Saturday, September 13

Clarion Fund Puts Lipstick on Terrorism Pig Documentary

Who is the "Clarion Fund" and why is it paying for placing 28 million copies of "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West" DVD's in swing state newspapers?

The Clarion Fund, who's website only identifies the group as "a 501(c)(3) organization. We are independent and do not accept funding from the U.S. Government, political institutions, or foreign organizations." It does not identify who it's board of directors are, but says it's "mission is to educate Americans about issues of national security." Their focus "is on the most urgent threat of radical Islam. By utilizing the following three mediums, Clarion Fund is helping Americans understand that the mainstream media is not adequately conveying the reality of radical Islam."

Through some web digging, I was able to identify three players, Raphael Shore who is a Canadian citizen who is the producer/co-writer of the film and founder of the Clarion Fund, Wayne Kopping, a South African national, the director and co-writer and Gregory Ross, who is the communications director of this New York based non-profit group. Ross was "originally from Los Angeles and have lived overseas for many years. I moved back to LA from New York after 9-11, and a stint on Wall Street, and started working in the Hollywood Entertainment community." Ross does not disclose how the film was produced, but is quoted as saying "The film was financed by a concerned citizen who has a long standing relationship with our organization. The cost was under $500k and it took over a year to complete." Something about this group doesn't pass the smell test, particularly when no information is available about its donors and board of directors.

Maybe most concerning about this film is that, according to Ross "I know that the U.S. Department of the Navy uses the film and that it has also been shown on Capitol Hill on many occasions in order to education politicians. We have also screened it at countless universities and colleges. However we are unsure as to if it is being used in their curriculums – we certainly hope it is." A film that

By law, 501(c)(3) organizations are not permitted to engage in political activity, endorse or oppose political candidates, or donate money or time to political campaigns, so it was surprising to learn that there was an article on the group's new Web site,, that backed Republican presidential candidate John McCain. The article discussed both candidates and concludes:

"McCain's policies seek to confront radical Islamic extremism and terrorism and roll it back while [Barack] Obama's, although intending to do the same, could in fact make the situation facing the West even worse."

According to Clarion Fund director of communications Gregory Ross, the article "crossed the line" and was removed.

Gregory Ross also said in an interview with Frontpage magazine, a right-wing online publication, "we are just a few weeks from completely our next documentary, “The Third Jihad” - though it is not a sequel. This new film will take a look at radical Islam’s activities here in the U.S. We should be releasing the film in early October. So stay tuned."

Stay tuned indeed, as this group tries to scare voters with their own form of psychological terrorism.


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Ron Johnson said...

The question to ask is: Who Gains? - by the demonizing of Islamic "terrorists", by the promotion of a beligerent US foreign policy, by a behind the scenes, hidden hand, promotion of John McCain over Barak Obama. Hint: to what political organization, not registered as a lobby for Israel, did all of the presidential candidates have to "suck up"? Obama being less trustworthy on his record. Linked to Minister Farrakhan, and to the black culture that has occasionally identified with the Palestinians.

Anonymous said...

This is an obvious tactic by Republican interests to scare American voters and raise the issues of national security and Islamic terrorism on their lists of concerns. The McCain/Palin ticket is trigger happy and wil be much more likely to involve us in another unending war. We need intelligent leadership and diplomacy in this crucial time in our nation and the world.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the research! I saw this DVD in my paper this morning and was thinking about how convenient that this is being sent in September of an election year. If it's so important, then why didn't they mail it out in 2006, the year the film was made? Just as a side note for the Clarion Fund, the Nazis also made prodigious use of propaganda to evoke national pride.

Anonymous said...

When I saw the DVD and flyer in this morning's Philadelphia Inquirer (PA is a swing state), I wondered who is behind this promotion and about the intended goals of the organization. I did some research and found that the director of the film was recently interviewed by Rush Limbaugh, who is promoting the film and in the interview said that it is an excellent film (in the same sentence he denegrated the "liberal" documentaries by Al Gore and Michael Moore as 'stupid'). Don't be fooled - this organization is violating the 501(c)(3) rules of not having a political agenda. It is quite obvious; spread the word.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add a link to the interview with Rush Limbaugh:

Anonymous said...

Upon receiving the DVD in the newspaper today, I immediately tried to determine who/what/why is the Clarion Fund. It figures that it is related to right wing "scare" politics, and being endorsed by the comedian Rush Limbaugh. When are the American people going to wake up and stop buying into the politics of fear?

Anonymous said...

The CD showed up in the local paper today 9/14 in Fort Collins, Colorado. Colorado is considered a swing state.It seems obvious that the sponsor intends this as a scare tactic. It seems that the Clarion Fund is a right wing organization and aligned with the Republican party given that the principles involved are McCain supporters.

Sandlin said...

This is Rupublican propaganda without a doubt! 501(c)3, my butt!
The DVD came in the newspaper this morning and my mother handed it to me. Right away, by the title, I know it had to be propoganda by the criminals inhabiiting (infesting) our white House. They are desperate to win and keep wars going forever so they can continue to profit from them.
I tried to track down who owns or governs this organization, and could find no links to who runs this outfit ( board of directors, etc). Why the secrecy? That's revealing in itself. This is typical "Rovian/Bushco" tactics, and I saw that right away.
They are also very busy infiltrating college campuses and infecting the minds of the young who haven't wised-up to the Bushco Mafia yet. (
On the page that carried the DVD, it says: "The Clarion Fund is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan organization devoted to educating the public about national security issues."
My question is, "What makes this secretive, hiding group of whoevers, 'experts' at national security? Show me your credentials! Who the heck are you?
Why should I believe you?"
Then, pay attention, it also states:
"Paid advertising supplement to:" newspaper-- They will hear my objection to this propadanda! It's advertising; not a form usually used to inform the citizens about national securty concerns.
Our politicians evoke this rsponse from me: vomit, vomit, vomit! I hope the public wakes up soon and starts using thier brains instead of being led like sheep with their emotions. whatever happened to critical thinking being taught in our schools?

Anonymous said...

Islam fundamentally conflicts with the articles of our constitution and by its own dictates will never be able to reach an accommodation or revision compatible with our polyglot nation.By comparison the fundamentalist christian right though offensive is not malevolently nasty.

jelesuis said...

Milwaukee here ... if you look at the list of city newspapers that received the "Obsession" DVD (found in small print underneath the plastic pocket containing the disc) you will notice an interesting trend. Some states - Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin - are heavily targeted Including some smallish newspapers) while other states are clearly absent from the distribution - California, Illinois, Texas. In a word, the Clarion fund, whoever they might be, has targeted swing states with this fear-mongering. Might I offer my own propagandist gift - alas, I can't afford to send hundreds of thousands of copies to my fellow Americans - by suggesting that everyone watch the film "Jesus Camp" (also made in 2006). Just change a couple words from your Sunday paper insert and you get: "Radical Christianity's War against Non-Believers." Enjoy!

JillianMadison said...

I received this in my sunday St. Petersburg Times today and it gave me the creeps. It makes me sick and I'd also like to know who is behind this organization. I googled the Clarion Fund address and it just so happens it's also the address for the Association of Black Female Attorneys. Now it seems obvious this association would not be sending out this crap, so is this a fake address?

Anonymous said...

Showed up in my paper today in Grand Blanc, Michigan. Obvious propaganda from yet another in-the-shadows "organization".

Walt D in LV said...

Showed up in my Las Vegas, Nevada Review Journal newspaper this morning. Worse yet, the wife is watching it!

Best thing I can say is the intro to the movie states that most Muslims are kind, peaceful people and this film is not about them. Then it goes on to show all kinds of terrorist activity linked to Islamic extremists.

I wish there was a DVD distributed to the world that showed the Christian fanatics and all their acts of terror (Christians were responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing, Atlanta Olympics, numerous abortion clinics, etc.) so many of which seem to have occurred on American soil. No one seems to talk about that much.

My point is is that there are fanatics in nearly every religion and many people seem to forget the GOOD people in each of those religions, focusing only on the bad, such as with this Obsession propaganda DVD.

Walt D in LV

P.S. Oh, and on a lighter note, listen to my movie podcast (during which an upcoming episode will definitely discuss this DVD).
The Cinemaniacs Podcast

Also available on iTunes.

Anonymous said...

Had Michael Moore lost a loved one in the 9/11 WTC attacks would he still claim there is no threat to the US from terrorists? How can anyone viewing this not realize the uncanny resemblances to Nazism?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for researching this. I am new to this country and am amazed by the fear-mongering that it is taking place in this election. In particular, I do not understand how the Republicans could still benefit from instilling fear for terrorism. Isn't it clear to most Americans that the last 8 years of hawkish politics have made the hatred against the US much worse? If this fear should benefit any presidential candidate, it should be one that realizes the current US foreign policy is radically ineffective!

Anonymous said...

Please understand how deep the roots are within this sort of propaganda.

Go to the movie's website and you will find it to be profoundly right-wing supported. (Dig deep enough and you will see.) The rhetoric coming from within the cleverly crafted website is classic double-speak. It's nauseating rhetoric by the polarized and pig-headed few who want to perpetuate the Napoleonic Bush/Rovian agenda; an American foreign policy agenda that has created most of the mess for the past eight years.

However, the apple does not fall far from the tree - much of this mess was originally formulated and set in motion by ancestral Bush DNA - Daddy George H.W. Bush also masterminded much of the Iran/Contra affair and later granted executive clemency to six former government employees implicated in the Iran-Contra scandal of the late 1980s.

Special Note: The warlord DNA goes as far back as Great-great Grand-father Samuel Prescott Bush who, during World War I, became chief of the Ordnance, Small Arms, and Ammunition Section, with national responsibility for government assistance to and relations with munitions companies - he was in charge of coordination and assistance to major weapons contractors. The lessons learned there were passed on to each Bush generation. In addition, the ability to lie about oneself seemed to originate from Great Grandfather Prescott Sheldon Bush who claimed to have earned several heroic medals while serving during World War I; lies which were revealed by his mother (the Ohio State Journal, September 6, 1918).

nscott said...

I just got my copy in the mail today, in Columbus, OH.

I think it's sick that we have allowed this level of propaganda to occur.

I am equal disturbed by the lack of open information provided by the clarion fund.

I thank you for the work you put in to identify the people behind this.

I too, will be looking into this to see what I can learn about the clarion fund, and where they are getting their funding from.

Anonymous said...

I too received a copy in the St Pete Times, I've had a copy since 2006 though and have shared it with all my friends. I'm glad to see someone had the balls to get this information out. It's real and it isn't going away. Kudos to the Clarion Fund !!!

Anonymous said...

Rio Rancho, NM here. We're a LARGE bedroom community of Albuquerque trying to be "A City". New Mexico, despite Richardson being a Dem, voted Red last time, and this year is a swing state. Looks like the Right has found a new way to insidiously infiltrate our homes with their war-mongering scare tactics!

Anonymous said...

I live in a suburb of Philly, PA, and found that disgusting DVD in my paper this morning. I shall be emailing/calling the Inquirer to register my disgust with their acceptance of this form of "advertising" and then cancelling my subscription. I am wondering though, is it the IRS that is responsible for monitoring the activities of these 501(c)3 groups? And, if there are violations -which is certainly true in this instance - what happens? Fines? Shut 'em down?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this information. I received this video this morning in the Miami Herald and was quite shocked when I saw it. What is becoming of our country? This is a tactic similar to those of dictators and repressive governments who try to brainwash and manipulate their people into blindly believing in their agendas and their leadership. The fact that is only being distributed in swing states also says something about its credibility. If the Clarion Organizatino is so concerned that everyone should see it, then why is it not being distributed nationwide? This is just another low, misleading Republican tactic of preying on the ignorant by using politics of fear. I am disappointed that mainstream newspapers are agreeing to distribute the video and partake in this scheme.

Anonymous said...

Go to the following link to see who Eli Greenberg donated to (the attorney who filed the 501(c)(3) documents for the Clarion Fund):

Anonymous said...

I new it!! the moment I saw it delivered it to me this sunday, the Obsession video, its the republicans stratagem! I really and truly detest them now! They are closed minded, arrogant, when actually they have nothing, no class nor good breeding to be arrogant about, fanatics evangelicals/born again christian ignoramus. There is no limit as to how far they will go to promote their narrow minded agendas.
Truly fed up of Republicans et-al, I have changed my political affiliation from Republican to Independent.

