Sunday, October 7

The Blame Stops Here

A friend posted on Facebook that the "Bernie or Bust" people are responsible for Brett Kavanaugh being in the Supreme Court. Other than it being patently wrong, it also continues to pick at the scab of a group of people who really need to rally the troops and work on what happens next, not what has happened in the past. This is something that conservatives do much better than progressives.
   Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch are on the Supreme Court and that is a fact. The best cure for them and the conservative surge is a trouncing in the mid-terms and a movement in the state and national level to shift the ride back toward progressivism. Trump has given Americans ample reason to want to step away from the abyss and that means getting people out and voting. Mad about Kavanaugh? Good, go to work to help elect better leaders. Remember, the enemy of your enemy is your friend. And we need all the friends we can get!

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