Tuesday, May 8

Not So Rosy for Pelosi?

Barring Iran's nuclear program becoming super robust in the next 6 months, the Democrats stand a fairly good chance of winning back the House in November. What could hurt their chances? A certain lightning rod many-term and former House leader by the name of Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi, who for some Democrats is too much to bear anyway, does herself no good when caught in an unguarded moment says things like the tax cuts are "crumbs" to taxpayers. With Paul Ryan about to step off, the Democrats might be smart in doing the same in their leadership role. Nancy Pelosi has accomplished much in her time in Congress, but it is also true that under her leadership the Democrats have been not held the gavel since 2011. At a time when the Democrats could and possibly should be open to a fresher face, Pelosi has already gone full Charlton Heston and essentially saying that the gavel would have to be pulled out of her cold, dead hand in choosing to run for the seat if the Dems win in November.

Clearly, there are other Democrats who could do the job, but Pelosi is an easy target for Republicans to go after in trying to minimize the hemorrhaging that they are likely to experience with the high number of retirements which they have to look forward. If I were a Democratic candidate, I would be tempted to take a page out of the special election wins and put distance between myself and the old guard. As Nancy Pelosi said, "I think if they have to do that to win an election ... I'm all for winning," 

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