Owned Iowa Clean Elections) legislation, since he was in Des Moines to address that subject and the federal equivalent offered by senators Durbin and Specter.

At one point the conversation moved to presidential politics and how many candidates are framing their message around “Change” and “Hope.” Bob admitted that it’s a positive way to frame a message, but he also pointed out the need to address the culture of fear that has grown more prevalent in recent years. “What if,” he said, “one of the presidential candidates said, ‘I’m not afraid of terrorists. I’m not afraid of our healthcare crisis. I’m not afraid of the global warming crisis.’?”

Clearly, Bob did not mean statements like these should be made out of hubris, or pretension, or especially to give a false sense of security. His point was that we don’t need to be afraid, and it’s time for our leaders to say it out loud! Too many times fear is used by politicians to either paralyze us into inaction or to convince us of the need for violent action. What it should do is mobilize us into positive action for the common good.

Yes, there are very serious issues that need to be confronted: our broken relationships with leaders of many nations, the Iraq War, the healthcare crisis, global warming, the growing gap between America’s rich and poor, a shrinking middle class, ending racism, fighting discrimination. Yes, these issues will require thoughtful solutions. But we’ve been mired in the slough of despair and fear for years, and we need to remember and re-learn how to think and act with hope and optimism.

There is every reason to have hope and to live without fear! It’s one of the reasons Ed and I support John Edwards. I know you hear this a lot through our updates, but we believe in him and what he can accomplish as President. John Edwards has spent his life and career fighting on behalf of people who have no voice, and that’s exactly what he’ll do as President.

In Iowa, we’ve got legislation pending by that very name, VOICE (Voter Owned Iowa Clean Elections).Ed and I were very excited this week to learn about Senator Edwa rd’s decision to accept public financing for his campaign. He’s never taken money from PACs or Washington lobbyists and the public financing decision underscores this longstanding commitment to getting big money out of politics.

In our September 4th update, Ed wrote to encourage people to consider running for office and several of you are! We’ll be joining two who took the plunge, Molly Cantrell-Kraig of Muscatine, and Conner Anderson of Clinton, at fundraisers this weekend (see our website for details: We are excited that they, and others, are pursuing this avenue of service. We need leaders who have the strength of character to fight for the people, who can stand up to corporate interests.

But we know not everyone has the time, or inclination, to be an elected official. Fortunately, there is something for everyone to do and we’ll continue to share information about our growing network of grassroots efforts across the state. For now, here are a few:
• If you’re interested in campaign finance reform at the state level (VOICE) you can contact Adam Mason (CCI) at
• If you want to work for the federal clean elections bill (Durbin-Specter) you can contact Kyle Lobner (Common Cause) at
• Are CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations) the issue that’s most important to you? Please conta ct me at
• What about the abuse of eminent domain? There’s a new coalition formed and you can contact them at .
• If urban sprawl and the paving over of Iowa farmland are your concern, please contact Stephanie Weisenbach of 1000 Friends of Iowa at
• Several groups we’re affiliated with work for an end to the Iraq War, so let us know if you’re interested in this issue and we’ll send you information on local contacts.
• Is an end to poverty the issue you’re passionate about? Along with John and Elizabeth Edwards’ OneCorps America (, we know several additional groups throughout the state and we can try to put you in touch with local activists.

Thanks for reading and please write to ask for additional resources if there's another issue you're interested in, or to share information about other activists and/or groups in your area fighting for the common good.Don’t be afraid of those who pander fear and please, take action to prove it!

Lynn Heuss

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