Anonymous said...

Showed up in my parents newspaper here in Columbus, Ohio. Trying very hard to convince them that it is funded by right-wing interests, but it is hard. The average person just isn't cynical enough.

Anonymous said...

The DVD came with the Miami Herald this morning and went straight to the garbage. I am fed up with the scary tactics.

Anonymous said...

My goodness, WAKE UP!

If you honestly don't want to believe what you consider "Republican propaganda", do your own research - the documentation is out there, and plenty of it!

Determine for yourself whether the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem trained Muslims for Hitler (he did).

Find out for yourself whether Palestinian textbooks don't show the state of Israel on any map (they don't).

Prove to yourself if Arab TV regularly produces its own propaganda reviving the ancient blood libel against Jews (it does).

Do a little digging on how other religions fare under Islamic law - start with Saudi Arabia, and find out how many churches operate there. And while you're at it, read a little about Bridgette Gabriel, one of the interviewees in the film, her life story, and how she came to change her mind about the antisemitism that permeated her Lebanese upbringing.

Judge for yourself all of these things, and if, at the end of your genuine, honest, objective study, you can still declare as Michael Moore did that radical Islam is NOT a threat to the western world, then God help you. It's 1939 all over again.

I'm just a politically aware, self-educated homeschooling mom from Ohio, and I for one was pleasantly surprised to find this in my Sunday Akron-Beacon Journal today. In fact, since Obsession discusses nothing with which I'm not already familiar, I do believe I'll pass it on to someone who might benefit from it.

Anonymous said...

All of this information about radical Islam has been available for years (e.g., Looming Tower by Lawrence Wright). If the information is new to you, you're the target the Republicans want. You have to trust a bunch of Christian Crusaders, right?

Martin, one reason to keep a war going is that it's great business. And connecting to the Federal credit card is good for the military industrialists (think Haliburton), which is good for Republicans. The only problem is that the Republicans need some chumps to vote them in to keep the party going, so just have another cup of Kool Aid and please don't think, don't read, don't do anything cerebral. Just keep the faith, Baby. John and Sarah will take good care of you.

Anonymous said...

This is a back-handed twist to the fear campaign to get the Republicans and Bush cronies to stay in the White House, keeping us in profitable wars that we'll never win, wasting thousands of American lives so they can put tons of cash in their coffers. Yes, there are bad people in the world, but we have plenty of our own radical religious zealots who do just as much damage. Pick up a newspaper, turn on the news, and see all the people out there who prostitute our children, murder and plunder others for their own gain right here in this country. Our current foreign policy is "Bomb Them!" regardless. I'm sorry, but this is a twisted attempt to scare us into keeping Republicans in charge. Do you really want another 4 years of the rich getting richer while you have trouble keeping a roof over your head, food in your kitchen and gas in your car just so you can get to work? What's wrong with you people out there?

Anonymous said...

Got two in the mail. Now, one in the paper. If this information was so vital it would: not be free; be on every tv station, including PBS; be advertised as incessantly as wrinkle cream or e.d. remedies.
Don't get me wrong, it's important that everyone be able to exercise his right to spout - this is the USA, after all, - but it's just as important to consider the source.
Don't know the source? then it's not worth considering!

Anonymous said...

The full of hate CD is distributed today all over Iowa. No, it is not about how Grand Mufti of trained Nazis (I guess Germany will be the first Islamic state :) )

It is about the election 08. If Obama and his team does not address these issues and turn the heat on about the real issues, like economy, he will have the same fate as Al Gore.

Lets see what the other side, Obama, do in this nasty election.

Anonymous said...

This cowardly, secretive propaganda of lies is the trademark of the last seven and a half years in Washington.

If you like the Bush, Chaney, Rove White House, you'll love a McCain, Palin, Rove White House next.

Let's rid our country of of this deceptive, fear mongering brand of government...let's give Obama, Biden a chance to change it.

Anonymous said...

Check it out, it has some info on Shore, who apparently is an Israeli-Canadian, and claims he is the founder of Clarion....

Reeder said...

I received my "complementary" dvd in this morning's Denver Post. I am curious to know what most of you did with it. I immediately threw mine away. I'M NO DUMMY!
It was so apparent who or what sent it.

Robin said...

You are leaving a very important bit of information out about Raphael Shore, he is an ISRAELI-Canadian citizen.

Back in February I sat with a friend of mine, Rabbi Haim Beliak at a conference. He was LIVID that night because he had just received a mailing from the Republican Jewish Coalition containing this DVD, and a copy of the book, "Standing With Israel" by David Brog, Christians United for Israel's director. The mailing went out under a postal permit for CUFI.

Read what else Rabbi Beliak found out about the mailing then. But NOTE, it was sent out by the REPUBLICAN Jewish Committee in cahoots with CUFI. (Gee, didn't McCain distance himself after much criticism-but wait, Palin's church is hosting a CUFI conference in March)

Here's the info

Unknown said...

This showed up today in the Ohio papers...another critical state...especially if the Republicans steal the election again like they did in Ohio in 2004. My hunch is they will pull out all the stops in Ohio and every other "swing" state...AGAIN! And this dumb video is just another one of their dirty tactics. When will this ever stop?!?!? These people are sick!

Anonymous said...

No one can deny that this is probably some sort of scare tactic used by the right wing to scare people into voting for McCain, and to remind people of the threat of radical Islam. And yes, I agree it is absolutely unlawful for a 501(c)(3) to engage in such activities. The Clarion Fund definitely crossed the line with this recent distribution of their DVD, but for those of you who think that the threat isn't real and that you can reason with these people, are you willing to bet your life (or the lives of your children) on that...?
For the anonymous writer who says we need intelligent leadership and diplomacy, well you're half right. How many times has the White House hosted Palestinian and Isreali leaders in an attempt to come to a peaceful accord. Carter tried it. Reagan tried it. Bush 41 tried it. Clinton tried it for 8 years. And despite any temporary successes these summits may have had, the radicals within the Islamic community have always prevailed, and the end result has always been Jihad. Watch the film, then tell me that you think diplomacy is still the answer...
Bob in PA.

Anonymous said...

The current mass distribution of this film to swing states less than two months before the upcoming presidential election is clearly transparent. We see through this as just another example of fearmongering by the Republican party. This film does nothing to promote cultural understanding. On the contrary, it strives only to alienate and polarize and to promote hostility on the part of non-Muslims. By so doing, the Clarion Fund seeks to justify and legitimize the Bush war on terrorism, and thereby point out the Fund's perceived need to keep the Republican party in power.
This is politics in its purest form. The sooner we put a stop to it, the better. I will be contacting my local newspaper in Milwaukee immediately to cancel my subscription.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing is. I looked up the legal contact for Clarion (Eli Greenberg) and he is a DEMOCRAT as far as I can tell. And all his law partners are too.

It just might be that this video distribution (and broadside against the Obama campaign) is being orchestrated by dissident democrats. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like another Rove scare tactic America!! Time to vote these sad anti-Americans out of office and out of the ability to control our people!!

Anonymous said...

Why does it matter who is putting out this DVD? Whether or not there is a political agenda behind it or not... does that make the threat of these people any less real? America needs to get it's head out of it's ass and wake up! These terrorists want to take over and will do what they have to to get what they want. We're to busy being politically correct and playing politics to even see what's going on in our own backyards with these mosques going up everywhere and meeting halls where they spread hate about America. We need to have some pride in our country and put a stop to these people once and for all, otherwise our children will be growing up in a completely different country than we have. America has to stop caring what the rest of the world thinks and start doing what's best for don't like it than get out. TOLERANCE WILL DESTROY THIS COUNTRY!!!! WAKE UP!

Anonymous said...

Why does it matter who is putting out this DVD? Whether or not there is a political agenda behind it or not... does that make the threat of these people any less real? America needs to get it's head out of it's ass and wake up! These terrorists want to take over and will do what they have to to get what they want. We're to busy being politically correct and playing politics to even see what's going on in our own backyards with these mosques going up everywhere and meeting halls where they spread hate about America. We need to have some pride in our country and put a stop to these people once and for all, otherwise our children will be growing up in a completely different country than we have. America has to stop caring what the rest of the world thinks and start doing what's best for don't like it than get out. TOLERANCE WILL DESTROY THIS COUNTRY!!!! WAKE UP!

Anonymous said...

I applaud the "anonymous" Philly suburbanite who said he/she was going to contact the Phila Inquirer to register his disgust with this obnoxious piece of propaganda and then cancel his subscription! As another Philly suburbanite, I can't believe this city's paper would stoop so low. I know biz is tough, but that is totally selling out...I am so disappointed in the Inquirer. But I believe it also was inserted in the NY Times...which is REALLY disheartening.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous....PLEASE WAKE-UP! The west needs to wake-up. This isn't a matter political affiliation. It concerns your quality of life as in would you like to continue breathing. The Koran says it's followers may offer a choice of 3 resolutions to YOU, the infidel. 1. Convert 2. Pay a tax for not being muslim or 3. DIE It's in the Koran. I havn't seen the movie but I plan to watch Obsession tonight. I've researched the islamic thing for the past couple years and have concluded that the extremists are absolutely nuts and deserve only to die because they will surely kill you and I without any thought. Do you know of any other "religious" sect wishing the destruction of all forms of life and soceity because they disagree as to how to live. Try learning about islam and you'll see that Mohammed was a terrorist also.

Anonymous said...

Peddling fear. Wasn't that Ghouliani's platform: Fear, Terror, 9/11? and still is the republicans. It worked for Hitler, right?

Repuke bullshit, manipulation of voters through false fear tactics. I am not sold and I am appalled that these papers would associate them selves with this kind of trite nonsense.

It is also religious drivel which make me sick to my stomach. The fundi nutsacks will do anything to usher in their armageddon; with McCorpse/Mooselini, that might just get it.

OBAMA-BIDEN 08', if not, we are all screwed.

Anonymous said...

The smartest thing we can all do is write to the op-ed section of our local newspaper which was the carrier of these over- blown fears. Call out The Clarion Fund and explain who they are and the intended results they want from their message. Write to your editor tonight!

Anonymous said...

Smells like Karl Rove!

Anonymous said...

The distribution of this video is very disconcerting. Hate speech is not protected free speech. Fear mongering is not "advertising". This isn't simply some person spouting off his/her personal bias. This is a well founded orchestrated effort to encourage Americans to fear Muslim people.

This organization needs to be prosecuted into oblivion. This is the same type of blatant propaganda that allowed the Jews to be confined in concentration camps. Pre-WWII Germans were better educated and better informed than modern Americans. So please don't pretend that "that couldn't happen here."

My brother-in-law is Muslim and a great guy. He's smart and well educated. He's from Turkey, and often makes jokes that don't translate. We talk about religion, politics, science, and families. Aside from certain things he abstains from (like pork and smoking) he's a just like any one of us. And to crush another stereotype, my brother-in-law always treats his wife with respect.
His wife, my wife's sister, is a certified genius, an ex-Catholic, and Muslim convert with a heart of gold. She makes the Christians I've met look, well, just human.

My brother-in-law is an engineer, and was laid off last year - the only person in the plant "laid off" since 9/11. Needless to say, he has had some trouble finding another position with a similar salary. Now, he and his family are spending his retirement account because some ignorant frightened person believed that all Muslims are dangerous Islamic terrorists.

What has happened to us? Where is America's moral courage? When did xenophobia become acceptable - even fashionable?

I've met a lot of Muslim people, and I have never met an Islamic terrorist. The murderers of the IRA apparently didn't make all Christians "Dangerous Christian Militants." But the name certainly fits the faceless people of The Clarion Fund.

Anonymous said...

I actually find the DVD amusing, much like the '80's movie "Red Dawn" with Paatrick Swayze. Are we to fear that "radical muslims" will come to overwhelm the US as an occupying force?

The reality is that extremism burns out, but is used as hot fuel for those who benefit from it as a foil to retain power by inculcating fear.

If this is the best that McCain and Mooselini (I like that) can do, then let them have it.

Oh, and by the way, if you think that having a New York Jewish lawyer who supported Hillary on the 501c filing is any proof of anything, you have a lot more trust in lawyers than I do.

Unknown said...

