Tuesday, May 27

Green Team Members Needed for Iowa Arts Festival

The Iowa Global Warming Campaign, Iowa Renewable Energy Association
(I-Renew) and the Iowa City Area Group of the Sierra Club have agreed to
help the Summer of the Arts recruit volunteers for their "Green Team". It is
great that Iowa City is trying to make their festivals green with recycling
and composting. Let's all sign up for a two hour shift. Also please feel
free to pass this email on to others who might be interested in helping out.

Below is the call for Volunteers for the "Green Team". There will be 12
recycling stations at various locations around the Arts Fest. We will need
12 volunteers for each 2 hour shifts on Fri & Sat . June 6-7.

Friday Shifts
5pm- 7pm
7pm -9pm

Sat Shifts
Noon - 2pm
2pm - 4pm
4pm -6pm
6pm - 8pm
8pm- 10pm

Please remember that all volunteers need to sign up using our online
volunteer application (located at www.summerofthearts.org ) so that we can
have their contact information, as well as what size of FREE t-shirt they
will need.

Enjoy the Summer by Going Green!

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