Monday, May 14

Inviting Reinvention

Frederic Baur, the designer of the Pringle's potato chip canister,  is not exactly a household name to most of us. However, as he opted to have part of his cremains placed inside one of his inventions, it does go to show that there is a good side to narcissism and upcycling. Maybe, just maybe, there is hope for Pres. Donald Trump. Maybe having a taste of doing real good, such as working out the release of the political prisoners from North Korea and taking all kinds of credit for it, is worthwhile for him. Personally, even though I will likely never see eye to eye with him, generally, I wouldn't mind if he succeeds at his job--if that means he stumbles into making peace happen during his administration.

   Realistically, he is likely to turn out like the Pringle's can guy and be a one-trick pony. And maybe, in his defeat, he may deliver to us something that perhaps can make America Great Again, a political movement that puts people before profits, reinstalls a safety net, shuts down the deregulatory carpet bombing that is hurting the environment and making climate change worse.

  We have a choice, in the coming months, to reverse the tide that swept Trump into office and possibly put a lid on a can where the chips are currently stacked heavily against us.

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