This production is obviously a bit of thinly veiled Palin/McCain advocacy propaganda, hiding behind the Clarion Fund 501c3 group!

The fascinating thing about it, is that it is one of the most ingenious bits of propaganda masquerading as informative documentary that I have ever seen. 99% of what they present is arguably true! This is powerful stuff that makes the Swiftboating of John Kerry look like pattycake by comparison.

They very cleverly utilize real examples of Islamic fanatics promoting their twisted vision of Islam, point out a number of real dangers associated with these sorry wretches, mix in one of the most idiotic quotes Michael Moore has ever made ("there is no threat from terrorists") and as the coup de grace, sneakily reiterate the long discredited notion that we went into Iraq to fight against Islamic Radicals who had perpetrated the attacks on 911.

Towards the end, they present a series of clips from earnest and sincere sounding people telling us that we must support those (Muslim moderates and others) who are fighting against Islamic extremism.

After this, they segue into some historical newsreel type clips of native populations rising up in righteous indignation against
oppressors. Included in these, are highly symbol laden images of the fall of the Berlin Wall, Pulling down of Lenin statues in the former Soviet Republics, and most subtly, the toppling of the famous statue of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad, ca. 2003.

In this way they leave the impression on those who are subject to suggestion and not trained to resist such attempts at brainwashing, that the US invasion of Iraq was in response to Islamic terrorism and 911.

The obvious inference they are pushing people to make is that since Barack Obama has opposed the Republican/Neocon objectives in Iraq from the start, voters should support John McCain because he has supported the Iraq War, which is implied to be an extension of the "Global War on Terror"!

The mailer package urged people to make tax deductible contributions to further their cause, take action, sign up for the outfits newsletter (get on their mailing lists) , pass around this propaganda, and "stay informed", i.e., get brainwashed and drink the Kool-aid!

I will be very surprised if they don't insert blatant subliminal messaging in a future production planned for release immediately before the election.

Joseph Goebbels had nothing on these vile rascals!

Reeder said...

The nationwide DVDs were intended to divide the nation, cause suspicion against our Muslim neighbors in our communities; the right wing chatrooms are back, after a considerable lull, with the "news" that Obama is a Muslim; It is precisely the thing they did with the first e-mail sent by the ultra right to people all over the country. Today's "drop" of the never to be watched by intelligent people DVD is just a slightly more sophisticated method in the original campaigns to discredit Obama because his father was Kenyan.
I sincerely belive that it will backfire against McCain/Palin. With the terrible loss of credibility in Republicans and the disrespect they show for the intelligence of the American voter,
this was a big mistake.

Reeder said...

Regina: It will stop when we, the grass roots, make it stop. That will take each of us speaking up even if our friends get mad at us.
Just look at this way, if they have been fooled again, we are giving them a gift when we tell them what the Rtwing is attempting to do to them and to their vote. It is an insult to us and everyone should stand together to spread that word.

Anonymous said...

Jewish lawyers, shady tax-exempt outfits, hidden donors, hidden everything.

Typical dual-loyalist bullshit.

Anonymous said...

As an American, I am appalled at this deceiving attempt to scare the American public into voting for McCain. As a Muslim, I am fearful of what widespread release of this biased view of Islam can do. I am also heart broken that this false image of Islam is being promulgated to paint Islam as a religion of terrorism. I converted to Islam 37 years ago because I was attracted to its teachings of universal brotherhood, love and peace. I pray that just as we do not pain Christians with the brush of intolerance and terrorism because of its history in the Crusades, Spanish Inquisition, Klu Klux Klan, etc., that people will be able to separate the actions of some extreme fanatics from the beautiful teachings of the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad.

Anonymous said...

Phill burb here. Yesterday recieved/googled then called Phila Inquire to complain about sending this right wing garbage. Glad others did as well. Emailed my family and friends tipping them off. Sickening.

Anonymous said...

Its all Bush's fault!
No, its McCain and Palin!
Oh, wait its the Jews!
No, right wing Republicans!
Rush Limbaugh did it!
How dare someone speak their mind about Radical Islam, its not really a threat!
Those "Christian's" are all WAR mongers!
Us Democrats we are smart people, we cannot be fooled by this propagana, we too smart for that!
Its not real, they really didn't blow up the twin towers, it was Bush who did it!
The Muslums are friendly people who just want you to believe like they do!
Islamic Extremeist never never cut off anyones head with a saw and propagated it on the www! They like the USA and just want to rule over it! Its OK Johnny we can live like that, its not that bad!
WOW, listen to me, I'm insane! The whole worlds isane! PLEASE HELP ME, IM BLOOGING AND I CAN'T STOP!

Anonymous said...

American Muslum, why don't you tell the nice people on this blog what your peace loving Qur'an states about the infidel?
Yes< I am an infidel.
Wait, I will.
1. Sura 5:17 - Infidels are those who declare GOD is the Christ, the son of Mary.
2. Sura 5:51 - Believers, take niether Jews or Christians for your friend.
3. Sura 48:29 - Muhammed is Allah's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the infidel.
4. Sura 4:101 - The infidels are your sworn enemies.
5. Sura 9:123 - Make WAR on infidels who dwell around you.
This one really strikes a nerve with Me!
6. Sura 2:191 - KILL the disbelievers wherever we find them.

This is a relion of peace? I think not.
The true GOD help us all.

Anonymous said...

This is disgusting. pipes, dershowitz and shoebat (former PLO terrorist) are on the panel of experts for this joke??!. Truly an All-Stars Islamophobia event.

In response to "what others did with DVD": I microwaved mine, will be a good attachement to my Denver Post cancellation notice.

Anonymous said...

Wow - how very dense you are. Are you blind to what the Islamic monsters are doing all around the world - and in our country? What will it take for you to realize this? Must your family be beheaded and have them beat you to death in the street to get you to stand up and take notice? Bush will be out of office soon - so you can stop hating Bush so much and just think about your country! Think about your children and grandchildren and the rights that you have no that you will no longer have. Geesh - do some reading and studying on this threat - unless of course you are just one of them.
You frighten me!

Anonymous said...

Not only is this DVD a scare tactic, but it is also a not-so-subtle attack on Obama, supporting those people who still think he is a Muslim (and that being one is bad), or want people to think that.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at SEPTEMBER 15, 2008 9:22:00 AM CDT completely and utterly misrepresents the statements about the Koran that he gives in the post above.

The Koran, for those who dont know, honors Jesus Christ as an apostle within their religion.

The Koran is written in a style that engages in writing wrong thinking that needs to be corrected. So it quotes malefic or wrongful statements this way "O you who believe xxxx." xxxx being the statement or thought that needs to be corrected.

it is obvious that the uneducated person who wrote the post above is engaging in hasbara, and it is obvious from the spelling of the word "Muslum" that he is Israeli himself.

The net provides translations of the Koran where you can read the original and not the sloppy attempt at peewee scholarship by the poster.

The Univ of Michigan has one translation here:
[A "sura" means chapter]
The Univ of Virginia is another site.

You can search for specific phrases here:

Anonymous said...

Who cares who promoted it? Do you mean that being scared of a real threat is a bad thing for Obama supporters? You all are a walking advertisement for the alleged fact that Obama/Biden could not take care of us. At least Christianity does not promote beheading and dismemberment and death for not believing. Last time I heard in the book of Galations it was for freedom that we were set free. Not all christians are republicans you know. You guys are displaying disgusting divisionary words (many of which are misspelled)and a lack of belief in your candidate Obama. If he can fix it, talk about it. You only want to be mad at the GOP or whoever for sending out this thing.Do something,stand up for your candidate. If McCain can do it, why can't Obama?

Anonymous said...

To all of you flightless birds with your heads in the sand...Me thinks thou dost protest too much! You sure are passionate about something that "does not exsist".

Anonymous said...

I just did a quick survey of the locations of the newspapers where this propaganda was included. Republican scare tactics don't seem to change much...Sounds like more Bush to me! Do we see the connections?
Florida: 12, Pennsylvania: 10 Ohio: 8, Iowa 6, Michigan and Colorado 5 each, New Hampshire and New Mexico 3 each, Wisconsin, Nevada and Virginia 2 each and California, New York and Illinois 1 and the remainder do not have specific states associated with them.

NuevaOrleans said...

I get hate male every year from supposedly the most open-minded, loving, accepting, inclusive, tolerant groups out there - LIBERALS. Have you ever been to a "peace" rally. I have. I used to be a photojournalist. These rallies contain some of the mose hateful speech you can imagine. There is NO peace, just hateful, very angry people. I've never covered a PRO-WAR rally, though.
I am a teacher now and each year the NEA sends vicious, propaganda mail to my home regarding Republicans, and that's ok. The thing that DOES tick me off, is that my dues go to pay for this crap.
I also agree with a few others here. What are you all so paranoid about? Bush? He's NOT RUNNING. You can stop running against him. He can't run. Ironically, it was just a few years ago that liberals LOVED McCain. He was a maverick, independent, and almost a liberal. So liberal, Kerry wanted him as a running mate. Hell, even Biden admitted on Meet the Press that it would be an honor to be his VP - NOT OBAMA'S.
NOW, he's the second coming of Bush - please make up your closed minds.

Anonymous said...

I applaud the comment about flightless birds with heads in sand. Having lived for a time overseas, I find US citizenry for the most part lacking world view.

When scared, the easy thing is to resort to labeling instead of spending time researching. And then spew venomous words, as if that will help anything.

To confuse radicals with moderates is a big error on any account, but can you tell them apart? Are you friends with any?

They say 1 to 2 generations must pass to turn around the teachings of hatred or evil. Heaven forbid that be the legacy left for your children and grandchildren to grapple with, because the numbers are staggering.

US media is only doing lip service reporting what is going on in the world. One excuse is not enough time, another is not enough interest; so if you are truly shocked by this video you can only blame who and where you get your information. Leaving PBS aside for a minute, news media operate as for-profit orgs, who owns them?

Mr G. Roots said...

I have inquired about this DVD because my Mother received it in her morning paper on Sunday in the Vindicator of Youngstown Ohio. I however do not read the paper but rely on alternative media on the web. I am in stark disbelief of the supposed polls showing a neck to neck race between the two parties being that for one, Obama has raised tens of millions more money and two, just 2 and a half weeks ago before Palin, Obama was ahead by a decent margin. MSM truly is 90% right wing. How sad that the media, who is supposed to be bi-partisan, supports such partisan efforts to deceive Americans.

NuevaOrleans said...

Groot. The picture beside your posting just supports my post and gives visualization to those who may have whondered what I was talking about.
FYI: According to a VERY liberal Jesuit priest who taught two of my classes at Loyola, "the number one goal of the media is to manipulate and persuade public opinion." After working as a member of the
4th estate for 13 years, I can honestly say Father Ray was right. However, nearly 100% of the news staff I have worked with are hatespeaking, demeaning, politically slanting liberals who hate anything Republican, or socially liberal independents (yours truly). I wish you had heard the non-partisan, unbiased comments made in the newsroom when Bush won a second time. Let me give you a taste. "I don't want any christian mother..f... knocking on my door." WOW! That's tolerance for ya.

Anonymous said...

Be prepared as both my room mate and myself have just gotten the DVD in a nice little package via the US Postal Service in addition to the one in the Orlando Sentinel our local newspaper. The way it is addressed it looks like they have pulled the names and address off of some government rolls (ei. drivers license, tax rolls, voter rolls, etc.)

This has got to be yet another scare tacktic and try to get everyone to vote for a Republican just as they have done in the past Presidential election.

Anonymous said...

I am appalled that was even delivered to my mailbox. How dare they!! I will not open and have sent back to "RETURN TO SENDER-DO NOT WANT"
If we all do this it will cost them a fortune in return postage charges. Maybe this will help bring an end to this unsolicited

NuevaOrleans said...

"This has got to be yet another scare tacktic and try to get everyone to vote for a Republican just as they have done in the past Presidential election."

Hmmm...Nobody needs to TRY and scare me. Do you really think that the world is not filled with radical Islamists who want to kill the most tolerant of people our country has to offer. What are YOU scared of? PLEASE DON'T SAY BUSH. Remember, he can't run, and there are a few things known as Federalism and Checks and Balances.
A president does not run the country. We are a country "of the people, by the people and for the people."

Anonymous said...

