Wednesday, September 17

Ehrenreich Book a Pre-Election "Must Read"

For people who dispair that there is no one filling Molly Ivins Texas-sized boots, Barbara Ehrenreich's latest "This Land Is Their Land: Reports From a Divided Nation", a collection of essays, combines the wit of Ivins and facts and statistics to make a compelling case for why change is so essential in this election.

Ehrenreich, a frequent contributor to The Progressive and author of "Nickeled and Dimed" carves a needed niche between a pure frothing left and a pandering right in talking about issues that matter to many Americans. Each essay is a gem and Ehrenreich uses humor and facts to convey that the feces has seriously hit the fan for many in the working classes.

At under 250 pages, this should be required reading for voters as they weigh what's at stakes in November.

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