Saturday, September 13

Clarion Fund Puts Lipstick on Terrorism Pig Documentary

Who is the "Clarion Fund" and why is it paying for placing 28 million copies of "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West" DVD's in swing state newspapers?

The Clarion Fund, who's website only identifies the group as "a 501(c)(3) organization. We are independent and do not accept funding from the U.S. Government, political institutions, or foreign organizations." It does not identify who it's board of directors are, but says it's "mission is to educate Americans about issues of national security." Their focus "is on the most urgent threat of radical Islam. By utilizing the following three mediums, Clarion Fund is helping Americans understand that the mainstream media is not adequately conveying the reality of radical Islam."

Through some web digging, I was able to identify three players, Raphael Shore who is a Canadian citizen who is the producer/co-writer of the film and founder of the Clarion Fund, Wayne Kopping, a South African national, the director and co-writer and Gregory Ross, who is the communications director of this New York based non-profit group. Ross was "originally from Los Angeles and have lived overseas for many years. I moved back to LA from New York after 9-11, and a stint on Wall Street, and started working in the Hollywood Entertainment community." Ross does not disclose how the film was produced, but is quoted as saying "The film was financed by a concerned citizen who has a long standing relationship with our organization. The cost was under $500k and it took over a year to complete." Something about this group doesn't pass the smell test, particularly when no information is available about its donors and board of directors.

Maybe most concerning about this film is that, according to Ross "I know that the U.S. Department of the Navy uses the film and that it has also been shown on Capitol Hill on many occasions in order to education politicians. We have also screened it at countless universities and colleges. However we are unsure as to if it is being used in their curriculums – we certainly hope it is." A film that

By law, 501(c)(3) organizations are not permitted to engage in political activity, endorse or oppose political candidates, or donate money or time to political campaigns, so it was surprising to learn that there was an article on the group's new Web site,, that backed Republican presidential candidate John McCain. The article discussed both candidates and concludes:

"McCain's policies seek to confront radical Islamic extremism and terrorism and roll it back while [Barack] Obama's, although intending to do the same, could in fact make the situation facing the West even worse."

According to Clarion Fund director of communications Gregory Ross, the article "crossed the line" and was removed.

Gregory Ross also said in an interview with Frontpage magazine, a right-wing online publication, "we are just a few weeks from completely our next documentary, “The Third Jihad” - though it is not a sequel. This new film will take a look at radical Islam’s activities here in the U.S. We should be releasing the film in early October. So stay tuned."

Stay tuned indeed, as this group tries to scare voters with their own form of psychological terrorism.


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Anonymous said...

Hate Hurts America Multifaith Community Coalition (anti religious discrimination group) has addressed the contents of this propaganda DVD at length exposing it's source, funding, so-called "experts" and ways to respond:

Too bad it can't afford to distribute ~28 million copy of the site contents on DVD in the Sunday paper and even if it could, it's unlikely that our corrupt media would pick it up anyways.

Anonymous said...

I received a copy of this DVD. It is just what many people whom I have encountered across this country need to reinforce their support of aggression. It fosters fear and xenophobia. I think Clarion knows just what it is doing and perfectly timed its release to influence the election. Though it is wreckless and foolish, it's still a free country.

Anonymous said...

Wow, check out all this "anonymous" Republican astro-turfing. Wow.

you "thank God for Clarion Fund" people have got to be kidding.

What "War" has radical Islam waged against the west? Their biggest "battle" was basically 19 people taking out a little more than 1000 civilians.

That's bad, but by far, it's no fucking war.

Now, since the full-scale military invasion of Iraq, how many Iraqi civilians (presumably Muslim, radical and not) have been killed by western *military* forces? Somewhere upwards of 10k, google tells me.

Who's waging war on whom?

And who's engaging in "terrorism", by seeking to coerce the populace by fear?

Obama '08.
Say what you will about the man, he's not engaging in this kinda crap, and he forbids those under him from doing the same.

McCain should know better ... what a fucking sellout.

And you astro-turfers ... have some testicular fortitude and at least don't post anonymous. That's lame.

sam said...

In response to this propaganda dvd
the Hate Hurts America coalition
has put together a new site
exposing who are the so called "experts", giving a full rebuttal etc

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No matter how you look at it, Radical Islam does indeed have it in for America. I don't care who put the DVD together. If it awakens a few people to this threat, it's a success.

Anonymous said...

All I know is that anyone who would get this in the mail and actually be interested in watching it probably doesn't even know what a DVD is. That is a WHOLE lot of funding to waste.

Anonymous said...

I have noticed that some of the nay sayers are comparing Jihad to the Spanish inquisition.It is somewhat similar but one must note that the inquisition was stopped because people finaly stood up to it . The same must be done by good men against the murder of the Jihadis.This thing is not about countries that do not like the US. A lot of countries dont like each other for one reason or other but they do not go around murdering the citizens for it.This jihad is war against anyone who is not on board with the koran.If you enjoy your life and freedom ,if you want your kids to play with toys and not real guns, and to have a normal childhood, then please consider being a good man and stand up against murder in all its forms ,especialy jihad.This thing may seem small right now to some people but it is growing. Stand up now before it becomes irriversable.The video may seem like Republican propaganda to some people, and maybe in a way it is, but you owe it to yourself , your children and your country to at least watch it with an open mind.

Anonymous said...

I have noticed that some of the nay sayers are comparing Jihad to the Spanish inquisition.It is somewhat similar but one must note that the inquisition was stopped because people finaly stood up to it . The same must be done by good men against the murder of the Jihadis.This thing is not about countries that do not like the US. A lot of countries dont like each other for one reason or other but they do not go around murdering the citizens for it.This jihad is war against anyone who is not on board with the koran.If you enjoy your life and freedom ,if you want your kids to play with toys and not real guns, and to have a normal childhood, then please consider being a good man and stand up against murder in all its forms ,especialy jihad.This thing may seem small right now to some people but it is growing. Stand up now before it becomes irriversable.The video may seem like Republican propaganda to some people, and maybe in a way it is, but you owe it to yourself , your children and your country to at least watch it with an open mind.

Anonymous said...

we dont even get the paper and got it in our mailbox, two copies in fact - one for me one for my girlfriend.

as far as "do your own research" i went to to get their 990 filing that reports their board, yearly earnings, etc. since they are a non profit - and they dont have one of file yet - so they must be new within the last year to have not filed one. just an fyi

Anonymous said...

If you receive a copy in the mail, write "Refused, return to sender" across it and drop it in the mail. Then they have to pay the return postage.

D Kelly said...

If you feel this film was made to scare people into voting for McCain, it is your acknowledgement that John McCain is the right choice to fight terror. Do you people really think that Islamic terrorism is not an issue? Perhaps you all believe what the liberal, politically correct media tells you? Both parties have heavily funded groups that back them, and don't ever think the Democrats are for the poor. Obama is as elite as any Republican, but he presents himself as one of us, what a joke.

Anonymous said...

Hey plurgid....What is wrong with you??????Do you believe that the lives of 1000 Americans is no big deal? Not to mention what their families are going through.Your cold heartless attitude is right on track with the muderous jihadies.Oh and by the way, have you ever served you country and put your life on the line? I have, and my guess is that you haven't so don't talk crap about cowardice. By the way I am the guy who wrote about the comparison to the inqusition.Clean up your mouth and maybe your mind will follow. By the way my name is AL.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I did not receive my copy of "Obsession" in the newspaper. It was mailed to me. The Clarion Fund has my name and address. I don't know how they obtained my name adn address. The only thing I can think of is......I posted a comment on John McCain's website several weeks (maybe a month) ago. It was a negative comment and was directed to Sarah Lipstick Palin. I was required to provide my name and address before I could post my comment. I don't believe that anyone on the McCain campaign read my comment, because I immediately began receiveing emails from the McCain campaign requesting donations. Why on earth would I give them a donation? I wonder if The Clarion Fund got my name and address from the McCain campaign?

Anonymous said...

Awesome. I am taking a Cultural Diversity class as part of my degree program and wouldn't you know it I receive this in the mail today when we just happen to be discussing the discrimination against Arabs and Muslims. the sad thing is most here in Colorado will not be smart enough to question where this propaganda came from.

Anonymous said...

While this is obviously GOP propaganda. Unfortunately it hits the the nail on the head concerning radical islam. Having traveled extensively i've seen first hand how crazy some of these extremist groups can be. Don't think that this is just a smoke screen. The threat is real! But to assume that Mccain/Palin is the solution is a joke. Are current foreign policy has been like throwing gas on the fire.
Only through engaging the populations of the muslim world can we hope to solve this problem.

Anonymous said...

I received a copy in the mail the other day. (I'm in Nederland, Colorado) It was addressed to me, which was odd. But the oddest part was it was addressed to my full legal name and NO other mail comes to me like that. Well... except voter related mail. It is funny that I received this DVD the same day I received election related materials from the state.

This has to be coming from the right-wing republican christians. (if not McCain's people themselves) My immediate thought on seeing it was that there could also be a film called Obsession: Radical Christian Republican's War Against America's Freedom and the World.

This has to be fascist propaganda to try to strike fear in the hearts of Americans, once again.

Anonymous said...

Found one of these on my counter this morning. Having recently moved to New Hampshire from Massachusetts, I've found the attention from the candidates to be significantly more palpable than when I lived in Mass, for obvious reasons.

This has GOP written all over it.

sam said...

IRS sleeping at the switch...?

"Who is behind Relentless, Obsession and The Third Jihad?"
by Sheila Musaji

I think that he Kassandra Project blog asks a very good question about this: “Why all the aliases and secrecy I wonder. Maybe it has something to do with that pesky federal U.S. 501(c)(3) law prohibiting foreign political institutions or foreign organizations from contributing to the Clarion Fund’s operations. Given that both the producer and the director are foreigners (with an anti-Muslim agenda), and the financial backers are anonymous, it all looks very suspicious.” This is a much more likely motivation for all the secrecy.