I received this in the mail twice and in my newspaper also. Yes the republicans have sunken to a new low. Hey we need another war and this will make you vote for us. Eight years wasn't enough we need four more years of war and hardship, just in time for 9/11 anniversary and the smart they are to fool dumb ass americans.

Anonymous said...

I received the disk in my paper and that is how I found this site.
I hate George Bush and his gang of oil buddies who give propaganda support to the islamic terrorists with their evil policies. George Bush has been filmed many times literally hugging, kissing and holding hands with his good friend and business partner, the MUSLIM Saudi dictator. Saddam Hussein was the arch enemy of the Saudi kingdom. Saudi Arabia is the most repressive nation in the MUSLIM world and the Saudi king has been rated as one of the world's ten worst dictators. The right wing propaganda machine went hysterical over that meaningless sound bite by Rev Wright, but how many Americans realize that at about the same time that Rev Wright was making his speech after 9/11, the Bush gang was finding time to help their friends in the Bin laden family escape the country and avoid interrogation by the FBI. No sound bite or video, no story, I guess. Shows where their priorities are doesn't it? The terrorists who attacked America on 9/11 were mostly from the Saudi kingdom and were mostly pissed by the cozy relationship the MUSLIM Saudi rulers have with the Bush/Cheney military, industrial christian "infidels". If Osama bin laden had been captured or killed at Tora Bora, it would have been much harder for Bush/Cheney to cut our forces and world support in Afganistan and run to Bush/Cheney's war for oil in Iraq. If a President Gore had done the exact same thing, those corrupt, perverted, and hypocritical Republicans would have him impeached. I laugh every time I hear Barack or Biden say "the American people aren't stupid." That disk is from the same cabal of right wing extremists that have totally screwed up America with their Rovian, Machiavellian, and Orwellian propaganda which is guaranteed to elicit Pavlovian responses to fear, greed, god, and bigotry. Oil and war profits keep rolling in, and America is less secure.

Anonymous said...

Receive the Obsession DVD in my CHARLOTTE OBSERVER newspaper this weekend and was immediately suspicious. It just smelled "Republican" although I read every word on the accompanying flyer -- even the tiniest print -- and could not determine who was really behind it. Searched the Clarion Fund website and still wasn't enlightened. Thank you giving the lowdown on this "orginization". I've broken the DVD in half and will mail it to the Charlotte Observer tomorrow along with my complaint. I am soooo very disappointed in my home newpaper. And I am sick to my stomach of the damage this propaganda will cause to race/religious relations in our country. Today I heard some fellow Charlotteans express fear of ALL Muslims because of what they saw on this DVD -- and they were totally closed-minded to any reassurance or reality check I tried to give them. How sad!

NuevaOrleans said...

I hope the last two people who contributed here don't have a coronary. Calm down and breath. You and the world will be ok. Maybe the efforts of MSNBC's Keith Olberman, and the reporters/editors of the NY Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, and Associated Press will actually get Obama elected so we can retreat back to the days of that fantastic president we all know and love - Jimmy Carter.

Anonymous said...

Obama time ladies and gents! When i got the DVD i was fucking scared, like what the hell is this... but as i was looking into it i thought "this is republican shit" basically telling you and me: if you vote for Obama look what is going to happen, but if you keep republican, we will keep on fighting.
I can not believe they came to such a low level... trying to prey on the common folk and govern through fear as it has been for the past 7 plus years.
Fuck BUSH, the real mastermind behind 9/11, USS Colt and the worsening of the united states and the world as a whole! Peace to all

Anonymous said...

i remember another young man making the same change promises 50 yrs ago and by god he was right i would have never lived in the US if it had not been for fidel castro so if you want to travel (flee) vote obama

Anonymous said...

I find it most telling that no one, not the writer of this article, nor the commenters, addresses the content of the DVD itself.

It's as if what is being said is totally irrelevant. It only matters who is saying, not what is being said.

Why is no one even trying to refute the contents of "Obsession"?

Maybe it's just easier to attack the messenger than the message.

Anonymous said...

A very nice tactic that is in the same philosophical realm as those used by Karl Rove...scare 'em enough that they'll surely vote for the war hero...the American public fell for this line in '04, I sincerely hope that they will not do the same in '08....It's very discouraging to see voters who will support a man whose wife wears a $300,000 dress to the party's convention as a "man of the people" said...

I also rec'vd this dvd in my St. Petersburg Times newspaper, I got a call from my older sister, who was frightened at just the looks of the thing, so I call the st. pete times and asked them when did them become the carrier of progaganda, the person I spoke with did not know what i was talking about and i told her to google "the clarion fund" and she said oh, i see what you are talking and she took my complaint and appologized and said she will pass it to the editor. I also got the one in the mail today, am sending them all back. thanks for the info on this dvd. I will pass this along.

Anonymous said...

I will not dispute what is on this DVD - what I am disputing is the fact that I got it with my newspaper. If I had wanted it - I would've bought it. This is just a right wing ploy to scare us into voting for McSame - do you remember who was in office when we were attacked on 9/11? Yeah, you do. I also will dispute that it was sent by a organization that has no real information of record. I will also dispute that only select areas received this DVD - another red flag.

No one here is condoning or justifying radical Islam - we are just questioning the situation that this DVD was received under.

Anonymous said...

09/16/08 12:13pm
The FEC does not have any record of this organization as a PAC or as a 527. They invited me to file a complaint on that basis because this DVD is campaign electioneering.

The IRS has no record of this organization as either a charitable (501(c)(3) or as a political organization.

Anonymous said...

This is not freedom of speech -the incendiary DVD is tantamount to yelling FIRE in a crowded auditorium. I cancelled my subscription to the Charlotte Obs. after receiving trashy fear mongering dvd in Sunday's paper.rr

Anonymous said...

What if the theater really is on fire?

I have seen no refutations of the central point of the DVD, that the west is under deliberate, co-ordinated attack by fundamentalist Muslims.

So far, the only discussion I have seen is on the order of "You have no right to yell fire in this theater! Yelling fire is a privilege only accorded to adherents of my political philosophy. You are only trying to yell fire to make me scared. You have no right to make me fear the fire that may or may not be burning in the theater."

So much for independent thought.

Anonymous said...

I am an employee at the Denver Newspaper Agency, publisher of The Denver Post and Rocky Mountain News. I was also pretty shocked to find the "Obsession" dvd in our paper this past Sunday. It particularly affected me – someone who was actually an ex-patriot living in Saudi Arabia for a number of years. I am disheartened whenever I see the media focusing on negative aspects of the Islamic culture which, as I experienced, is nothing like what is frequently portrayed on-screen and in-print. Of course, radical fundamentalists are unfortunately a part of the Islamic culture, but sadly they are also a part of the Christian culture.

Anonymous said...

To the person who seems to keep posting about the validity of the information in the DVD:

While I personally do not agree with the sheer bigotry, overly generalizing message of this DVD. This is not what most people here are saying. In case you missed it, we are saying: "WE ARE NOT SHEEP" so stop treating us as so.

The source and purpose of the DVD is very clear from the three lines just behind the DVD:

"The threat of Radical Islam is the most important issue facing us today [ha??!! dude, where is my house? baaaa]. But it's a topic that neither the presidential candidates, nor the media are discussing openly. [openly: in a scary, racist, sheeply enough fashion. baaaa] It's our responsibility to ensure we can all make an informed vote in November [baaaa baaaa]"

Need I say more? As our president once said: “fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me... you can't get fooled again."

Anonymous said...

This dvd showed up in my newspaper here in Stuart FL on Monday the 15th of September. That same day I was asked to attend a Hadassah fund-raiser where they will be showing this film afterwards. When I asked the person who invited me who this Clarion Fund was, she said she didn't know. I told her I can't watch propaganda and I was mortified that people are going to pay to see it.

Unknown said...

It's funny that I received the DVD today in the mail at the same time I recceived an RNC mailer asking me for financial support as a good republican. Except I've been an independent since '78.

I have a new shredder and shredding the Pledge of support for the RNC was the most satisfying feeling I've had in a while.

The DVD will go in the trash unwatched.

Anonymous said...

Huh? Are you really saying that it is irrelevant that (by their own estimates) 1% of the members of of a poltico-religious organization, (which puts their numbers at approx. 10 million) are actively engaged in destroying western civilization?

How do we know this to be a fact? They tell us so every chance they get. Hello!

You talk about sheep. Sheep don't want to know about the wolf that hunts them. You are professing no interest in knowing about this wolf, in fact you are actively resisting even the discussion about this wolf.

You accuse me of trying to discuss this in "scary, racist terms". Scary? yes. When a large group of people want to kill everyone in my country simply because we don't subscribe to their vision of the world, I find that real scary. Racist? What race IS Islam?

Another commenter mentioned an invitation to a Hadassah. The Jewish community, while being far from monolithic in their political views, is known to be largely members of the Democratic/Liberal parties, not the Republican/Conservative parties.

Not everything in this world is a neocon conspiracy. This movie is over two years old, and was not created to be just another part of this American election cycle.

I watched the movie, and could find nothing that was factually inaccurate. Those facts were presented in a way to create an emotional response. In this it has succeeded.

Whether we like the contents of this movie or not, the facts should speak for themselves. If you don't like those facts, and choose to deny them while chasing red herrings about what is the political affiliation of the people who sent it, then yes, that does make you a sheep.

Anonymous said...

I have a few Muslim friends at work and in my neighborhood and I've known many over the years. Some of the best people I've known. Honest, extremely courteous and highly educated.

GOP and the ignorant people of my country succeed to embarrass me once again.

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes. The old 1% = everyone. If you read my post, you will see that I specifically stated 1% wanted to kill us. I also have friends who are at least nominally Muslim. None of them are fundamentalist, Q'uran thumping, "must pray 5 times each day", "I kill you all" Muslims.
The existence of one does not deny the other, any more than talking about a green dinner plate means all dinner plates are green, and everything green is a dinner plate. Such leaps do not exist in logic, only emotion.

You sound like someone who, in the 60's would say "Some of my best friends are black." At that time it was known to be a "stupid racist" blunder.

Who is the bigot here?

Ahossu said...

For those of you that think this is some kind of political trick to vote for whichever party. You are wrong! These radical muslims are determined to take over the world. Wake up! While you're home worried about who's gonna win on American Idol they are planning their next attack and the thing is they are already here in our countries. Wake Up!

Ana Baptist said...

Do you realize you are defending a group (Muslims) that is even more right-wing than Sarah Palin?

elijebrg said...

I am a registered Independant. My husband is registered Republican. I received this DVD in the mail, he did not receive one. I am very leery of scare tactics and recognize this to be one. I will vote democrat.

Anonymous said...

Having lived in Miami for many years listening to many accounts of Castro's regime and brainwashing which included constant televising of negative news reels of the U.S. and how we would ruin the world it comcerns me that we do not take this more seriously. Try asking a few GIs who have been in the middle east recently. They will also give you a wake up call into this Islamic terrorism issue. I myself want someone who is willing to keep this issue at bay.

Anonymous said...

I saw this movie a few years ago, it is not new. And yes I am a Democrat . But when I hear my fellow Democrats and people on the left calling this DVD propaganda and American Quakers inviting the president of Iran to dinner as an Jewish American it makes me want to check my passport. These Islamic militants target Jews and call for their death. The president of Iran has again and again called for the elimination of six million more Jews in Israel. By calling this DVD propaganda you endanger the life of every Jew in America.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this. My husband and I live in Florida, and we received one in our mailbox today. The line "As Seen on Fox News" was a red flag, as was the scare-tactic title, but your information provided the final confirmation that this DVD is not kosher. Thanks for getting the truth out there.

Anonymous said...

This DVD is real and If you think they are only after the Jewish faith you are wrong. They're after whomever does not worship allah. I'm sure they'll be after non radicals sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

I received one of these DVDs in the mail today. I dont need to watch it because I remember. I remember as a small boy the Arab/Israeli conflicts of the late 60's and early 70's. I remember the 72 Olympics when athletes were killed by Muslim terrorists. I remember the 747 aircraft blown up on the runway. I remember the American Embassy in Iran falling and Americans taken hostage for 444 days. As a young man I remember the barracks bombings in Lebanon. I remember The wheelchair pushed off the cruise ship. I remember the sailor pushed out of the aircraft door onto the tarmac. I remember the Berlin disco bombing of American servicemen in Germany. I remember Lockerbie Scotland. As a new father I remember The first attacks on the World Trade Center. I remember the enviromental disaster of the oil well fires in Kuwait. I remember the American Rangers slaughterd in Somolia. I remember the USS Cole. And I will never forget the day that Islamic terrorists flew 2 aircraft full of people into 2 buildings full of people. Now you tell me this is "Right wing scare tatics" and "Nazi Propaganda"! Ask Nick Berg what it was. I guess those of you who do not remember history will doom us all to repeat it.

