Wednesday, May 23

Significant Bombshell Dropped in Iowa Governor's Primary Race

The Des Moines Register reported three women's accounts of inappropriate sexual conduct by State Senator Nate Boulton who was within striking distance of the poll leader, Fred Hubbell for governor. According to the account, between 2001-2002 while at Drake Law School and again in 2015, Boulton made unwanted contact with the three women at bars in Des Moines during that timeframe. Boulton took the step to address the questions posed by the Register and said, "I don’t have the same recollection, but I am not going to offer any additional context to this, other than to say if someone’s perspective is that it was inappropriate and I crossed a line and I misread a situation in a social setting, I do apologize.”

With the election just over two weeks away, this bombshell could do any of the following things:
1) Realistically, it could scuttle the Boulton campaign. 
2) Act to push front-runner Fred Hubbell over the needed 35% threshold and thereby avoid a convention fight.
3) Light a fire under another candidate's campaign with votes coming from Boulton-leaning Iowa Democrats.
4) Less realistically, have the opposite effect and push Boulton forward by voters siding with him as these are allegations that he is apologizing for, albeit without acknowledging or denying that he did as he is accused.

One thing of larger concern, the Iowa Democratic Party can no longer claim a high ground where inappropriate behavior is concerned. This albatross will hang above the heads of any man left in the Governor's race. Of course, the Democrats do have two well-qualified women in the race...

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