Jews on First adds even more credence to this interpretation. “Because it was established only recently, the Clarion Fund has not yet filed its first required disclosure (Form 990) with the IRS. It is not disclosing its officers. The address Clarion used to satisfy the New York Times’ requirement that political or opinion advertisements include the advertiser’s contact information—255 West 36th St., Suite 800, in Manhattan—turns out to be Grace Corporate Park Executive Suites, an office-space rental operation which also rents “virtual office identity packages” for as little as $75 a month.” This is just about as shady as it is possible to be.

Erik Ose in an article on The Huffington Post raises an even more pertinent issue: “However, one detail in this report seems mistaken, that “because it was established only recently, the Clarion Fund has not yet filed its first required disclosure (Form 990) with the IRS.” According to the New York Secretary of State’s website, the Clarion Fund was incorporated nearly two years ago, on December 28, 2006. So where are their Form 990’s? Hello, IRS?)”

interesting ...

Anonymous said...

This is pure ignorance and propaganda to try to help the extremist Republicans win in November. The Clarion Fund is promoting hatred and ignorance designed of course by Zionists.

Anonymous said...

This is pure ignorance and propaganda to try to help the extremist Republicans win in November. The Clarion Fund is promoting hatred and ignorance designed of course by Zionists.

Anonymous said...

Michigan, received in the mail addressed to me personally. My guess they are using voter records to obtain the mailing address. Pure propaganda.

Anonymous said...

Distributing Obsession DVD is just so sickening and shows how much hatred and ignorance you want to spread. The Muslims did not kill 20 million of American native Indians to steal their land or killed millions of innocent people in WWI and II .... the list is endless.

The people of Clarion Fund and the "newspapers" that distributed the propaganda DVD are just mentally sick. They are the most extremist, ignorant and hateful people I have ever met or could imagine.

La citation du jour:

"The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created the situation."

-Albert Einstein

Anonymous said...

Arrrgggghhhh! I AM SO SICK OF THE SH#T that this government does to the American public. I could hardly believe I received this DVD in the mail...addressed to me!!

We live among the most corrupt, arrogant and greedy politicians and corporations that it will only be stopped by revolution, and public humiliation.

Its what we don't know that would probably push us over the edge. I can only imagine.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing bit of propaganda! Even more amazing is that the Republican party is so worried, they had to reach out to VERY RURAL Colorado!

Well, republicans, you've blown it AGAIN. No way I or any of my family will vote for you. Thanks for the entertainment.

Anonymous said...

I just received a copy in the mail today. First I had heard of it or seen it. I immediately got on the internet to find out what this is, and who it came from. Not sure how they got my name, especially since my husband is the one listed at this address. It seems fishy to me. I probably won't even watch it.

Anonymous said...

People you need to wake up and understand that this is a real threat. Do you remember not 1 but 2 attacks on the World Trade Center? Now I agree that America has to get out of everyone else's business but if you think that for one minute this isn't the truth then sit down with people who have lived that life. My friend fled Iraq fearing for her family. Their homes destroyed, their women raped and killed. They are happy this information is getting out to the public. Do you think the government is going to put this out and invoke mass hysteria, imagine the fires they would have to put out all over the world. I do understand that the timing of this distribution is questionable, but I would rather be kept on my toes and choose to never forget Sept 11th. God Bless America

Anonymous said...

FYI, the BarackObamaTest dot com is a crock of $@!^. It is obviously written by someone that opposes his position. It is unclear whether Barack even took the test himself to be able to compare your answers to his.

Anonymous said...

I bought this DVD and watched it over 18 months ago. I researched every part of this film on the Internet and I could not find a single false portrayal or quote or depiction in the film. It seems to be extremely accurate. So, what do you people have against accurate documentaries? I get the impression 95% of you have never even see it, yet you have the knee-jerk reaction to call it garbage and worse. I get concerned when I see so many people burying their heads in the sand and hiding from the truth.

Anonymous said...

I live in Michigan and received the DVD in the mail yesterday. I've always voted Republican. As I watched the DVD my sense of fear escalated, not from terrorists but from the people behind this DVD. They scare me! The approach scares me. And the fact that this propaganda garbage works on so many americans scares me the most.

Anonymous said...

Put the content of the DVD aside for a moment, look beyond the war in Iraq. Stop thinking about which side you are on and see the bigger picture, because that's the story here. It's the deplorable method used, it's the deception, it's the fact that an organization is putting out this message and hiding their identity. This is a large scale media campaign about war and people are hiding their identity? Why? Anyone who does not see this as odd as hell is simply naive.

Anonymous said...

Although I'm sure that I'm not the only one, I thought everyone would be interested to know that I received this not in a newspaper but in the mail, and I live in, you guessed it a swing state which is Ohio. While we have typically been a red state, the latest polls are showing otherwise which just goes to show how much this is conservative propaganda.

Regardless I find it rather obtuse the shadowy figures that made this movie basically sound the drums of war against Islam yet they still can't seem to figure out why they want to kill us. Wake up America, the only reason these people (who do) hate us so much is because we've been meddling in their countries affairs and killing their citizens for years. Skepticism say that to be Muslim means you hate all other religions and that they must serve you, yet how ironic that the Christian religion says too that there is only one God and that if you don't believe in him you will be ushered into an eternity of suffering. If this sort of thinking and propaganda is nourished in our country than we are no better than the so called terrorists.

Anonymous said...

This piece of propaganda was direct mailed to our Miami Beach home. I also went online to decide who these "experts" are sending me this foul minded filth in the mail. Nothing. Zippo, Nada. I might have been tempted to watch it if they had some credentials that backed their claims. Brave souls are we hiding behind the interests of National Security. Who thought they would have bothered with all my super pro-Isreal Republican, brain dead neighbors. Heh maybe there is hope for some insightful leadership yet.

All I know is I see the new girl at my daughters prep school being shunned and looked at with fear. Why? She wears her headscarf with her uniform. These girls are 11&12 years old and scared to death of a religion that is by far more peaceful than us Jews and Christians. Thankfully I got to this crap before my kids!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

how in the hell did i get this piece of republican bullshit in the mail, not in a paper, I hope this fund get canned, leave me alone to make up my own mind, i have not and will not watch this crap i just threw it away dont want it messing up my dvd player, I did like most people here i Looked up Clarion and found out the are assholes trying to scare people they need to go away

Anonymous said...

It appalls me how blind and ignorant some of you are.
It's fine for you to hate Bush, but to let your hatred for Bush and the GOP blind you to radical Jihad is simply insane.
3000 people murdered on 9-11 is not "Republican bullshit". 300 kids murdered by Jihad in Beslan is not "Republican bullshit". 50+ murdered on London trains is not "Republican bullshit". 200 people killed on Madrid trains is not "Republican bullshit". Over 1000 Hindus killed in India is not "Republican bullshit". Over 100 Australians murdered in Bali is not "Republican bullshit". Over 90,000 murdered in attacks in Algeria is not "Republican bullshit". I could go on all day here. Please, open your eyes. Don't let your partisan politics make you both blind AND stupid.

Anonymous said...

I received one of these DVD's in the mail today. I sent it back with a request to be taken off their mailing list and for them to stop the fear mongering! Maybe if their office got flooded with returned copies of this propaganda they would get the hint that many people do not subcribe to their way of thinking.

EatPlayLove said...

Well my lucky family received 3 DVD's in the mail this past week. I happily RETURNED TO SENDER. Hopefully everyone else that is disgusted and appalled will do the same.

Anonymous said...

It looks as though this shady group, The Clarion Fund, is targeting young voters...trying to put the scare into them. My two daughters (in early twenties) were the only ones to receive the crummy dvd's in the mail. We're living in a Chicago suburb and voting for Obama. These propaganda dvd's are going back in the mail marked "Return to Sender".

By the way, all you anonymous posters, you're not scaring us any more than Grampy McSame. baaaaa

Anonymous said...

Got it a few days ago in my Cincinnati, OH mail. I'm another independent who's really put off by this. Obviously, like most of you, I Googled Clarion before doing anything else, thinking the whole stuck like you-know-what and ended up here. Loved the advice to tape it up and Return to Sender. It's going back tomorrow! Maybe if they have to pay 2x the cost to take these back, and more to dispose of them, they'll think twice about it next time.

Anonymous said...

I find it really interesting that this scam is not getting hardly any media coverage. In election season, any semi-shady moves get blown out proportion and examined as closely as possible and we have many examples of that in this season. This propaganda is just about as shady as it gets, on an unprecedented scale, fuels bigotry and religious intolerance and would definitely make a great title on CNN or the like, however, it's being completely ignored. I wonder why?

Are the reporters being told to turn a blind eye (similar to many other issues of the recent past)?

Is the Obama campaign unaware of it?

Is it because it's funded and created by Israelis (who happen to know a few people in the media)?

Did this DVD "terrorize" the media along with the political scene into ignoring it?

Have we as a nation forgotten the consequences of discrimination and bigotry?

Is it because Muslims are the usual suspects and "who cares anyways"?

I wonder...

Anonymous said...

I received my copy of thr right-wings latetest attempt to scare us into voting for yet another MORON! Not this household!Our copy will be delivered directly to the Obama campaign for change,where we volunteer, in order to affect change. I'm sure we will all have a good chuckle.You have not scared us,you have not weakened our resolve,nor have you shaken our faith in our candidate.We remain ONE household,one family, united, and FIVE strong votes for CHANGE!!

Memack said...