Anonymous said...

As a university professor who teaches courses on world history, focusing specifically the history of India, the British Empire and Islamic history, I concur with those posting here who believe that this documentary entitled OBSESSION is right-wing fear-mongering propaganda. I watched the video and found numerous problems and inaccuracies within it. Its presentatoin style says more than all its factual errors, as it repeatedly bombards the viewer with horrible images and dramatic music, offering very real and terrifying examples of actual Islamic Radicals calling for "death to America" and "jihad." The main problem, however, is that it does little to provide actual facts, footnotes or detailed analysis of any real issues. It is a distorted comic book of harrowing illustrations that teach us nothing and a poorly compiled one at that. Yes indee we know that there exist in the world today radical islamists who couch their call for violence in religious terms. However, the film does nothing to explore the actual political, historic or economic reasons why these extremists who are a MINORITY may revert to such tactics to mobilize the masses. These populations who call for a holy war to protect their faith do so in very specific regions of the world. Why not explore WHY such groups are finding comfort, power, and expression in this form of religious extremism? Why just show reels of damaging, hate-filled, disturbing footage without critical investigation of issues? The film supports the ugly and ignorant assumption that Islamic radicals (and probably Muslims in general) hate us because of our freedoms... hate Christians/Jews... and hate our country just BECAUSE we aren't them. This is false. Historic research, public opinion polls in the Middle East and various academic studies in the field shows that the shift towards extremism is a response to increasingly agressive foreign policy from the West (first the British Empire and now America). The fim does not explore the Palestinian issue, the rise of Islamism electorally throughout the middle east (even among moderate and educated liberal muslims), the plight of Kashmiri Muslims, the Muslim world's humilation at the posting of thousands of armed non-believers (US troops in Saudi Arabia) in the Land of the two holiest shrines (in the 1990's)nor countless other real issues that feed Islamic militancy in Iraq, Iran, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, etc. Islamic radicalism is real and present -- it should not be excused or made light of -- but it should not be featured in a documentary that doesn't examine the real issues --- the roots of these current global conflicts and the multiplicity of factors that shape the politics of the disenfranchised globally. For Americans without the historical knowledge and time to research these issues more closely, this DVD can seem terrifying and overwhelming. Why shouldn't it? Unfortunately, it is easy to misinform and twist reality for political gains... it is easier to create fear and hate than to take time to learn about the very complex reality we live in today. Shame on the Clarion Fund and the Right Wing supporters of this documentary who are invested in spreading the fear with sound bytes and poorly explained hate-speech video clips (accompanied by panic inducing nightmare music!). Kudos to the American citizens who see through this sham and want to educate themselves more about Islam, extremism (in Christianity and Islam and Hinduism!), and the politics that create the messy world we know inhabit. Write your local paper and tell them to be ashamed for spreading this hate. Only with clarity of mind and compassion can we hope to face this world and build a future a secure and peaceful future for our children (ALL children, everywhere). Let's focus on the real issues threatening our national security and start supporting better foreign policy decisions and lower our dependence on fossil fuels. In my opinion, a much better documentary (and more more horrifying) is THE END OF SUBURBIA. Watch it today!

Anonymous said...

For those of you who choose to ignore facts we will have a World War 3. Just as the world ignored Hitler and did not believe what he was doing to the Jews and others. We are now in the second guilded age the first was in the late 20's right before the fall of the stock market and the depression. How do I know because I am the the child of that and WWII era's. How sad it is that the world and particularly the U.S. citizen chooses to ignore and pretend this is all propaganda. My father saw the concentration camps in WWII I fear the world has totally forgotten true history. Terribly sad people just would rather follow than become educated that's all this DVD is about.

nunziata m said...

Most minimially informed people know this is bullcrap. Shame on you Karl Rove (Sara Palin in disguise), I just know you and your "K" st. buddies are behind this Clarion Fund. The real fear I have is a McCain/Palin victory. If it comes down to electoral votes you know the chances are good they will be a shoe in. The right is so embedded with corporate greed and self serving lobbyists, and rewriting the laws on a quiet Saturday afternoon (Phil Graham).A dictatorship doesn't just happen overnight, it happens one day at a time. If the right wins this one it's over for the left, I fear. I believe we all start out as democrats, get a job and enrich ourselves and then some turn republican so they don't have to pay taxes. They don't care how this country gets raped by the right as long as they have theirs. I was taught the golden rule and have always steered my life in that direction. Pay it forward. Do a good deed to someone who needs your help and someday there will be someone there for you. This country is a mess. No matter who gets elected taxes will go up, they have to, to pay off all the debts this mucked up administration is leaving behind. Why not, they got their's. And what about all the failing financial institutions. That $$$$$ has gone to the tippity top in obsene salaries, bonuses, severance and/or retirement packages. Exactly how much $$$$ is a person worth (especially for such poor performance). These institutions duped the "sheeple" that trusted them. It's a crime that deserves serious attention and follow through. Is it worth destroying an entire economy???? oh right.....they got theirs. Let's round'em up and ship them all to a country that believes in certain types of punishment that suit the crime of stealing. I'm mad as hell and rambling. REMEMBER IF ELECTED OBAMA PROMISES THOSE MAKING LESS THAT $250k WILL PAY LOWER TAXES, GET BETTER AND AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE. THAT'S JUST THE BEGINNING.PLEASE VOTE OBAMA. GO TO OBAMA.COM FOR HIS PLAN FOR ACTION. IT MAKES SENSE. IT SOUNDS DOABLE. MCCAIN WILL ONLY KEEP BRINGING US DOWN. OH GOD PLEASE DELIVER US FROM THESE INFIDELS, THE ULTRA RIGHT... AMEN

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is the organization on NY Public records:
NYS Department of State
Division of Corporations
Entity Information
Selected Entity Name: CLARION FUND, INC.
Selected Entity Status Information
Current Entity Name: CLARION FUND, INC.
Initial DOS Filing Date: DECEMBER 28, 2006
County: NEW YORK
Jurisdiction: DELAWARE
Current Entity Status: ACTIVE

Selected Entity Address Information
DOS Process (Address to which DOS will mail process if accepted on behalf of the entity)
Registered Agent

Anonymous said...

I live in Florida and I am registered as an Independent voter. Today I found the "Obsession" DVD in my mail. I do acknowledge that the threat of terrorism is real. I ,too, do remember all the horrible things that have been carried out by extremists(not just Muslims) throughout history. I do believe that it is our duty to deal with the CAUSES of extremism and terrorism, not just the symptoms. BUT, it is so convenient that this DVD is showing up at people homes and newspapers two months before an election, and it is targeting specific states and specific groups of people. To me this DVD reeks of propoganda and scare tactics. This is so reminicent of the Swift Boat adds that came out during the last election. By the way what happened to those concerned individuals. When a political party has to use these methods again and again, it should tell all of us something about how they govern.
If this group was genuinely concerned about educating the public, why wait until now? Why send it to specific states and specific voter groups? Doesn't everyone in the US need the education they are so diligent to provide us with? Why did this not come out sooner?
It is scary how far these people will go.

Anonymous said...

This DVD showed up in my mail box yesterday with all the other junk mail and I instantly knew it's purpose. I haven't watched it and don't plan to.

Many years ago I worked at Florida State University and had the pleasure of getting to know three muslim students - a brother and sister from Iran and a young man from Iraq. All were working to earn their Ph.D's. I made a point of learning about their religious beliefs and learned that Islamic terrorists are to Islam what the Rev. Jim Jones and David Koresh were to Christianity.

Contrary to what the Clarion Fund would have us believe, ignorance is NOT bliss. We have the entire world at our fingertips and have no need to have our beliefs dictated by any 'self-interest' groups. The key word here is, 'self-interest'.

Anonymous said...

Odds that a terrorist will kill you. 1 in 50 million. Odds that you will die of old age or a disease or in an accident. 100%. The one thing that can save you. Stem cell research. republicans are against it. Democrats are for it. Therefore if you vote Republican you are actually voting for your own death. How stupid do you have to be to pull that one off?! Pretty damn stupid. Me I'm voting democrat. I want to live a long time!

Anonymous said...

After this DVD flap does dies down, let's remember another facet of "Islamism" etc. The more-gradual demographic takeover by Muslims, as seen in Europe now. At least by books such as Bruce Bawer "While Europe Slept" and notably Mark Steyn "America Alone." Admittedly stained with some right-wing bias, but worth considering to say the least...

Anonymous said...

Both parties in this country are corrupt. The Republicans cater to the so called conservative and the Democrats cater to the so called liberals. In actuality, both parties are working for the same people. If Americans can't figure out that both parties have been bought and paid for by the same multinational corporations and their billionaire banker owners this country is doomed. It isn't going to make a hill of beans difference if McCain gets in the White House or if Obama gets in. Both are members of the CFR, an organization that openly promotes world government and the elimination of the sovereignty of this country.
We're setting up a total police, surveillance state so we can fight the evil-doing "terrorists". Well let me assure you that once the surveillance grid is in place, they're going to swing the whole thing around on us and all those that don't agree with the government's actions will be labeled terrorists and rounded up to be sent to "re-education" camps.Sounds crazy, doesn't it. Better go back and read some history. Every empire turns against it's own people. After all, who's going to end up paying the bill for these endless wars our government fights to protect us? It's much easier to rape and plunder your own country than it is to do it to another country. All you have to do is dumb down the masses and control the flow of information that they receive. I'd say no government is better at that than the United States.
Get out of the Left-Right paradigm and wake up to reality. It's not Right Wing propaganda, or Left Wing propaganda. It's pro Big Government propaganda. Doesn't matter which side wins, the people end up losing in the end.
Watch the DVD and recognize it for what it is. Then go google Fabled Enemies or Terror Storm and get the big picture of how terrorist organizations operate and how governments fund them and use them to control their populations. Get past the theater put forth by the politicians and the main stream media and try to understand whats really going on behind the scenes.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...What if the theater really is on fire? I have seen no refutations of the central point of the DVD..."

You are right, nobody is wasting their time letting you try to frame the topic.

In case you are unaware, this country is literally falling apart at the seams as a result of the politics of fear that have pervaded the landscape. I am sorry to have to inform you, but you are so out of step in your paranoid little world that this is why you can't understand why, 8 years later, this drivel is no longer selling.

Perhaps it is time to consider the fact that the eyes are now turning to you kind and your campaign of hatred. You should not fear Islam, but rather the consequences of your own actions. This blog alone should give you an idea of how well your Hail Mary pass is being received in these swing states. Don't think for a second that you will not one day be held accountable for your perverse crimes against our great nation.

Anonymous said...

Here is the Guidstar link for the Clarion Fund.

Anonymous said...

That's the question and I believe we do have a real threat and this film helps answer the who and why question.

Anonymous said...

Ooops! Sorry. The real question is: is it true? And I believe it is. The film just puts things in focus, I meant!

Anonymous said...

I received this dvd in the mail today in Jacksonville, FL. It was addressed to me by name - I wanted to drop it in the mail and return to sender after writing "TAKE ME OFF YOUR PROPAGANDA MAILING LIST" in red sharpie. I get enough junk mail trying to sell me things I do not want to buy.

Unknown said...

This really a good article, much information i gathered from this . certainly politicians should get educated from this.
California DUI

Anonymous said...

I recieved the "Obsession" DVD via the US postal service today and am compelled to mention that the only organization that has my name listed exactly as on the label is the Social Security Administration. How curious.

Anonymous said...

"the only organization that has my name listed exactly as on the label is the Social Security Administration."

That further proves that the recipients' list was generated based on voter's registration info. Are you independent by any chance?

MacD said...

I received this DVD today, as did my spouse. We are sending ours back, "Return to Sender: Unsolicited Bullshit! Not This Time! OBAMA/BIDEN 08!" I suggest everyone else with at least half a brain cell do the same.

MacD said...

