Wednesday, September 24

CLEAN Elections in the House!

What do we want? public financed elections! When do we want them? Now!

If we've learned anything from the banking crisis, lobbyists rule in Washington. Thankfully people like Dick Durbin, Arlen Spector, John Larson and Walter Jones Jr. (and I don't agree him on much) are marching down the aisle with the Fair Elections Now Act bill.

Public Campaign Action reports:
Another big day for Fair Elections in Congress. This morning Rep. John Larson (D-CT), Vice Chair of the House Democratic Caucus, and Rep. Walter Jones Jr. (R-NC) introduced the House version of the Fair Elections Now Act (HB 7022). This bill is the counterpart to the Fair Elections Now Act (2 1285) introduced in the Senate by Sens. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Arlen Specter (R-PA). This bicameral, bipartisan coalition in support of full public financing for congressional races represents a big step forward for our efforts.

We've had bills introduced in the past that would have brought public financing to Congress, but never have we had this united, bipartisan effort that would establish the gold-standard Fair and Clean Elections programs that have been successful in seven states and two cities in Congress.

1 comment:

John said...

Issues not withstanding, if there's one thing I can't stand it's the "What Do We Want? Fill In The Blank! When Do We Want It? Now!" Chant.

That, and Hey Hey Ho Ho Fill In The Blank Has Got To Go.