Hello all! I just received that DVD in the mail yesterday. Like many of you, I recognized it for what it was---Republican propaganda. After reading many of your comments, I THANK GOD that so many of my fellow U.S. citizens are intelligent beings who seek out the truth before falling for scare tactics. Bush won in 2004 based on bogus claims that the general population believed. Let's hope that everyone does more thinking this round and that this Republican garbage will backfire in their faces. The more intelligent we are as a people, the less dishonest they can be so you know they want to keep us dumb! Last thing---is Rush Limbaugh is promoting it, you know it's tainted!

Make sure you get everyone you know to vote!!! We cannot let Bush III happen!

BB said...

Got the video. Swing state, yes, Ohio. My husband is not registered to vote, he did not receive one. I cannot register under my party as Ohio doesn't recognize the Libertarian party.

I watched the video. There were images of Bush after 9/11. Yes, terrorism is an issue. We are aligned with Israel currently. What this does not show is the same type of violence inflicted on Pakistan by Israel. It also does not show the violence America has inflicted on multiple countries in the Middle East.

Our consistent involvement in the Middle East has put us in the situation we're in, that is a fact.

Anonymous said...

Did it occur to anyone that perhaps this is meant to bolster either Mccain or Obama and to further draw attention away from people like Ron Paul or any of the third-party candidates issues? Both McCain and Obama's foreign policies are identical their rhetoric is just different. Think of it this way. If you own all the horses in the race you stand a better chance of winning don't you? Why do you think they prevented any debate between McCain and Ron Paul? Or why he wasn't allowed to even show up to certain debates I believe one was in Iowa actually. Ron Paul consistently did better in the Republican debates than any of the other candidates...they can't have anyone bringing any real issues of substance up or the game is up. This propaganda is meant to get people bickering amongst each other about who's better McCain or Obama.... or Christianity versus Islam. Divide and conquer these men are simply two sides of the same coin. Just look at a side-by-side comparison of their voting records you'll find it fairly quickly on google and rather than listening to their rhetoric look at their records.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if there would be this outrage if the video was about the threat of "radical Christianity"?

Anonymous said...

So when will some of you ding a lings wake up???? These holy war guys don't care if you are a Democrat or republican. They don't care if you are a French,Spanish or German national.The agenda is non tolerance through extermination.Just because injustices happened in the past history of the of the world does not make it OK for it to happen now. If you are really simpathetic to the injustices of the past ,then stand up to the terror and murder that the jihadis have here and now in the present.You really should ,loose your right to complain about the past when you havent got the guts to stand up against this outright murder that is going on today.Never mind US politics.....This question is do I stand by to let the murder and terror grow into wholesale genocide or do I stand against it as a human being and not as a Democrat or a Republican.Just ask yourself what am I??? Am I Democrat, Republican or a human being ????

Anonymous said...

I read some of the posts here and I am amazed and I can see why congress is failing us. There are some posts that are quite excellent for both sides of the argument, but a majority of the posts are just full of anger and hate. Regardless of what side of the fence one sits, one can see Congress is only a representation of the people that elecet it. I can see why now there can be no reasonable dialogue why so much hate being spewed from both sides of the political fence.
Stick to the issues and stop the personal attacks. Then again this is only a blog, why expect anything less than slant.

Anonymous said...

Has anybody read "Because they Hate"? Obviously not. I recieved the film and watched it. The film clearly states that not all Muslims are in support of jihad. Liberal or conservative we should be scared. This is real. Call it a "scare tactic" if you want. I say good, that's what we freakin' need right now

Anonymous said...

These things are popping up all over Michigan right now, being mailed directly or placed by mailboxes. Of course, everyone is "suspicious" about why they're showing up here in a swing state just prior to the election. This reeks of Republican propaganda. Having the largest concentration of Arab Americans in the U.S., I wonder how many of them are receiving this. How sad that all the GOP can run on this year is lies and distortions. Then again, when you have a candidate that flip-flops and a v.p. who has to be hidden from the media except for brief, embarrassing moments, guess you don't have much else.

Rita said...

I was shocked to receive the DVD in the name of my dead husband, who never lived in this state (Washington state). Where do these scary hate mongers get this personal information? I lived and worked with Muslims for most of my life and have always found the ones I knew to be generous hard-working people more interested in raising their families than anything else. I do not understand how a non-profit can exist that promotes hate.

Rita said...

I was shocked to receive the DVD sent to my dead husband, who never lived in this state (Washington state). Where do these scary hate mongers get this personal information? I lived and worked with Muslims for most of my life and have always found the ones I knew to be generous hard-working people more interested in raising their families than anything else. I do not understand how a non-profit can exist that promotes hate.

Anonymous said...

I received this DVD in my mailbox today. I figured out it was right-wing, war-mongering propaganda without even opening it. Of more concern to me was that my name and address was taken from the voter rolls, as that is the only place where it appears in that form. I'm a registered Green planning to vote all Democratic in the upcoming election. It seems to me if they are getting names/addresses from voter rolls, they are definitely playing politics.

Anonymous said...

Got my copy in the mail, today. Registered as an Independent - though every couple of years I register as a Dem to partake of primaries. We're a one-party region in northern NM.

I've already dropped it through the shredder [heavy-duty variety] but hopped online to see what info there was about someone so obviously swift-boat creeps.

Nice to see what your site is doing, bro'.

Haven't yet decided if this crap is worth blogging about - I'm involved with 2 blogs - and there is no shortage of neocon/nutball/McBush idiocy to discuss.

Anonymous said...

I see a lot of people in denial through out this thread. I only hope it does not take a terrorist on their door step to wake them up. For if it does, it will already be to late.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all of your comments. I received this in the mail today (OR resident). Anything that says, "As seen on Fox News" is almost immediately a problem, but I was curious who went to all the trouble to send it out. Plus, I was very concerned something unsolicited that I may play on my computer would be infected with a virus. Infect my good old circular file you "Obsession" dvd :)

Anonymous said...

Gainesville, FL here. Registered Independent. I actually watched it just to see what they had to say since I don't really have a preference - hence the independent affiliation.

Honestly, this doesn't make much sense to me, this DVD is essentially telling us to hate them which they are telling them to hate us. Pretty soon I am going to forget who I am supposed to hate?!

Since it was sent to mostly independent voters, we can't get back at them by "return to sender" but we can get back at these fuckers by voting democratic on November 4th!

Anonymous said...

So, now I get it! And here I thought it had something to do with religion?!?!

Q: Daddy, why did we have to attack Iraq?

A: Because they had weapons of mass destruction.

Q: But the UN inspectors didn't find any weapons of mass

A: That's because the Iraqis were hiding them.

Q: And that's why we invaded Iraq?

A: Yes. Invasions always work better than inspections.

Q: But after we invaded them, we STILL didn't find any
weapons of mass destruction, did we?

A: That's because the weapons are so well hidden.
Don't worry, the occupying forces will find something,
probably right before the 2004 election.

Q: Why did Iraq want all those weapons of mass destruction?

A: To use them in a war against their enemies, silly.

Q: I'm confused. If they had all those weapons that
they planned to use in a war, then why didn't they use
any of those weapons when the US and Britain went to war
against them?

A: Well, obviously they didn't want anyone to know they
had those weapons, so in order to confuse us they chose
to die by the thousands rather than defend themselves by
using any of the weapons of mass destruction.

Q: That doesn't make sense. Why would they choose to die
if they had all those big weapons with which they could
have fought back?

A: Iraq is in the Middle East. It's a totally different
culture. It's not supposed to make any sense to us in
the West.

Q: I don't know about you, but I don't think they had any
of those weapons President Bush said they did.

A: Well, you know, it doesn't really matter whether or not
they had weapons of mass destruction. President Bush had
another good reason to launch a preemptive strike against
Iraq anyway.

Q: And what was that?

A: Even if Iraq didn't have weapons of mass destruction,
Saddam Hussein was a cruel and vicious dictator, which is
another good reason to invade his country.

Q: Why? What does a cruel dictator do that makes it okay
to invade his country?

A: Well, for one thing, he tortured and killed his own

Q: Kind of like what they do in China?

A: Don't go comparing China to Iraq. China is a good
economic partner, where millions of people work for low
wages in sweatshops to help US corporations achieve a
high-profit margin. That helps all Americans.

Q: So if a country lets its people be exploited for
American corporate gain, it's a good country, even if that
country tortures and kills its own people?

A: Right.

Q: Why were people in Iraq being tortured and killed?

A: For political crimes, mostly, like criticizing the
government. People who criticized the government in Iraq
were sent to prison and tortured or killed.

Q: Isn't that exactly what happens in China?

A: I told you, China is different.

Q: What's the difference between China and Iraq?

A: Well, for one thing, Iraq was ruled by the Ba'ath party,
while China is a Communist country.

Q: Didn't you once tell me Communists were bad?

A: No, just Cuban Communists are bad.

Q: How are the Cuban Communists bad?

A: Well, for one thing, people who criticize the government
in Cuba are sent to prison and tortured.

Q: Like in Iraq?

A: Exactly.

Q: And like in China, too?

A: I told you, China's a good economic partner. Cuba,
on the other hand, is not.

Q: How come Cuba isn't a good economic partner?

A: Well, you see, back in the early 1960s, our government
passed laws that made it illegal for Americans to trade
or do any business with Cuba until they stopped being
Communists and started being good capitalists like us.

Q: But if we repealed those laws, opened up trade with
Cuba, and started doing business with them, wouldn't that
help the Cubans become capitalists?

A: Don't be a smart-ass.

Q: I didn't think I was being one.

A: Well, anyway, they also don't have freedom of religion
in Cuba.

Q: Kind of like China and the Falun Gong movement?

A: I told you, stop saying bad things about China. Anyway,
Saddam Hussein came to power through a military coup,
so he's not really a legitimate leader anyway.

Q: What's a military coup?

A: That's when a military general takes over the government
of a country by force, instead of holding free elections
like we do in the United States.

Q: Didn't the ruler of Pakistan come to power by a
military coup?