Oh and if you mail this back to them "Return to Sender" as we did (they have to pay the postage,"" be sure to BREAK the DVD first so they can't mail it to someone else!

Anonymous said...

It is obvious this is a political ploy. It is obvious the people who made this film are very concerned with who will address what they feel is a very serious problem. It is obvious these film makers(some were in NY for 911) want the voters who may be on the fence to think about this. Is your main concern healthcare? Is your main concern the economy? Is your main concern education? These are all very important isssues for our future. None of these issues matter if our country allows Islamic terrorists or any other terrorists to threatened our security. Shame on you who spoke of how small your chances are to be killed by a terorists. Shame on you who speak as if the average American does not have the intelligence to know these are extremists. Wake up. The rest of the world does not have the same desires we do for democracy and peace. Read a foreign newspaper.

Anonymous said...

I just popped my cd in and my computer says it is corrupted, lol. OH WELL.......

Anonymous said...

What the cd portrayed to me was truth... This is what is happening in the world and we as Americans..need to WAKE UP. 911 was horrible..whats looming on the horizon will be even more horrific! Open your bible, read the newspaper headlines and run with it... Look up and lift up your heads for your redemtion draweth nigh.. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Only Jesus can save us.

Anonymous said...

I just watched this last night not sure what it was about. By the middle of the film I noticed how one sided the film is in its portrait of the problem. The lynch pin moment was when one of the commentators asked if the 9-11 events had happened on the west coast, would Hollywood big wigs still be so peace oriented? No one in the democratic party is saying republicans are unpatriotic. Only the conservative republican base divides the country into patriots and non-patriots. That Hollywood comment was a straight line to the true intent of this film.

Fear mongering and propaganda tactics by the republican party only show how narrow minded we have become. As Teddy Roosevelt once said, "talk softly, and carry a big stick" We need to talk to the Arab world. What in the heck are we so afraid of? We have the most powerful military in the world. With that as our stick, we should begin talks immediately with the overwhelmingly large group of (by the films standards, which I think are distorted) 85-90 % of the Arab moderates. As a professional mediator, I can assure this country that talking is not the problem. Refusal to discuss our differences and to talk with the parties involved is the problem.

I had to look up who the Clarion Fund included. Once I did, this entire inserted film became clearer to me. I do not fear the radical Muslims near as much as I fear the homegrown, fear peddling, war mongering radical (Christian) right. When you look at the tactics, and the venom, they look the same. Except that the Radical Christian right tries to hide behind the US flag and Constitution. I have many Muslim friends in the Arab World. And I am a Native New Yorker. Please, as a request from someone closer to 9-11 than most, stop using this tragedy to lie, cheat, and steal your way to the governance.

sam said...

I read the comments and except ron johnson it seems everybody is dancing on a string held by ... Israel.
The money track just starts with the Clarion Fund and founder Israeli-Canadian Raphael Shore but it most certainly leads straight to Tel Aviv. Would the IRS and possibly FBI look into this shadowy 501(c)? Of course not.How many ,besides most posters here, were thinking "those damn Reps/Right wing Christians or McCain did it again"? Scared or deeply divided Americans will be too busy hating each other or Muslims to ask the real questions and see that their institutions have been seriously infiltrated. Using newspapers to insert the dvds was just one part of the story. Look up how many push-poll calls specifically to jewish americans in swing states in the past few months...
Congratulations! it looks like the US is now officially a puppet regime for Israel which ironically uses the same type of tactics the CIA is known to use in some poor third world countries. It is not as easy and cheap here ($$$28 millions dvd!) as there is still some kind of electoral process but it looks like they're working on it and money hungry newspapers are just so happy to collaborate. Wakee Wakee

Anonymous said...

Called the phone number listed at the bottom of the DVD cover and was surprised that someone actually answered. I proceeded to comment sternly on what was purpose that I received this Obsession DVD in my mail. That as an American I did not appreciate the propaganda campaign and scare tactics. She stated that Clarion Fund is a non-profit organization and their views may differ from my own. She continued stating that I will not receive any more information regarding Clarion Fund and then politely hung up. Seems oddly peculiar that I reside in a swing state of Florida and I received the DVD about radical Islam’s war against the West.

sam said...

I just realized GREGG already nailed it down for us: ISRAEL IS IN CHARGE no matter who wins the election. This propaganda dvd story just show how cocky they have become about it.

Anonymous said...

I received a copy of Obsession in the mail, (I live in Florida) and immediately looked the Clarion Fund up so that I could determine the agenda at play. I am not the least surprised at the employment of scare tactics by the right wing in this most crucial election. I only hope and pray that people will take the time to research what they are being fed before they partake. Our country must not be mislead by these shadowy groups. Over the last eight years I have become ashamed to admit that I am an American. We have to bring integrity and honor back to the American political process. Don't buy into the fear tactics!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wonder if the Clarion Fund will put out a DVD exposing the insidious and nefarious nature of messianic evangelism AKA Christian Fundementalism and the harm that the "fundies" have done and are doing to the freedoms we once enjoyed in the US. Bush and Cheney are nothing but terrorists; just look at what they pulled on a sovereign nation and its leader. Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 but the freak in the White House decided that Iraq was the weakest Middle East nation and would knuckle under to American "might." The sumbitch was wrong, wasn't he! The war that the moron started was unconstitutional and has cost the lives of over 4000 of some of our most loyal citizens - the military personnel - of the US. What a shame.

Anonymous said...

Don't bother sending it back. It is bulk mail and the Post Office does not return bulk mail. They will throw it in the garbage. I suggest dropping it off at your nearest McCain/Palin campaign Office.

Anonymous said...

Hello guys!!! Will somebody please look at the big picture and use their brains instead of having their nose stuck to the big wall of American politics? The facts of the attack on the Western culture were there for anybody to see, but the reality is so scary that we prefer to ignore them. And please remember, the world is certainly more than the US, even though we are pretty well positioned in the middle of this big mess. Instead of keep repeating the same right/left song, take a few steps back and look at what we are really facing. Take a look at foreign papers and get informed; you will realize that the West has been under attack for a long time, and even though the US is the most prominent "monster", the whole Western cultuer is the enemy. Radical Muslims in Spain are openly saying they have come to take back what is theirs. Where does the American presidential campaign fit in here? Educate yourselves and take a good look at what we are facing. In the US McCain/Pailin may not be the ideal candidates, but it is unbelievable that at a time when the Republicans handed the Democrats the election served in a silver platter, they managed to come up with two people so polarizing that they almost certainly handed back the election to the Reps. And for those who do not know it,Obama is the candidate of all the enemies of your country: Chavez, Morales, and all of the Middle East. READ FOREIGN PAPERS and you will not need some far-right entity to think for you.

Anonymous said...

Hello guys!!! Will somebody please look at the big picture and use their brains instead of having their nose stuck to the big wall of American politics? The facts of the attack on the Western culture were there for anybody to see, but the reality is so scary that we prefer to ignore them. And please remember, the world is certainly more than the US, even though we are pretty well positioned in the middle of this big mess. Instead of keep repeating the same right/left song, take a few steps back and look at what we are really facing. Take a look at foreign papers and get informed; you will realize that the West has been under attack for a long time, and even though the US is the most prominent "monster", the whole Western cultuer is the enemy. Radical Muslims in Spain are openly saying they have come to take back what is theirs. Where does the American presidential campaign fit in here? Educate yourselves and take a good look at what we are facing. In the US McCain/Pailin may not be the ideal candidates, but it is unbelievable that at a time when the Republicans handed the Democrats the election served in a silver platter, they managed to come up with two people so polarizing that they almost certainly handed back the election to the Reps. And for those who do not know it,Obama is the candidate of all the enemies of your country: Chavez, Morales, and all of the Middle East. READ FOREIGN PAPERS and you will not need some far-right entity to think for you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this very informative blog and subsequent comments. I received my CD not in the local ATL paper, but right in my mailbox. Which is odd because I am a registered FL voter currently residing in GA. Regardless, the cover smacked of scare tactics and I would not even consider placing it in my DVD player before investigating where this 'present' came from. I am glad I found this blog, it is going straight in the trash!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I live in Chicago, IL and got a copy of this DVD via my subscription to a weekly newspaper called the Chronicle of Higher Education, which is a publication for academia. So this propaganda has gone national! I tried to watch just a few minutes of it but it was so very disgusting I could not believe it. Hated to pollute the environment but I sliced up the DVD with scissors and pitched it into the trash. -Mr. K in Chicago

Anonymous said...

Hi, we live in Independence, Missouri (another Swing State!), and we found the disgusting Obsession DVD inside our copy of the Independence Examiner newspaper today. I knew right away that it must have been put out by right wing radicals trying to scare us into voting for McCain/Palin. We aren't going to watch the DVD, and our votes will be for Obama/Biden! The right wing has called "wolf" one too many times! Thanks for your comments.

Anonymous said...

Received the movie in the newspaper (Altoona Mirror, PA). Like all inserts (which are unsolicted but provide revenue for printed media) -- I throw away in the in the garbage. I decided to research the Clarion Fund instead and found this website. Because of the intrigue produced through the comments -- I did not throw the DVD away, but watched it. Thank You.

How can we, after seven years, so quickly forget what extremist did to our country!! 9/11 was REAL!! I am an educated man and did not view this DVD as any type of propoganda, rather informative (like any other newspaper insert).

This DVD will not sway my vote one way or the other. If I allowed that -- then I would be voting with my emotions.

Anonymous said...

This Obsession DVD came directly to my mailbox, and after researching what it was, I destroyed it and threw it in the garbage like I would any other piece of JUNK MAIL. Sorry, Clarion Fund, your scare propaganda never made it into my swing-state, registered Democrat DVD player. I guess you wasted your money. Tactics like this make me even more commited to voting for Obama and Biden in November.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous quotes:

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if i have said it, unless it agrees WITH YOUR OWN REASON AND WITH YOUR OWN COMMON SENSE.
My copy came yesterday in the mail, i was immediately suspicious and knowing the media says EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE OF THE TRUTH, am tossing my copy in the trash with the seal intact. Does anyone have suggestions of another country to move to? We were considering Costa Rica, as it has no resources the US wants.

Anonymous said...

My copy came in the U S mail, postage free of course.
I immediately carried it to the driveway and wacked it with a hammer. Out of circulation for good.

Gark said...

These comments are all great--the marketplace of ideas at it's best. With regard to actions that can be taken:

If you got a copy through your daily paper, return it to the editor of the paper with a note that says "Thanks, but no thanks".

If you are environmentally- conscious, send them to:

The Compact Disc Recycling Center of America
68H Stiles Road
Salem, NH 03079

Anonymous said...

Let's take their 501(c) status away from these scumbags.

There's no way this fund should be tax exempt as they have clear political motivations. Their political motivations are a violation of the regulations governing 501 (c) organizations and therefore they should not be tax exempt. Let's see how much money they have to send out propaganda once they start paying taxes like they should.

I think we can file complaints with the from from this IRS website. If anyone else knows better please correct me.,,id=106778,00.html

Anonymous said...

Yeah this CD is a real fantasy, unless you were staying at the Marriott in Islamabad today. Then there might be a feeling of reality to it.

Anonymous said...

It made me think of the movie zeitgeist. Conspiracy...conspiracy...conspiracy...

Anonymous said...

I thought the film was pretty accurate. Clarion's website was full of crap though, saying that Obama would endanger the country.

Anonymous said...

So everyone is so focused on this "documentary" and guess what if terrorists want to get us, they are proving that they can figure out a way to reach out and touch us.

Watch "In Debt We Trust" and "Maxed Out" and see how our own companies run by our own citizens are out to suck us dry. At least this is a problem that each of you can take personal responsibility for and take personal action to make change.

Anonymous said...

