Thursday, May 8

Rod Sullivan Needs You

While we have all been paying attention to the national political scene, County Supervisor and current Board Chair, Rod Sullivan is running for re-election and deserves your support. As the only true Progressive on the Board, he has

* Passed a Human Rights Ordinance, the first County in Iowa to do so;
* Passed a Sensitive Areas Ordinance, the first County in Iowa to do so;
* Joined the Sierra Club Cool Counties Initiative, the first County in Iowa to do
* Created a Trails Committee and for the first time created a line item for
trails in the budget;
* Created a Commission for a Livable Community for Seniors;
* Instituted a highly successful Earned Income Tax Credit program;
* Dramatically increased funding for Shelter House;
* Begun a program for upgrading gravel roads to chip seal;

His top campaign issues for a second term are:

1. Increased commitment to the Environment;
2. Positive updates to the County Land Use Plan;
3. Increased support for Human Services;
4. Improved Dust Control

Some of this is not as sexy as ending the war in Iraq or dealing with the economy, but Rod pays attention to what the county can do to improve the environment, help those in need, and use taxes sensibly.

Early voting is now available for the June 3 primary at the Auditor's Office, 913 S. Dubuque St., Iowa City, during regular business hours, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. (Closed Memorial Day, Monday, May 26.) here's a look at the "D" ballot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Supervisor Rod Sullivan just doesn't get it.

He supports tax hikes year after year.

He's arrogant.

He proposes items that are not the proper role of government.