A: You mean General Pervez Musharraf? Yes, he did, but
Pakistan is our friend.

Q: Why is Pakistan our friend if their leader is

A: I never said Pervez Musharraf was illegitimate.

Q: Didn't you just say a military general who comes to
power by forcibly overthrowing the legitimate government
of a nation is an illegitimate leader?

A: Only Saddam Hussein. Pervez Musharraf is our friend
because he helped us invade Afghanistan and supported our
invasion of Iraq. In fact, just this week the US gave him
several million dollars in foreign aid as a 'thank you'
for being part of the Coalition of the Willing.

Q: Why did the US invade Afghanistan?

A: Because of what they did to us on September 11th.

Q: What did Afghanistan do to us on September 11th?

A: Well, on September 11th, nineteen men -- fifteen of them
Saudi Arabians - hijacked four airplanes and flew three
of them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon,
killing over 3,000 Americans.

Q: So how did Afghanistan figure into all that?

A: Afghanistan was where those bad men trained, under the
oppressive rule of the Taliban.

Q: Aren't the Taliban those bad radical Islamics who chop
off people's heads and hands?

A: Yes, that's exactly who they are. Not only do they chop
off people's heads and hands, but they oppress women, too.

Q: But didn't President Bush give the Taliban $43 million
in foreign aid in May 2001?

A: Yes, but that money was a reward because the Taliban
did such a good job fighting drug smuggling.

Q: Fighting drugs? The Taliban helped with the US war
on drugs?

A: Yes, the Taliban were very helpful in stopping people
from growing opium poppies.

Q: How did they do such a good job?

A: Simple. If people were caught growing opium poppies,
the Taliban would have their hands and heads cut off.

Q: So, when the Taliban cut off people's heads and hands
for growing flowers, that was okay, but not if they cut
people's heads and hands off for other reasons?

A: Exactly. It's okay with President Bush if radical
Islamic fundamentalists cut off people's hands for growing
the wrong kind of flowers, but it's cruel if they cut off
people's hands for stealing bread.

Q: Don't they also cut off people's hands and heads in
Saudi Arabia?

A: That's different. Afghanistan was ruled by a tyrannical
patriarchy that oppressed women and forced them to wear
burqas whenever they were in public, with death by stoning
as the penalty for women who did not comply.

Q: Don't Saudi women have to wear burqas in public, too?

A: No, Saudi women merely wear a traditional Islamic
body covering.

Q: What's the difference?

A: The traditional Islamic covering worn by Saudi women
is a modest yet fashionable garment that covers all of a
woman's body except for her eyes and fingers. The burqa, on
the other hand, is an evil tool of patriarchal oppression
that covers all of a woman's body except for her eyes
and fingers.

Q: It sounds like the same thing with a different name.

A: Now, don't go comparing Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia.
The Saudis are our friends.

Q: But I thought you said 15 of the 19 hijackers on
September 11th were from Saudi Arabia.

A: Yes, but they were trained in Afghanistan.

Q: Who trained them?

A: An evil man named Osama bin Laden.

Q: Was he from Afghanistan?

A: No, he was from Saudi Arabia too. But he was a bad man,
a very bad man.

Q: I seem to recall he was our friend once.

A: Yes, when the US helped Osama and the Mujahadeen repel
the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan back in the 1980s.

Q: Who are the Soviets? Was that the Evil Communist Empire
Ronald Reagan talked about?

A: There are no more Soviets. The Soviet Union broke up
in 1990 or thereabouts, and now they have elections and
capitalism like us. We call them Russians now.

Q: So the Soviets - I mean, the Russians - are now our

A: Well, not really. You see, they were our friends for
many years after they stopped being Soviets, but then they
decided not to support our invasion of Iraq, so we're mad
at them now. We're also mad at the French and the Germans
because they didn't help us invade Iraq either. None of
the three would join the Coalition of Willing.

Q: So the French and Germans are evil, too?

A: Not exactly evil, but just bad enough, for example,
that we had to rename French fries and French toast to
Freedom Fries and Freedom Toast.

Q: Do we always rename foods whenever another country
doesn't do what we want them to do?

A: No, we just do that to our friends. Our enemies,
we invade.

Q: But wasn't Iraq one of our friends back in the 1980s?

A: Well, yes. For a while.

Q: Was Saddam Hussein the ruler of Iraq back then?

A: Yes, but at the time Saddam was fighting against Iran,
which made him our friend.

Q: Why did that make him our friend?

A: Because at that time, Iran was our enemy.

Q: Isn't that when Saddam gassed the Kurds and killed them
by the thousands?

A: Yes, but since Saddam was fighting against Iran, we
looked the other way, to show him we were his friend.

Q: So anyone who fights against one of our enemies
automatically becomes our friend?

A: Most of the time, yes.

Q: And anyone who fights against one of our friends is
automatically our enemy?

A: Sometimes that's true, too. However, if American
munitions companies can profit by selling weapons to
both sides while the US manages not get involved in the
conflict, then that is even better.

Q: Why?

A: Because war is good for the economy, which means war is
good for America. Also, since God is always on America's
side, anyone who opposes war is a godless un-American
Communist. Do you understand now why we attacked Iraq?

Q: I think so. We attacked Iraq because God wanted us
to. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: But how do we know God wanted us to attack Iraq?

A: Well, you see, God personally speaks to President George
W. Bush and advises him what to do.

Q: So basically, what you're saying is that we attacked
Iraq because the president hears voices?

A. Yes! You finally understand how the world works.
Now close your eyes, and go to sleep. Good night.

Q: Good night, Daddy.

Anonymous said...

The questions about who the authors are, why they are making this arguement, etc. is all very entertaining but, much less important than whether or not their arguement is credible. So, those who can present some DATA, either pro or con, please speak up.

Can we really afford to make a mistake? Forget the spin. What are the facts?

Thanks for your help.

babzway said...

I am so thankful for the internet and Google. One of these "Obsession" dvd's arrived in our mailbox in New Mexico, another swing state, and I had no idea what it was but it looked like something I did not believe in. I Googled Clarion Fund and got to this great site. Thank you for all the information. I am taking one writer's suggestion and just putting it back in the box,"Return to Sender".

QueenBeeing said...

I just got a copy of this in my mail box. The scary thing? It was addressed to my FULL NAME, including my middle name, which I don't generally provide to random mailing lists. So how did they get this info and why did they send me this DVD??

Anonymous said...

I just received this fake documentary in my mailbox, unsolicited I might add. FUCK THIS CRAP! Thank you for your information posted here. My husband has been to Iraq too many times for me to support any politician who supports the war. Plus I have too many Muslim friends to by into what Clarion is selling, some serious BULLSHIT!

Anonymous said...

Got two copies in the mail today, I am so proud of our country...I think that I'll place them next to my John McCain doll!

Anonymous said...

I was shocked when I found this DVD in my mail. It actually caused great concern. Who was behind this propaganda and why? It actually reminded me of the way propaganda was used in World War II against the Jews. This scare tactic should be of great concern. I hope voters do their homework and research.

Anonymous said...

For all you open minded people, concerned citizens, and truth seekers: Follow the money trail and the actions of our "leaders". Bush Sr. orcastrated the assignation of JFK (who with his brother wanted to dismantle the CIA/mafia, which was headed by Bush Sr, at the time) Cheney and gang arranged the destruction of the Twin Towers and the "mysterious" collapse of building 7 under cover of "war games" to galvanize the American people for the NEOCON agenda. Cheney said we needed another Pearl harbor. Do not believe ANYTHING the government tells you through the right wing controlled media.
Be warned
Be wary

MizrachiGuy1360 said...

I just watched "obsession" received in the mail early this morning. With utmost respect I inform you that this is just more war mongering, building our further hate towards the Islamic Radicals, which are radical, don't mistake my purpose. I without a doubt feel that this is a Jewish run organization or at least funded in most part by Israeli sympathizers.. I love Israeli being of Jewish decent myself, but the crimes of the Israelis are easily ignored when it is DVDs such as these telling a one sided story. It was the Palestinians who were harmed by this athiestic Jewish nation, Jews who made Judaism a race and not a religion. I am outraged at our government secretly calling us, as American citizens fools, because we only believe what our media and DVD's such as this tell us. No one has asked why the Jihad hate us, It is my understanding that it was the Americans who betrayed bin laden, abandoning him and his followers, left to be slaughtered. His hate is justified. wake up america Learn the art of historical one sidedness, it is a common fact finding strategy, one that our countrys history has been plagued with, who wins the war writes the history.. This reminds me of the "allegory of the cave" by Plato, seeing the light is hard but you will eventually see it, and you won't go back in the cave believing in shadow monsters anymore. R.Mizrahi

Anonymous said...

Just received this through the mail today. Isn't sending hate mail illegal somehow? We wrote REFUSED - THIS HOUSEHOLD ADVOCATES THE SPREAD OF TOLERANCE - NOT FEAR and returned to sender.

Anonymous said...

I received this DVD in Ohio via direct mail only a couple of days ago as did a number of my friends. We are suspicious of the obfuscated identification of "The Clarion Group" -- it says nothing. Thank you for shedding some light on who's behind this organization. The widespread distribution in swing states indicates that this is an effort to affect the election under the guise of education and the message is clear enough: "Be afraid, very afraid. The Islamo-Nazi boogeyman will get you!" So... let's just kill'em, right? It's tempting, isn't it, when someone seems to hate you that much?

Interestingly, the information in the production appears to be largely true although it overemphasizes some things, such as the role of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Do you really believe that Hitler embraced the Grand Mufti as an equal? The man was an Arab, a Semite to Hitler, who was canny enough to use him as a temporary ally, but hatred of Jews was about all they had in common. If you could have been a fly on the wall in the Mufti's absence, you might have heard old Adolf refer to him in racialist terms I won't speculate on further in case it might offend. "Aryans" were thought to have originated in the East, but the Nazi's were thinking of the Persians, Pashtuns or some precursor people from thereabouts. Hitler told Iranian representatives that he considered them "Eastern Aryans."