Due to the timeliness of this DVD’s mass distribution I can not deny that there are some political tactics being put to use here. Additionally, I too was a little uncomfortable with how vague the Clarion Fund web site was at identifying exactly who they are. This is what drove me to seek out more information and brought me here posting with the rest of you.
Maybe the Clarion Fund should be exposed for having a political agenda. Maybe they should loose their 501(C) status. Nonetheless, anyone who chooses to deny the fact that terror attacks are being carried out around the world by radical Islamic fundamentalist needs to pull their head out of the sand and witness what is happening to the world around them. Did any of you people actually watch the DVD or did you start blogging after reading an article about it? Do you believe that the footage showing countless radicals preaching “death to America” was fictional? Do you believe that a child being praised for reciting poetry about suicide bombings is evidence of a peaceful society?
While it may be true that some politicians may use this material to motivate people into what they feel is the appropriate action, it does not change the fact that there is a large number of radicals in the world who are dedicating their lives trying to end yours. If you don’t have any ounce of fear in you it is because you’re extremely naive and living in your own liberal fantasy land. Wake up and face reality.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It is sad that most of these comments come from from people who had the same mindset before 9/11. Apparently, they are naive or lack intuitiveness.

Anonymous said...

Wake up guys!!! The Democrats are making the same mistakes the Republicans did in 2000 to erase any sign of the Clinton era. Now, in their fury to erase the Bush presidency, they are completely blind as to what not just the US, but the Western civilization is facing. More than the US presidency is at stake. Wake up! When Googling the Clarion Fund I was hoping to find some sign of liberal or Democrat ideas. Liberal thoughts, common sense and self-preservation are not necessarily incompatible. Take your eyes out of your navel and look around you. I hope you guys wake up before it's too late.

Lets4go said...

At first glance, I thought this DVD was part of a Republican scare tactic that began with Bush , Rove, and Cheney and continued with the Republicans playing a 911 video at their national convention this Sept. and Palin inserting a warning about radical Islam into her rare interview with Charlie Gibson. Now I’ve learned from our local NPR station here in the St. Pete, FL area, that the non-profit organization (Clarion Fund) “enlightening” American voters less than 60 days prior to our national election, originated in Israeli. I suppose this makes sense as they are the ones who feel most threatened by radical Muslims and most desperate to maintain U.S. backing. It bothers me that the interests of another country are being thrust so insidiously into the homes of American voters.

In response to the propaganda that this DVD imparts...ANY radical, fundamentalist movement is dangerous to our country and our freedoms. That includes those extremists who ascribe to Islam, Judaism, or Christianity, amongst others. One of the commentators of this film, Itamar Marcus, espouses, “That’s the purpose of the Islamic’s propaganda. It’s to make the people angry, hateful against the be willing to fight them.”

It would appear that this is precisely the tact that the producers of this film are currently using. Once again, they are attempting to make Americans angry and fearful of Muslims so that we will be anxious to fight them and be more apt to elect a warrior rather than a diplomat to our highest office.

Gark said...

In response to ALL CAPS ANONYMOUS,


the link you sent is NOT to the Clarion Fund in NYC, but to the Clarion Foundation in Eugene, Oregon.

I'd love for the Clarion Fund to post this information because it is the responsible thing to do.

What you did,... not so much!

Anonymous said...

This was apparently sent to all teachers in the Sarasota, Florida area ... regardless of their party affiliation. I, personally, did not appreciate it ... an obvious scare tactic. Didn't even need to blog to know that McCain was behind it.

Anonymous said...

Our most urgent threat is Bush and McCain. Return all DVDs to "Sender."

Anonymous said...

How these Islamic nations are brainwashing children is absolutely horrific.

mistykat said...

I received this video and yes I did watch it. I was interested. Am I swayed to believe not yet. I need to do some more investgation into it before I form a different opinion. I somewhat believe that it is propaganda but if my investigation proves otherwise than I will change my opinion. I need to see to believe.

speakingout said...

Republican spin to brainwash the sheeples. The military industrial complex must create "terrorists" and fear and wars so they can stay in business. Find a copy of the March issue of the Vanity Fair magazine and you'll see that the military leaders and the MIC corporations have a revolving door. How convenient, and we foot the bill. Wake up sheeples, if we spent as much money on efforts for Peace that we do for war, there would be no hunger or poor or hatred. "Terrorists" rise up from oppression. Trillions of dollars spent to fight a group of about 300 Al Queda fighters is an enormous waste of our tax dollars and the stupid people (Republicans) that support this should be the ones to pay for it! I think the country has woken up to the fear mongering and we're not going to take it any more. We're going to take back our country from the corrupt people that are in power and if McSame wins there will should a revolution! Check this out for a real eyeopener to the

speakingout said...

In my previous post, I meant to refer to the March 2007 issue of Vanity Fair re: the MIC. RE: Israel, this is a zionist agenda that has used the jewish religion to hide behind. There are christian Zionists too. I got some hate propaganda from a group out of Texas- Jews for Jeruselum, put out by some "Christian" Zionist Group. FYI-True Jews are not Zionists. - go to or maybe it's .com, I forget. Anyway, my question is WHY do we have to pay $8 billion of OUR tax dollars to Israel every year? What do they do for us? They stole the land of the Palestinian people by bombing their businesses and poisoning their water back in 1948 & forcing them into the refugee camps, prevent them from going to work or getting food, water and medical supplies, and wonder why they hate them. Duh! If a group of people came into your neighborhood and did that to ANY American, we would call them terrorists! Maybe if Israel would give the people back the land they stole, there wouldn't be so much hatred for the US because we are forced to support them. I'm not against jews, just the zionist-one world government- agenda. Just mentioning some truth here.

Anonymous said...

I live in Jacksonville, Florida and received my copy of the DVD Obsession with my copy of the newspaper,Times Union. As I watched it I immediately knew who produced it and why. It was the same group of warmongers who got us into the war in Iraq and now want to bomb Iran. They also want a military confrontation between the U.S. and Russia. These people are known as Neocons, Zionist Jews who have infiltrated our government under George Bush and control our foreign policy. They are dedicated to the interests of Israel, not America. American faces many dangers in this very dangerous world, but the number one danger America faces is the Neocons.

Anonymous said...

I live in PA and just got a free copy of this in the mail. Jesus, another neo-con scare tactic.

Our biggest enemy at this point is our own freaking government, quite frankly.

McCain loves war, and Palin is itching for a holy war. What a combination.

Thanks, but no thanks.

pos said...

From reading the comments I would say that the maker and distributor of this film got exactly the results they sought. Seems most of the comments are of liberals pointing the finger at the right. This is too easy!. This is exactly how the left has always operated. You leftist with your hatred and bitterness will bite at anything irregardless of reason or facts.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't enough to stick these darn things in the papers. NH voters received a copy of the DVD in their mailboxes!! We may be small, but we're a swing state, so I guess they figured they could afford to plaster the whole state with the DVDs. Sadly, this is just the right kind of propaganda for pushing NH voters into the McCain camp. I'm sending my copy back, Return to Sender, and hope they'll get the message. Obama '08!

Unknown said...

I live in Eastern Ohio and I just got a copy in my mailbox. It went from there straight to my trashcan.

Anonymous said...

I received mine in the mail today, also--in New Hampshire. Isn't there something wrong--potentially illegal--about using the USPS to dissmeninate "political" material under the guise of 503(c)3? I'm keeping mine and making a complaint to the USPS.

Anonymous said...

What scares me the most is how many uninformed people are going to vote for McCain.

As an "informed" American, this puts a pit in my stomach, making me question every aspect of our government.

Proud Americans are simply "uninformed Americans". Is my vote going to truly count???

Anonymous said...

I find it comical that the majority of lefty posters on this site seem to be more afraid of and concerned about the "republican fear mongers" than they should be about radical islamic terrorists. Wake up and smell the real threat

Anonymous said...

So, so,many people out there that refuse to see the dangers that exist in the real world.One can pretnd a threat to ones existance is not there.It is that it will never happen to me attitude that comes round to bite you in the butt eventualy. Funny thing is has happened to us Americans also the Enlish the French Germans and so many more.Hope you have noticed that radical Islam is getting stronger all the time with their hate and tactics of murder in the name of their religeion. So what if the film is somewhat pro republican? If you have not noticed what terrorists do and how it is incresing worldwide, then you are living in some fantasy world,somewhat like a reality TV show that in no way is realy reality.Wake up and quit acting so stupid just because you don't like George Bush.

Anonymous said...

For those who do not think that radical Islam is not a threat to the rest of the world I say this. Just wait till these guys get a nuclear device and you know someday they will.Then you will see the bulldozers shoving bodies into mass graves. And those who remain , both republicans and democrats alike will say " How could we have let this happen"? This jihad thing is everyones problem but it seems the Dems are totaly blind to it. They follow Obama and his extreme left attitude like he was the Pied piper.Think people,think.

Anonymous said...

So your still holding on to that belief that the Zionists rule all. Well, I am Jewish, not a zionist, and I pretty much rule nothing, as is the case with every Jewish person I know.
Speakingout- you need to get your facts straight about what happened back in 1947 with the Arabs and the borders.
Anyone can print anything they wish on whatever they wish. So if the scaredy cats of the country aren't taken in by this crap from the DVD, then bigots like you fan the flames of anti-semitism to blame this propaganda on the Jews. There are Jewish extremists (the Jews for Jesus types) who do not represent the majority of Jews in the US. The zealouts on the Christian right want the Jews to covert to their wonderful religion in order to be "saved". I say, "Thanks, but no thanks". Bottom line is that I put the DVD in the shredder and will send it back to The Clarion Fund. I am in Ohio, too. How interesting that this would show up with 44 days left until the election.

Anonymous said...

We recieved a copy of this DVD today in our mail not in a newspaper. Funny thing, yesterday my husband found a tract taped to our door window claiming the rapture will occur May 21, 2011 and the world will cease to exist October 21 2011 . These dates were higlighted. the tract comes from a place called Family radio,. Too bad no one here was around to see who taped this to our door. My husband thought it was jehova witness and this morning the DVD showed up.

Anonymous said...

Would these directors sit for an interview with Diane Rehm, Phil Donohoe or Amy Goodman rather than Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, or Rush?

In Orwell's 1984, Goldstein was the enemy and his face was flashed on the screen while the party members chanted obscenities at him. Much like the people praising this DVD are seething while watching it then telling all of us to stay afraid.

The truth is, ALL fundamentalists suck.

Anonymous said...

And the Spanish inquisition was kind to others? Come on, there has been religious fighting since the beginning - and yes, it is both scary and real. I'm so glad that most posters are onto the fact of the GOP using this issue to scare us into voting for four more years of "the great ripoff" and screwing of the American people by the "Republican agenda".

Anonymous said...

I just got mine in the mail in the swing state of Florida where I'm registered as an independent. Get ready people - this is just a taste of underhanded tactics on top of the lies we've already heard. If you think you "smelled a rat" in the last two Presidential elections - you ain't seen nothin' yet. This GOP bunch has and are continuing to prove that they will stop at absolutely nothing to get and maintain control of the White House. If a certain group of fanatics were to scare me the most - it would be them. Look at all the damage they've done in just less than 8 years. We are seriously teetering in trouble in sooooo many ways. If they aren't stopped in this election, our goose is cooked.

Lets4go said...

Good advice Gark! Another thing folks can do...
use your frustration with underhanded tactics to help get your candidate elected. Volunteering just a couple of hours can make a big difference. There are only 12 days left (in FL) to get voters registered in time to vote on Nov. 4.

I visited, found local groups in my area, and in just two hours last Saturday, registered 7 new voters for Obama (my candidate for change). It was easy and rewarding. Get out there folks. Time is running out to make a change!

Anonymous said...

Most of the comments in this blog are decidedly political and come from a very liberal perspective. I'm shocked that those same liberals would castigate their own newspapers for providing the DVD to their subscribers. Last time I checked, newspapers are part of the "free speech" rights we American Citizens cherish. Further, I suspect the newspapers didn't include the DVD with each paper as a "free service" for Clarion, no more than they would for a political ad from either party or other so-called "independent" organizations trying to push a particular point of view. Newspapers are businesses. As long as those who wish to use the news media to push their messages pay the required fees, the media will be glad to take their money. So, for those of you who want to "punish" your local newspapers by canceling your subscriptions, aren't you REALLY saying "please protect MY right to free speech, but forget about that other guy who's point of view doesn't align with mine"?

Anonymous said...

While we're on the topic of "educating" Americans about what the media isn't talking about...where's my dvd regarding Radical Christians and Dispentionislism in American foreign policy.

Anonymous said...

This from the late, great David Foster Wallace:"learning how to think really means learning how to exercise some control over how and what you think. It means being conscious and aware enough to choose what you pay attention to and to choose how you construct meaning from experience. Because if you cannot exercise this kind of choice in adult life, you will be totally hosed."
Kudoos to us who checked out the source, but it makes me fear how many many more will be totally psyched to get a free flick in the mail, pop it in, and succumb to the propaganda.

