Saturday, May 31

FL and MI delegates: Half a Loaf--Dem Party Fractured

On a day that saw Barack and Michele Obama choose to separate themselves from the controversies surrounding their church by leaving it, the Democratic party's rules committee borroed from the Old Testament by playing Solomon and deciding to seat half the delegates from Florida and Michigan, preserving Obama's delegate lead while bringing party delegates's from the two states in from the cold. The winner will need 2,118. According to a count by the Associated Press, as of last night, Obama controlled 2,052 delegates to Clinton's 1,877.

While this may serve to placate some party members, the Clinton camp continues to cry foul, particularly concerning Michigan's delegates. Clinton soldier, Harold Ickes, arguing that the Michigan compromise "is not a good way to start down the path of party unity," Ickes warned that Clinton had authorized him to note that she will "reserve her rights to take it to the credentials committee" later.

If there was ever a time when the Democrats need to look at the larger picture, now is that time. The chronic infighting that has gone on may have the cumulative effect to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory, if the disenchanted M.O.R. voters sees John McCain, who is known to be a hot head in his own right, to be the relative voice of reason.

There is no doubt that the nomination has not been won, but in trying to decide on a party nominee, Democrats need to look ahead to November and make decisions that ensure party unity will happen in Denver.

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