It's easy, if you do no thinking, to simply denigrate diplomacy and advocate carpet bombing, but any real solution is going to involve all our powers of diplomacy, intelligence (both in the sense of "brains" and of "espionage"), cooperation, education, law enforcement and, yes and, military power, as well.

Anonymous said...

A couple other links that shed light on the agenda of this group:

The Liberty Film Festival ("a forum for conservative thought on film"), where "Obsession" won Best Feature Film:

and, in looking up the list of award winners at the 2006 Houston Worldfest (there were A LOT of winners), I found this link listed as a "contact" for the film: ("an organization dedicated to defending Israel against prejudice in the Media").

Anonymous said...

Having read through the comments regarding the Clarion Fund There was one that I might have written myself. "GREGG said" is absolutely hitting the nail on the head. I have told anyone who will listen that we have been taken over from within. My country should more appropriately be called "The United States of Israel". We allow foreign lobbys in this country and the largest and most monitarily powerful is, you guessed it, The State of Israel. Did anyone notice the media blitz of propaganda that preceeded the Iraq War. A country that did nothing to us. Ask yourself, who stood to gain the most by the total destruction of Iraq. We were spoonfed mis-information and lies cleverly blended with massive amounts of anti Iraq propaganda and were duped into fighting a war soley for the benefit of Israel. Iran is their next biggest threat and the drums of war are already beginning to beat in case you haven't noticed. I feel absolutely certain that the Clarion fund is somehow or another linked directly to Israel and the "Obsession" video is nothing more than another log on the fire to help keep public oponion ripe for supporting another war against an enemy of Israel.
Wake up people, Its not Democrats or Republicans, Christians, Jews, or Muslims. It's the State of Israel!

Anonymous said...

I got two of these hateful things in the mail today. Shocker, I live in a swing state. I promptly did the following:
1 - Nuked the unopened packages for about 10 seconds in the microwave. (a quick smack with a hammer thru the paper would work as well)
2 - Wrote in huge block letters on front and back RETURN TO SENDER.
3 - Mailed the trash back.
Let them pay for 28 million of them TWO ways instead of one and make sure their INVESTMENT is rendered useless!!!

Anonymous said...

I immediately got online when I saw this DVD in my mail today and wound up at this site. I haven't watched it yet and haven't decided either. I must admit that I am a bit curious. I read a lot of posts saying that the DVD had been sent to swing states. Well, I live in a small semi-rural town just north of Dallas, Texas. I guess these Clarion Fund nutjobs found out about me and my 10 liberal educator friends here. Our cover has been blown! We're working from the inside in their schools to slowly change the United States of Red Neck America to a more tolerant and thinking one. Although my vote might not do much good in this sea of red, I registered to vote just to spite these conservative bastards down here.

Anonymous said...

Just showed up here today in NC. I guess my main concern isn't the organization mailing them out, because God knows MOST organizations, businesses, etc. don't follow the rules. No surprise there. It is one heck of a message, no matter when the movie was filmed, or mailed.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just... wow. I can't believe I'm receiving political propaganda in dvd format through the post. I watched it for several minutes, then threw it away with the credit card applications, "have you seen me" flyers, and KFC coupons... no wait, I kept the KFC coupns - they were worth a damn.

Anonymous said...

I live in michigan and recieved this dvd called obsession in the mail watched it and was very disturbed.Being an Iraq war veteran dealing with the traumas of war these people from clarion fund dont realize that iraq veterans know the real truth that in fact these groups very much exist but having said that they are a small percentage of the muslims faith.This kind of stuff spreads more hate and does no good for anyone spreads fear to those who have never been to Iraq and seen the small children who are inocent pawns caught in a war Stop! spreading hate and scaring people enough of war and death we can all live on this earth if we try to understand each other before we start firing shots.We have lost enough good men and women in Iraq enough already!!

Anonymous said...

Look to all offended- terrorism is a huge threat and islamic terrorism is 90% of all worldwide terrorism. I see nothing wrong with this documentary. If anything it will force the muslim world to take a look at themselves and think about what actions and ideals they promote. It is a sick world over there where abuse of women and the killing of children (who violate islamic law) is seen as normal. I worked with a man whose family was back in Pakistan. He said that he would KILL his children if they had sex before marriage. He said he would not have a choice, he would HAVE to. These behaviors are behind terrorism and need to be confronted.

I'm sure there is a propaganda agenda here but come on guys. They are not addressing Islam as a whole, simply Islamic terrorism which makes up almost ALL OF THE WORLD'S TERRORISM. The truth sometimes hurts but it needs to be put on the table. Islamic terrorism is pervasive and needs to be confronted.

Anonymous said...

The ingorant amaze me. Why do you not watch the video and make your own decision. Blindly following Obama like sheep following a shepard to slaughter.

Anonymous said...

I received the DVD in the mail.

This further fuels my vote for Obama/Biden.

Does the Mcain camp recogonize this as fueling the Obama ticket?

Srike 1 - Market Woes

Strike 2 - Palin

Strike 3 - DVD

Lou Roberts said...

Your opinion seems to be a result of alot of pain. So sorry. It is not a crime in this country to be sucessful. That is what built this country. You too can be sucessful and buy several houses and cars if that's what makes you happy.

BBinion said...

I received a copy in the mail. When I received it, I recognized it as a right-wing scare tactic. If the vision of the christian conservatives in our country is to continue to wage war against innocent people, I want no part of it. Bless our troops, they have done a remarkable job in Iraq and made extraordinary sacrifices, but we need to focus more on the agenda at home. We need to look ahead to energy independence and fixing the economy by regulating banks and credit card companies rather than promoting more war.

I am from Ohio and I am voting for Obama in November.

Anonymous said...

We in the South have a phrase for those outraged and crying foul over this video: It's the hit dog that hollers.

Seems that a lot of dogs have been hit by this DVD.

You guys are hilarious! Go ahead, vote Obama in. Then let's sit back and watch as the USA crumbles into Socialist anarchy. It will happen, it has to happen. The natural laws of the Universe will make sure it happens. Ever read Atlas Shrugged? Try that one on for size. It has accurately predicted what Progressive, Populist, Socialist philosophy will result in. It might make you mad, but it is nevertheless true.

I'm watching the parade go by. Voting for Obama will only hasten the collapse that will also come about if McCain happens to win. The Republicrats are taking us down the same road to the same destination. One is just a little faster.

Comrades unite! We CAN have a People's Paradise! Socialism hasn't worked only because it hasn't been done right!

Progressives are so ignorant...

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many of the complainers watched the film? If they all did I would say it was successful, it looks as if a large swathe of people watched it.

If they didn't it's scary how many people in a country built on free speech want free speech squashed.

Anonymous said...

Your argument is ignoring the truth. Islam is dangerous and does ask for its members to sacrifice their lives and to kill others who oppose it. How do you miss this when they cry, "Death to infidels! Death to America!" every chance they get? Have you forgotten the joy they expressed over 9-11? I question your motives more than I question the motives of the Clarion Fund! Also, your writing is atrocious. Learn to write well!

Anonymous said...

Propaganda connotes deliberately false or misleading information that supports or furthers a political (but not only) cause or the interests of those with power.
1)What was false about the film.
2)What is the political cause or interests?
3) What power and power to do what?

Anonymous said...

The DVD was mailed to me! I live in New Mexico, also a swing state.

Anonymous said...

I agree, the film came right before election, but I see it not as a fear provoking information but as real situation. It is easier for us to put it on the shelf and feel annoyed by it then face the existing problem!

Anonymous said...

I agree, the film came right before election, but I see it not as a fear provoking information but as real situation. It is easier for us to put it on the shelf and feel annoyed by it then face the existing problem!
Just look at the facts and decide by yourself. Don't ignore the truth!

Rob Freeze said...

I live in Idaho and I got one in the mail today. Did not know Idaho was a swing state. I do admit I thought it was odd to get the DVD...thinking, "who the heck is the Clarion Fund?" thus finding this on the net. I don't know if I want to watch it - my gut says it's biased and I’m not a fan of biased media. Also perhaps I am too lazy – it’s easier and more fun to hop on the net and blog about it and make myself feel important. On another note though, I have seen the middle-east first hand and the whole mess is complicated to say the least; but the threat is real. I have seen the effects of suicide bombings and it is a horrible thing to live with. For us we are greatly blessed to live in a country were the fear is mostly displaced but still real. We are not at the state of those whose homes and families are on the front lines of this war. We should be grateful. I do not know the answers on how to address the issue of terrorism against the west – I know we cannot ignore it – I do not want fear to dictate how I live my life. I also do not want the threat to become in the US what it is in the Middle East.

So, was this sent by republicans trying to sway the vote to the one everyone here seams to think would do better with terrorism, probably. I see much worse everyday on the news for the other direction anyway… This is America and we can all do what we want – seams childish though to stick my fingers in my ears and pretend there’s nothing there. So, will I watch it….I don’t know. Maybe I have to after babble blogging – I hope it’s short though – I have to watch some shows I recorded on the DVR.

Anonymous said...