Anonymous said...

I just viewed this DVD last night (it had been included in my local Sunday newspaper, a VERY Republican-biased publication in a key "battle ground" state, Ohio. I IMMEDIATELY smelled a rat several minutes into viewing it, realizing that this was and IS, indeed, a Republican-slanted DVD which was suspiciously (and to me, not so cleverly!)is being sent out to these battleground states, perfectly timed by the Republicans to attempt to steal ANOTHER election, this time using fear and threats instead of merely disposing of valid "hanging chads". I will NOT, contrary to the instructions included with this propaganda, be passing it along to ANYONE; I cut it up and disposed of it as soon as I realized exactly what this is REALLY all about: getting yet another hypocritical, self-righteous Republican SNOB elected via deceptive propaganda.

Anonymous said...

I just recieved a copy in the mail today. To my suprise it was only sent to me(nonparty affliated voter), not my husband a registered democrat. They used my full legal name, unusual of my normal mail. I was discusted to open it and see that it said,"It's our responsibility to ensure we can all make an informed vote in November." I hardly want them educating me or the public on issues of national security. It seems very shady that it was sent out to me this close to an election, hmm I wonder who donates?? It would be nice to see a list of their donors, I doubt that will come to light into after the election if at all.
LC-Lancaster Ohio

Anonymous said...

I live in Mo. and just got a copy in the mail. As others, the first thing I did was search the internet to find out who "The Clairon Fund" was? Not suprised in the least, Republican 501's hard at work...Spread the word!!!

Tolerant1 said...

This is truly disgusting....we were suspicious as soon as we got this in the mail. It is purely propaganda and fear. And as far as those who write about not being disgusted with the newspapers who allow this in.....there is no real free speech in this country any more, so I say tell them that you are disgusted. These newspapers are bought out by those who want to only give us one side of things. There is no unbiased journalism in most major news sources. Do you think that we all could put a DVD in their newspaper that talked about the radicalism of some Christians? I doubt it. Enough of the fear everyone...I'm tired of it!!! Thank goodness there are a lot of smart people out there that saw this for what it is....pur unadulaterated fear and wanting to keep this war going so they can profit off of it.......I'm saddened though of those that won't.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, I just got this in my mailbox today, so I googled it and this blog was the second hit.

Thank you for the research, though it didn't take much for me to figgure it as election year propaganda.

I wish I could strike back at these fuckers somehow, other than posting a rant on a blog.

Can't we sue or something?
Jesus, this is depressing.

I know that this damn thing is in every mailbox in my city today, and there's enough moron's already that think "24" is a documentary. Shit.

Anonymous said...

Received this in my mailbox in Miami, Florida today. I immediately Googled "The Clarion Fund" much like many others here. This definitely is a scare tactic especially when you see which states are being sent this. I will watch the video, but there is no way this will sway my support for Barrack Obama.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see that Karl Rove operatives are working over time to spin their twisted ideology to all of these progressive blogs... nice try!! Go back to your Fixed Newz viewers now...

Anonymous said...

Hello???!!! Mr. Orwell on line one!!!

Anonymous said...

Just viewed this "documentary." Was also very interested in what the co-called "Clarion Fund" is, especially after today's Denver Post ( a story in which the reporter un-critically repeats the dogma about "The Clarion Fund" as "educating Americans about national security."

I'll be bookmarking your blog, and possibly using your entry in a future discussion about debates that swirl around the "demonization" of Islam and the "West" in a university class I teach. I'll definitely be encouraging my students to challenge some of the contradictions in "Obsession" when I show them part of it. But I challenge them to see weaknesses in Left leaning documentaries too.(Too bad there's not a documentary that challenges claims made in both Right leaning documentaries such as this one about "Islam", and challenges some of the claims made Left leaning documentaries as well).

It's amazing to me that the producers of "Obsession" apparently don't see some of the gaping contradictions which severely undermine the primary points of their own documentary:

1) you have sources criticizing "the" Arab media for demonizing The West, when, of course, one of the primary goals of "Obsession" is to -- you guessed it -- demonize Islam.

2) you have sources in "Obsession" repeatedly saying that one needs to create fear, anxiety, etc. in a public -- they're referring to Muslim publics -- in order to get them to fight (a war). But, of course, "Obsession" is seeking to do exactly the same thing it condemns: Raise fear levels in the U.S. by tapping into stereotypes of Muslims so that "we" will fight "them."

The analogy of "radical Islam" to Hitler and Nazi-ism only loosely holds. That is, there are some parallels in terms of ideologies of indoctrination, but the documentary's analogy falls flat after that.

Hitler was the leader of a powerful, industrialized nation-state in the middle of Europe that had the ability to produce a true, meaningful military threat to Europe and the world. Moreover, he wasn't trying to impose a radically different religous ideology on his citizens, which, presumably, so-called "radical islamists" are. In other words, because his material and larger ideological conditions were radically different, he was able to mobilize a true threat to Europe and the world.

So-called "Radical Islamists" simply do not have the same material means at their disposal as Hitler, nor do they enjoy the same geographic location -- they're not located at the heart of a Euro-centric world, geographically speaking.

"Obsession's" claim that a few "Radical" muslims have now "infiltrated" the U.S. and UK, etc., and that, therefore, "Radical Islam" is on the brink of total and complete world domination is, in a word, laughable.

This is not to say that there won't be more terrorist attacks in the UK, Germany, Spain, etc. in the future. There will be some, and every effort should be made to stave these off (notice that "Obsession" is very weak on "solutions", and that it offers viewers absolutely no overview of Muslims, Islam in general -- none whatsoever).

But while these attacks will kill people, comparatively few will die in them (especially compared to the numbers of cilivians killed in Iraq in the last 5 years). Furthermore, these small terrorist attacks simply do not have a hell's chance of knocking off the entire Western world and turning it into a 'Radical Islamic" empire.

After all, 95% of Europeans, Americans, Canadians, etc. simply wouldn't buy into the ideology of "radical" Islam. Indeed, as the documentary clearly shows, this ideology is anti-thetical to their very being. How could you conquer, and maintain control over a population, 95% of which fevertently opposes you? Especially with essentially no military might to do so. It ain't happening!

Finally, comparing Hitler's legions of tanks, planes, howitzers, U-boats, millions of soldiers etc. to a handful of suicide bombers? Please!!!!

Anonymous said...

I received this in the mail. I put a reply in the DVD, retaped it and addressed it as return to sender. I think the more of us that send it back to them for them to have to pay the postage and realize that it back fired the better we will be. I also am an independent that will definitely vote democratic now.

Anonymous said...

Mine came in the mail today and I live in Florida. I'm pretty sure my vote will count. I can't wait to vote for Obama in November.

I like the last person's suggestion of marking the cd return to sender. I'll be doing the same.

Anonymous said...

OOOOh, I just got my copy in the mail today! I can't wait to smoke some crystal meth, then pop this badboy in my dvd player, so that I might finally be able to feel the kind of terror and agoraphobic paranoia that most neo-cons seem to suffer from perpetually! Thanks for the basic info guys.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for the Clarion Fund. Very effective move. We need to educate the public regarding the violence perpetuated in the name of Islam. Unfortunately, everything portrayed in the film is accurate and truthful. When you get finished watching Obsession, watch Dispatches - Undercover Mosque.

Anonymous said...

Just because it sounds Republican doesn't mean that it is without truth. having lived through WW11 and several conflicts since, there is a scary truth in appeasment and political correctness. The off handed way some dismiss this is like maintaining preconcieved ideas and not looking at what is really occuring in the world. I just returned from the middle East and believe you me the hate is real.

Anonymous said...

PA, here. I'm a registered independent and just got mine in the mail. Oh, joy. I think there's a difference between being aware that a risk exists from certain radical elements and preparing for that and fear- and hate-mongering. I can tell you what I think this falls into. For the people who keep pulling quotes from the Koran, keep in mind that we can pull equally incriminating quotes from the Bible. The difference is that religious moderates tend to interpret their holy texts so that the bloody, hateful bits are tempered. (And I'm not surprised the hate is real, but there's a lot of history and politics behind it, and there's a difference between anger and wanting to obliterate another country.)

Anonymous said...

Duh??? no crap this a scare tactic by right wing war mongers!! Does'nt matter if you vote for Obama or McCain in November. Radical Islam will destroy this country inside out!
everyone likes watching their American Idol, reality TV, shopping Wal-Mart feeling all secure in their nieghbhoods. You know why there hasnt been an attack on this country since 9/11??
Its because your government and military that you love to bash!! and blame for all your problems bust their ASS! night and day 365 days a year so you can live your life of freedom to practice whatever religion you want. Travel all over the country. Do and say whatever you want and even bitch about a DVD without being put in jail or put to death. Thats freedom of speech remember?
So quite your whinning about who or what group or who is funding the Clarion Fund. The point is were all americans and they want us all dead "period"

Anonymous said...

What part of the slogan....Death to the infidels...don't you understand????

Anonymous said...

What part of the slogan....Death to the infidels...don't you understand????

Anonymous said...

This again is a right wing tactic that has worked on a prior election. Fear of the bad guys coming after americans. But what they do not tell you is the truth that there are MORE terrorist now AFTER our policies of this right wing administration than before they started. We kill 100 terrorist(along with 100 innocent) and they use that propaganda to create 250 more. Lets try changing the mind set of these nations as to avoid anti- american sentiment then maybe we can win the war on terror. OBAMA for change...

Anonymous said...

I don't really care who sent this CD out, I came to this web site to gain information as to how factualy it is. I want information on the message, not the messenger

Anonymous said...

I can't afford it, but the Deleware Secretary of State site is shows the Clarion Fund is incorporated in Delaware. Although Delaware is rather secretative about coporations, maybe the documents you can get for a fee list the incorporators. Somebody please check it. Franklin Roosevelt said: "There is nothing to fear but fear itself." That is all McCain and the Republicans can sell as they are devoid of real ideas. True leaders lead by appeal to our best nature.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who comes to a blog for "factual" information is pretty much lost from the get go. I try to be fair in everything in my observations and all I see and read are "right wing this" and "right wing that".

Stop the non sense and do some of your own research and find out if what the video offers is true. Too many people are to lazy to do their own research and rather go to a blog site that favors their own personal tastes to get "facts".

Do the research, then make a well informed decision. Then again, what should I expect when I come to the "Popular Progressive" blog site. Can't expect anyone to be fair in their point of view.

Anonymous said...

I live in Denver a recvd a copy with the newspaper last week and then yesterday I got a copy in the mail.
This is really a load of political scar crap. Like other posters have said if this was so important then why wait 2 yrs to send it out to the population with less than 2 month to election. If that isn't a right wing ploy. For all of you Clinton haters that can't get over his unfaithfulness you need to check out McCain and his numerous affairs, his divorce to his first wife that stood by him while he was a POW. When he got back he dropped her like a hot potato. So you that want to have the 13th richest Senator, that has been lock stepped with shrub, can't remember how many houses he owns, has 13 cars, can't speak to an group of people without reading his speech, and wants to fire the first person that comes to mind in an emergency. Well go ahead vote for him and if he should not survive his term then your get have the Lipstick girl...

OBAMA 2008

Anonymous said...

This film should not change anyone's vote. I have seen it and it would not change my vote but it does give me important information about the Islamic threat to America. Calling it partisan is just an attempt to discredit its message. The truth is no matter when it was made available for free distribution or how it was distributed or where it was distributed, some reason or reasons would be presented to discredit it. Both candidates would do all in their power to protect America and Americans. So, without being able to see the future, you cannot say for sure who would do the better job. So which candidate you vote for has to be decided on their total platform. Not on fear, and not on the basis of one issue alone. What could really have an impact on the election is the Barack Obama Test. If you are going to vote for Barack Obama, the easy way to see if he has the same values you do is to take the test. Go to BarackObamaTest dot com. If you are going to vote for John McCain, you will have to do it the hard way. By carefully reviewing his platform to see if his values match yours. Who gains by informing Americans about the dangers of radical Islam? The American people, not the Republicans and not the Democrats. The Clarion Fund is planning the release of more DVD's on the threat of Islam to America after the election. How are these going to be discredited?

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