Thursday, October 4

Loebsack on Bush's Child Healthcare Veto

Well, he did it. By vetoing this overwhelmingly bipartisan legislation, President Bush chose to put the future of health care coverage for millions of children in jeopardy.
Providing health care to our children must be a priority. Iowa's SCHIP, HAWK-I program provides health benefits, including doctor's visits, vaccinations, prescription drugs and other critical services, to over 37,000 lower-income children.

With the health, well-being, and future of our children at stake, President Bush has shown utter disregard for the needs of hardworking, tax-paying, lower-income American families. There is no question that the health care system in America is broken, and the majority of Americans feel strongly that we must fix it as a matter of priority.

No child should go without regular checkups, preventive care, and proper treatment.

I will not sit back and let the President's misguided veto endanger the HAWK-I program or the health of Iowa's children. I will continue to work hard with my colleagues to bring together both Democrats and Republicans to stand up to President Bush and overturn his veto.

Congressman Dave Loebsack

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