Okay American Nay Sayer's - Just what if - 'What If' it's TRUE- We in America are full of those 'do good neighbors' who want to make life fool proof - We over protect people to the point that we are raising a 'dumb' generation that is now relying for handouts from the government and don't what to do what is necessary to take care of themselves, their families and there neighbors- A Russian dipomat back in the '50/60's' made the statement as the key speaker at a well known University's Graduation ceremony that ' American will fall from within- It's time that people in this country take those blinders off and start looking at the possibilities that everything we don't want to believe of our country or of the world - can be as real as the breathe you take this moment. Instead of burying your heads in the sand - or saying that there's a possiblility it's a plot - there is just an much of a possiblility it isn't - we should be preparing just incase it is true. What 'if' the train wreck was not just a person text messaging causing the accident? How many of these could be linked to the terriost and being hushed by the media / government to not cause panic across the country. The fact is we don't know - but we can not afford to push it aside and not reconize that there is just as much of a possibliity as not. CHANCE FAVORS A PREPARED MIND - GOD BLESS AMERICA - MAY GOD GRANT ALL OF YOU THE WISDOM TO REALISE THAT THE FREEDOMS WE EXPERIENCE DID NOT COME BECAUSE THE NAY SAYERS WERE RIGHT. THINK PEOPLE THINK - QUITE HIDING BEHIND EXCUSES AND LOOK AT FACTS -I saw nothing on that film that was a lie -WE KNOW IT HAPPENS - AND IT IS HERE WITHIN THE BOARDERS OF OUR COUNTRY - Any person whom has served in our military - protecting your rights - what they believe- a lot of them have experienced it first hands. I choose to stay objective and open minded to everything that is out there - Someone is right- and I don't want to be caught up in the group of people who are in denial. Don't be stupid - it can and just maybe happening as they say.

Anonymous said...

Today is my 63rd birthday. The plan was to relax, go through the mail I didn't have time to read last week because I, as a very hard working American, did not have time during the week. I found this CD appropriately in the pile of junk mail. The relaxing morning plans changed and I had to find out who was sending this and what the intent was. I still can not find out exactly who but the intent is a pretty obvious propaganda attempt. I am an intendant American who likes balance and has a long memory. I also know that when you look at radical muslins and radical right wingers they look like identical pigs with different shades of lipstick.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

San Jose, California, here. The last time I checked, California was NOT a swing state. I received this propaganda disk in my mailbox yesterday, addressed specifically to me. I recognized it immediately for what it was and felt violated that I would even BE on a such a mailing list!!! During the past 3 years, I have developed an appreciation for music and cuisine from the Middle East, North Africa, Iran, Kuwait, Egypt and other Muslim countries. Most of the discs and meals were debit card purchases and I did put myself on the mailing lists of several of the restaurants. I am definitely NOT a Repugnantan, nor am I a Conswervative. I have always been a registered Democrat, so how the heck did I end up on such a mailing list? It feels like predatory propaganda to me! The world does not need FEAR more years of these distortions!

Watsda Pointe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I received this DVD in the mail; I am assuming it is because I live in Florida (don't blame us for voting snafus!). I knew right away it was political propaganda. There are sceens in this "movie" that have nothing to do with radical Islam, as a matter of fact if you review the entire DVD you will see where they took localized celebrations and made it seems as if they were celebrating the bombing of NYC. Some of the clips were as far back as the 70s. Please do not be fooled by this one sided political garbage! Instead of looking to our one-sided reporting; please take some time and learn what is really going on........don't be another sheep! This struggle has been going on for a long time and if we as Americans would stop hiding our heads in the sand and start to become a part of the world instead of trying to dicatate to the world we might just see a different outcome. What else can you do when you have cried to the ones in charge, done the "right" things, begged for consideration, pleaded with the government. We seem to only listen to those that can do us good, we need to listen to the world! Why do we constantly force ourselves onto others, but not tell them the consequences of their choices? Are we so greedy and power hungry that we will let millions of people suffer for food, water and a place to call home? Do we think it is our place to displace people from their homes and let others take over? When will the American public wake up and scream for change? Yes, I agree that there are criminals out there, but to blame a whole people and their religious beliefs is ludacris! We were built on freedom of choice and if that means that not all human beings want to be Christian or Jewish, it is THEIR choice. Has everyone forgotten that we are all the same? We all live and breathe on the same planet - start acting like it!

Anonymous said...

The C*bsession DVD just made it to my Mailbox in rural SC.
I'm not going to play or listen to any put on the air by Faux News and CNN for that matter, because CNN is competing for the same audience.
I'm just hoping that Obama can make it through a rigged election, I'm thinking about the latest voting machine debacle in Palm Beach County, FL, and hope that Obama can fix the mess that the republicans have gotten us into.

Anonymous said...

Using a quote by the late Paul Wellstone on the slimy website is an outright sham.

The only “Obsession” I care to see is my own obsession to get rid of the hypocrites and bigots who have been in control of our government for the past eight years.

tad askew said...

I find it interesting that the republicans are demonizing the terrorist they paid about not funding radical groups around the world to implement policies we don't want our fingerprints on and then we won't have to deal with these schmucks in the future...I hate this aspect of our foreign policy...Osama was nothing more than a partying playboy till we started funding his actions back in the 80s...same with Saddam...but after piles of taxpayer money, weapons and intelligence they both became players on a worldwide stage...enough already!!!!

Anonymous said...

I live in Kansas which is usually a red state, so whoever is behind this must be worried if they're using their resources here.

Anonymous said...

If anyone thinks that the American voter is too intelligent to fall for this type of fear mongering you must not have been around for the last 2 elections. Really, for the most part we Americans are a bunch of tards. If it wasn't for the genius of our founding fathers in forseeing our own tardedness and instilling in our Democratic system all sorts of checks and balances we'd really be screwed. It is time to wake up though and start checking on these neocons that have been running the executive for way too long.

Anonymous said...

Got my copy of this nasty piece of fear-mongering yesterday in the mail in San Antonio, Texas. How coincidental that "Obsession" and Clarion Fund's new Jihad DVD both come out in October right before the election? Just how stupid do politician dog tail waggers think we are? Wake up, old men. Your days are numbered; there's a new day dawning!
65 year old who's seen and heard it all and believes little of the elephant/donkey hogwash.

CUThinker said...

Interesting too, that the mailing list they used was gained by voter registration; it's the only place other than the DMV that has my full middle name, which is how "Obsession" was addressed to my home. I live in a battleground state and I'm a registered democrat. Now I'm wondering where's my mailer from the RNC telling me I need to renew voter registration? I feel left out.

Anonymous said...

I just got this in the mail (swing state) and googled it and arrived here. What a slippery slope. Since not many people personally know any Muslims (I don't) it's easy to do something like this. I bet in the Middle East there are loads of videos showing snake dancing churches (they dance with pit vipers during services) and representing that as what all Christians do. At least the Jews are getting a bit of a break from eternal blame on the paranoid religious front for all the world's ills.
Something using extreme (see: minority) religious beliefs as an excuse for a fuzzy agenda, in a nation founded on religious freedoms?? If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, ............

Anonymous said...

Received the DVD today in the mail. I am registered DTS here in New Mexico, another identified swing state. Immediately Googled "Clarion Fund" and linked to this web site. Thanks for the info.

Anonymous said...

I received a copy of the DVD in the mail yesterday (10/7/08) and wondered if there was any connection between me registering to vote recently (with Marin County Registrar of Voters) and receiving this DVD. (I chose not to choose a party when I registered, but I am NOT voting Republican) I NEVER use my middle name, but this DVD was addressed to me using my FULL name, which is required when you register to vote. Hmmmm. Do you think that the Registrar of Voters forwarded my name to Clarion (or maybe sold it) for political purposes? Isn't that SPAM? I'm not too happy about it and plan on contacting the Clarion Fund and Registrar of Voters. Has anyone else had this happen to them?

Anonymous said...

You people better wake up to the realities of today. You can be blind to the issue of this or educate yourself. Read your history, if you can read. Question ? do any of you know what started the First Crusade? Look it up. Do I like Bush? Heck no , but look it up.

Anonymous said...

This CD arrived in yesterday's mail. It was addressed to my husband. This not only smells of a rat, but more like a putrid rat tied to politics.

How sad that we cannot have a person run on their own dignity, their own actions, their own abilities, their own ideas for America's future.

Shame on our politial parties for stooping so low as to scare people.

I hope that our government will investigate this and find out who is on the board and recognize the political link and take away their non-profit status.

To what ends do we go to elect our president?

Anonymous said...

I live in Raleigh NC and received this DVD in my mail yesterday, addressed to me. I was creeped out and determined to find out who was behind it. So happy to have discovered this blog. Will be following along to find out more.

Christina L. Raleigh NC

Anonymous said...

Aren't all the persons and groups and funding behind this Jewish?
They are just trying to get more funding for Israel, and then ultimately turn against America.

Anonymous said...

Google the Ukraine arms shipment to Kenya, supposedly intercepted by Somali pirates. Perhaps the Jewish George Soros is funding weapons shipments to the radical Muslim fighters? They have to be getting these weapons from somewhere and there is the answer right in the news! They get the weapons from Ukraine! Russian tanks, rockets, rifles and ammo!

Anonymous said...

bottom of the page, political activities and CLARION FUND

Anonymous said...

I too have just recieved a copy of "Obsession" in the mail today, addressed to me directly. I thought it odd....where did they find my name? Voter registration?
Colorado is a swing state and from some of the few comments here I gather swing states are the targets of the Clarion Fund.
I did watch the video and images of children carrying guns and screaming "Death to America" and "Kill the Jews" is disturbing but something told me to look beyond the vid and I found your site wanting to know about the organization that produced this DVD. The banner proclaiming as seen on Fox News should have been a pretty good clue. Duh!!!

Anonymous said...

"Kill the Jews" is disturbing? What are you an anti-Muslim Nazi?

Anonymous said...

We live on the western slope of Colorado and just received this in the mail. I knew it was something suspicious. Thanks for all of the information.

"If it is meant to be, it is up to me...VOTE for OBAMA!"

Anonymous said...

It is pathetic to me that people have so easily forgotten those who died in the 911 attacks, and how those terrorist who implemented those attacks lived among us; were trained in the UNITED STATES to fly planes and then used AMERICAN planes to destroy Americans. It is also equally ridiculous that so many of you bloggers admittedly did not even view the DVD, "because you are too 'intelligent' to be 'taken in by fear-mongers'". It is so much easier for you to just "pretend" that we are safe and that "once we make it through this economic mess, things will get back to normal and we can all go shopping again." I also find it offensive that many of you bloggers, who did not even view the DVD, have the audacity to call the rest of us, stupid, because we have viewed it. Stupid? Because we are not "fearful of knowing the truth" or are not intelligent enough to not be "brainwashed"? Brainwashed? Are you kidding me? How about simply wishing to be "educated and informed?" If any of us think for one second that either candidate is going to "save" us from our own penchant for "living the American Dream" which usually means "living above our means," while we watch the rest of the world go hungry or watch genocide. (Google, Darfur...and a side note about Darfur...since we should not be in Iraq, should we stop "policing the world" and let genocide prevail?) Why should we worry that Sadamn Hussein was wreaking genocide in his own country (even though I am not stupid enough to think that this was the prevailing reason that the US invaded Iraq...just to quiet the retorts now to that statement) as long as we, the self-serving, spoiled people of the United States, can continue recreating or shopping. Meanwhile, these extreme radical Muslims are plotting our demise and will not stop until they take away our freedom. (Note: even the typical peace loving Muslim's are threatened by these evil people.)

Those of you who called the rest of us "stupid or sheep," yet are so far above the rest of us, and therefore too "smart" and "informed" to need to watch a DVD, because you seem to not be afraid of real truth: take a look in the mirror and call yourselves stupid, rather than those of us who have known that these threats exist, and happen to agree with a DVD that was sent out by "WHO CARES, WHO" as long as it speaks the truth...which it does. How about watching the video (overcome your own fear of truth...or are you unable to watch something and actually make up your own mind about the "supposed propaganda" without being brainwashed or considered 'stupid'?) and then rightly find the untruths and point them out to all of us? Stop calling us "sheep," those of you who used this term and others like it, but rather prefer to be likened to an ostrich...head in the sand. Neither Obama nor McCain have the answers for this country...we have the nasty task of having to choose the "lesser of two evils," period.

Anonymous said...

Got my copy by mail in a rural area of Florida and thought "infect my computer with something that clearly is a creepy production of yet another hidden agenda by McBush?" Thanks for your insight and mutual agreement all. Took it back to the PO marked "RETURN TO SENDER". I refuse to buy into their FEAR factor that put our economy in the dumpster by going to war just to outsource everything to their pals (i.e. Blackwater) and support big oil's quest to export the product to Asia. Speaking of the Anti-Christ, doesn't he live at 1600 Penn Ave now? The same criminals who continue to shred OUR Constitution. Sad to think that the lemmings will eat this crap up thinking that it's made by a real non profit and fail to even question it. Maybe they're discussing it right now at the Wasilla Assembly of God church.

Anonymous said...

I find this material to be offensive in that it assumes that people will be swayed to a philosophy that says killing anyone who disagrees with you is the only answer.
We should become mirror images of those we are trying to defeat?
Diplomacy with a gun is not diplomacy, we need to take some ownership in the circumstances that have left millions of people around the world calling for the "Death of America".

Anonymous said...

I sat by a Jewish man today on a plane flight. I was flying home from a military convention and he was on his way to a job interview. He currently works for a jewelry store that is owned by a Muslim. He told me that this individual talks about killing people, cheers when he hears of Americans dying overseas and talks down to his family as if he "owns" them. This man also told me that he has had to keep his religion quiet to his boss but it is eating him alive so he is looking for another job.

Why-if this is video is just "propaganda" for the Republicans- does this man have to keep his religion quiet in A COUNTRY FOUND ON FREEDOM OF RELIGION?

Think about it people. THINK ABOUT IT.

The Islamic Extremist is not a "made up group" for any political gain. It's what is really happening in the world. PLEASE take the time and really think about it before another 9/11 happens. If Islamic Extremist groups do not scare you, they should and, unfortunately, they will someday with that attitude. Think about it and open your eyes past November 4th.

Anonymous said...

My husband a registered Democrate just received this DVD in the Post office box and I was wondering why in the world we would get such junk in the mail. I should have known it was Trigger happy Mccain/lipstick on a dog Palin proproganda

Anonymous said...

I live in Durham, North Carolina. My husband and I received three copies of this plonk in the mail. I immediately put them in a return envelope (after I broke them) along with a note for those at the Clarion Fund. I did not watch their propaganda.
I'm still waiting for a new video from Osama Bin Laden to conveniently pop up like a gopher in the game "wack-a-gopher". Just like clock-work, one surfaced before the last election -effectively scaring people into voting for Bush.
Thankfully, from the posts on this blog, it looks like many people are savvy to the war-mongers scare tactics.

Anonymous said...

Sooo, I go to check my snail mail yesterday, and I was greeted by this lovingly packaged DVD. I instantly recognized it as some sort of Propaganda material, and went right to trying to figure out who this "Clarion Fund" were. After all, they were the ones who sent it to me. Seemed kind of odd that they would have my full address, being that I have not given them any kinda of donation, registered on their site, etc...

It's obvious they pulled voter registration info, probably saw me listed as a registered Democrat in a swing State - North Carolina, and thought I "just had to see this". It's painfully obvious that this is just an example of Good 'Ole Republican scare tactics - Especially since it looks as if it's only showing up in swing states.

You can keep your Warmongering Propaganda - I do not like them in a box. I do not like them with a fox. I do not like Green Eggs and Ham, Sam I am.

Anonymous said...

this piece of filth is back out in circulation- I got one today.
How convenient and EVIL--two weeks before election day all of a sudden the threat of Islam becomes paramount.SCUMMY fear tactics.These right wing Christians are HYPOCRITES.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever heard the statement "Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all the terrorists have been Muslim?" Think about it. How many countries/ religions force their children to practice such things as straping explosives on their little bodies, watching their religious leaders speak their hatefilled rhetoric, being praised and encouraged by their teachers and Clerics to resite "Death to Isreal, Death to US, kill all those that do not believe in their God. How about the beheadings. How many of you have forced yourselves to watch the Jihadist beheading folks in the name of their God? This hate toward the US/ JEWS started way before 9/11. Their Jihad has hit us many times, 3 Embassy's,USS COLE, Beirut, TWA Highjacking, WTC lst attack, and many others. Attacks all over the world. Not just the USA. So when there are those of you out there that just think this is all just a scare tactic - funded by the GOP - I find that as frightening as "OBSESSION" Don't be like sheep people, think, investigate for yourselves, learn...your and your families lives might depend on how much or how little you know about this topic...

Anonymous said...

I have no fear of open discussion, no hesitation in listening to other viewpoints and no reason to deny any contributor the right to freely speak his/her own mind. I'll reserve judgment on the issues until I have enough credible information to decide, and then, I'll decide according to my own criteria. I thank authors and others on this site for their research, and where that did not transpire, their logic and where that did not occur, their passionate expressions. I only wish to note that lists one year after incorporation of Clarion Fund in Delaware, a Mr. Gregory Ross of Beverly Hills, CA, fundraiser for Aish Ha Tornh International, and the often quoted spokesman for Clarion Fund in this matter, as a contributor to the campaign of Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee. Whether the other listed Gregory Rosses are aliases I would not know and really have no intention to pursue that matter. Suffice it to say that if one officer of the corporation makes contributions there is no reason to think others would avoid the opportunity through some means or another. The critical question is whether Clarion Fund should lose its protected tax status for violation of prohibitions of political influence. To hide its contributions under the guise of personal preferences of employers/employees is not surprising nor does it reach the level of shock and awe. Just investigate and do the job you were hired to do. Leave the rest of us alone and let us decide the merits of the arguments. Honest, we are smart enough to spot lipstick. With or without the pork.

Anonymous said...

I saw this CD over a year ago and it had nothing to do with the 2008 Presidential election.

Firstly - American & Westerners should be very aware of this very real hate radical Muslims have towards us. To bury your heads in the sand is seriously ignorant.

Secondly - Timing is every thing. CD coming out again at this time in my opinion is very appropriate to remind us what horrific acts have taken place by Muslim Terrorist. Seems so many have forgotten September 11 2001. Do not think it can't or won't happen again.

Americans tend to become complacent and rapped up in our Gucci jeans and make of auto we drive. Thinking if I don’t believe bad things will happen to me, then of course they won’t.
Tell this to the people of 911, Bali, London, Madrid.

Anonymous said...

OMG !!!!!
THE FILM IS AN OUTSTANDING EXAMPLE WHY WE AS A PEOPLE NEED TO OPEN OUE EYES TO THE GENUINE THREAT OF ISLAM....not focus on politics , but if a canadit has ties &/or affiliations to radical orginazations ~BEWARE!~



The presidential race is heated & people will jump on a topic to promote or degrade a canadit....BIG SUPRIZE...but the thing far too many have missed in this video is indeed a warning......ABOUT THE THREAT OF ISLAM TO US ALL!!

~people are truly dumb~


Gladys McGlothlin Jessee said...

NC posting here - our DVD came in the mail this week. Another swing state too.

'AThousandEyes' made many very good points - and I tend to agree and take the same stand. HOWEVER - if these DVDs are only being sent to specific states (swing) AND have been sent specifically to press a presidential candidate's foreign policy, then I have a very real issue with the timing and the use of this material by a non-profit. The big issue - it's illegal.

For those of you who have the same concerns - there are several things you can do. Frankly, I am sick and tired of this mess and it's time to hold our country officials accountable. The only way to do that is complain. SO COMPLAIN TO THE RIGHT PEOPLE. Maybe somebody will check it out.

1) contact the FBI and report that you believe this non-profit organization is attempting to influence the election. Go here to find the closest office to you.
2) contact the Post Master in your area and file a formal complaint of same. Go to and call the closest office and ask for the Post Master.
File a formal complaint with the US Post Master General. His name is John Potter, and his Deputy Post Master General is Patrick Donohue. Here is their HOTLINE number: 1-888-877-7644 TOLL FREE TOO.
3) contact whomever acted as a conduit to the distribution (newspapers etc) and complain for the same reason - concern over potential undue influence on the election by a non- profit.

Now - having said this - I too have many Mulsim colleagues and friends. They are NOT RADICALS - THEY ARE AMERICANS. Just like my great grandparents who arrived here from Scotland. Having made that point - there ARE RADICALS in the Islamic faith, just as there are, and have been, fanatics in the Christian faith (how many KKK members were born again Christians?)

The fight here is not against the radicals - the fight is against the ignorance which allows this type of tactic of fear mongering and misrepresentation to take hold. There are bad white people, bad black people, bad asian people, bad arabs, bad europeans et cetera - but on the whole there is more good in all cultures, races, and religions than bad.

Our job as intelligent, mature believers (of whatever faith) is to live tolerantly, promote education of the truth, and yes, stand for force against radicals WHEN IT IS WARRANTED.

Not all women are whores, not all men are abusive, not all christians are narrowminded, and not all muslims want to kill you.

Use your heads. Hold your officials accountable for this type of ugliness. It is wrong - regardless of who is doing it.

NC signing off.

HarryLou said...

This came in the mail yesterday. Didn't have time to view. Son said, "Do you know what this is? It's the most intense propaganda!..." I am in VA; I'm a registered Democrat and will be till the day I die. Thank you for the information.

Anonymous said...

My father and I are war veterans. My father is a WWII and I a Viet Nam Vet and we both just viewed the DVD. We are both thankful that there is an organization that is sharing this information with Americans and the world about the war on terrorism. We should be on guard. My father and I can recognize who would like to kill us. Why can't most of you?
The Beale's from Rich Creek, VA

Anonymous said...

Wake up and smell the coffee! This is definitely an issue we all need to realize exists. My parents have attended Christian classes on the how and why the radical islamic movement, wants to and will if we allow them to, take over the world. Their brain washing and abuse of young children is appauling. The teachings of how these radical islamic members are certainly accomplishing their objectives and to sit back and deny it and do nothing will be the end of us. I am a registered Republican voter whose name is registered on the voting roles in a very difficult manner. This was sent in that name so it is coming from a voters registration by not necessarily a Republican one!

Gark said...

To all those people who feel the rest of us are asleep or don't love our country, consider this: we are a largely immigrant, pluralistic nation. This means that we, of all people, should be able to distinguish that not all "fill in the blank" people are all alike.

What is horrifying to me is not that people disagree about what the best way to protect our nation from any fanatical person or group, but that those of us who view this film as propaganda (and please look the definition up, if you question that this film is anything but that) are somehow blind.

Those of you who have been to war, no doubt your view has been affected (and I know some powerful peace warriors who were once soldiers, as well as some who believe we must always be vigilant). No one I know has rose-colored glasses about the dangers of fanatic groups, and we have no shortage of them right here in the US of A, but to see a group of people attempting to promote their viewpoint to the rest of us (and not have the decency to come out from hiding to tell us who they are), strikes me as wrong and, frankly, creepy.

I am awake, but I'm not willing to let an unknown "Chicken Little" tell me the sky is falling, when I can see the sky for myself.

Anonymous said...

Wake up and smell the coffee! This is definitely an issue we all need to realize exists. My parents have attended Christian classes on the how and why the radical islamic movement, wants to and will if we allow them to, take over the world. Their brain washing and abuse of young children is appauling. The teachings of how these radical islamic members are certainly accomplishing their objectives and to sit back and deny it and do nothing will be the end of us. I am a registered Republican voter whose name is registered on the voting roles in a very difficult manner. This was sent in that name so it is coming from a voters registration by not necessarily a Republican one!

Unknown said...

It is relatively easy to find out where the Clarion Fund gets its money. If you have a Premium Membership with Guidestar dot org, you can view their financials online. However, tricky as they are, they are listed there as Clarion Fund without the The in front of it.

Gark said...

Thanks for the tip, however I'm more interested in who serves on their board and are individual donors--which is unavailable on Guide Star. Further, as 501 C3 financial information is provided to the IRS (as is required by law), I don't think paying for public information (available through the FOIA) is money well spent, do you?

Unknown said...

Someone asked me why should we have to pay GuideStar for the Calrion Fund's IRS records when we should be able to file a Freedom of Information Act request. Remember who has been in office the past 8 years.

There is an all-time record FOIA request backlog under Dubya's reign of terror.


Anonymous said...

It's nice hearing about how peace-loving Islam is. I'd be more convinced if they would stop blowing things up.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry if most Americans turn a blind eye to what could be their future, if we let things slide...
There is a wise saying the Boy Scouts used to use and that is : BE PREPARED
If you still don't understand why this DVD was produced, it's called "WAKE UP...BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE.
Barney Fife
Mayberry, R.F.D.

Anonymous said...

After reading many comments, I'm
amazed that those who were so quick to criticize the "right wing"
instantly became the "left wing".
With so much at stake, it would be wise for ANY American to CAREFULLY CONSIDER ALL information before making a decision. Those who said the DVD was sent only to "swing" states were wrong. I live in TEXAS and received one in the mail! It was quite an eye-opener and confirmed many things that I already knew. In my opinion, those who threw it away don't have any room to speak, since they didn't hear the information.
Another thing that became clear to me, as I read the comments, was that very FEW of them were familiar with what the Bible says,
especially, regarding ISRAEL! All through the Old Testament, God has clearly chosen Israel (the land and the people) as His own and He continually protects it. He has said that He will BLESS those who BLESS ISRAEL and He will CURSE those who CURSE ISRAEL. (Whether you believe that or not doesn't change it - it is a FACT!) Ezekiel 38 and 39 speak of God's love for Israel and their RETURN from being scattered (which has been happening. Millions have already come back to Israel.) There is also a WAR to come, involving Russia (GOG). If you want to know the FUTURE, read all about it in those two chapters!

Anonymous said...

I look forward to viewing the movie. Western media has not painted an acurate picture of the horrors of Islam. Media hides many truths from us - terrorists cutting Westerners' head off, New Yorkers jumping from the burning Twin Towers and landing on the pavement...why don't they show these realities? Hopefully Obsession presents the unrestricted truth to us all.

Unknown said...

I run from any man who uses the words "fact" and Bible in the same sentence.
Take any long, well-researched Bible study and you will hear storied, learned theologians discuss how much of the Bible stories are merely nothing more than campfire legends passed down over the generations.

In short, the Bible is a marketing document for the Catholic church.

Anonymous said...

I received this "documentary" film in Austin TX today. I am aware the well educated populace living near the University of Texas will be voting Obama and didn't realize our campaign, Texans For Obama, had made such an impact that it forced Republicans to spend their money here. The fear is almost tangible, they are losing control. I am honored.

Anonymous said...

For those of you who are concerned with this film being propaganda...

It must have been right wing propaganda that crashed planes across our country on 9/11

It must have been right wing propaganda that blew up buses in London

It must have been right wing propaganda that blew up the subways in Spain

It must have been right wing propaganda that created Radical Islam

Radical Islam must be a myth

I'm pretty sure this video didn't take away anyone's right to vote

Maybe everyone should stop crying and just vote. Keep in mind, politicians and diapers should be change frequently and for same reason.

Anonymous said...

We received this DVD via US Mail today. It was addressed to my wife, a registered Democrat. After some research, she has no intentions of watching it. I on the other hand, will. I am also a registered Democrat, and back Barack Obama. I represented Barack at the Iowa Caucus and local and state conventions. I'll withhold any comments on the DVD until after I've viewed it, but I'd lie to thank you for doing some research, and thought you might find it interesting that with just 7 days left until the election, the promoters have started targeting Iowa voters via the US postal service.

Anonymous said...

Praise Allah for those of you that see it for the propaganda it is. You will make superior muslim students of the Koran after we expunge your christian brothers and sisters and convert your United States of America to the only true doctrine. You are taking the first step by softening your culture to muslim named leadership. Thank you

Sandlin said...

I found this information about this group:

POLITICS: Neo-cons, Ex-Israeli Diplomats Push Islamophobic Video

By Ali Gharib and Eli Clifton*

WASHINGTON, Sep 24 (IPS) - A group of hard-line U.S. neo-conservatives and former Israeli diplomats, among others, are behind the mass distribution, ahead of the November U.S. presidential election, of a controversial DVD that critics have denounced as Islamophobic....article continues.

Anonymous said...

Just to clear the air, this video was made and distributed way way before the election. I ordered and received my copy in mid 2007. Apparently people chose to link the video to the election to support one candidate or the other and that's unfortunate because the video was made so long before the candidates were decided.
While Obsession does give some insight into how sick and twisted radical Islam is and the depths they will stoop to, I found it to be obviously created by Israelis. After doing a little research I found that this is indeed the case but there is no denying the footage of a little girl (or the Imam) preaching death to Americans.
In churches across America we are taught to love thy enemy but somehow "death to Americans" is ok in certain Islamic Mosques. Hmm I'm finding Islam isn't all peace and love afterall. The Koran speaks of peace and love but only towards fellow Muslims. Go ahead and read it for yourself...there's plenty of text condemning non-Muslims in there.

Anonymous said...

Wake up and smell the coffee folks. I will feel less secure in this country starting on January 20 unless this threat is taken seariously. Lets hope we won't be gutting the CEA and other tools needed to help protect ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Terrorism must be stopped.

Car Accident Lawyer said...

It sounds like a right wing ploy to me. I really hate politics sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Muslims are not terrorists

Purush said...

Enjoyed reading the post particularly post elimination of Laden.

Purush Rao
Best Lawyers in America

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