Thursday, August 23

Resurgency of Urgency in Progressive Politics

With the election of Barrack Obama in 2008, Democrats and other progressives were self-satisfied that the times they were a changin'. Midterm elections in 2010 and 2014 proved to be telling for falling in love with mythology as conservatives took the Senate and held the House and as a result, The Supreme Court has two young, Federalist Society-friendly justices and a possible third on the way.

  What progressives always seem to forget is that the other side is in a constant state of panic and there is always urgency to stop something or someone. Whether it is they are after our guns, the illegals are taking our jobs, or they are taking our religious freedoms, you have to give the conservatives credit--they sure do know how to start a fire.

   People may have been surprised that a PT Barnum-huckster-quack like Trump could be elected, but when your hair is on fire, you go with the guy who says he'll make your hair great again. And, despite all the malarkey that he has perpetrated, 40+ % of Americans still buy what he is selling and it is spreading to unlikely communities, including the African American community.

  With the special elections and midterms this November, there is a renewed sense of urgency by Democrats to turn this mess around. This time the fire is in reverse. Women's rights are under continual siege, the LGBTQ community is being discriminated in the workplace, health care for those who can't afford it has become both less available and the replacement doesn't help those with pre-existing conditions, and Trump is a liar and probably a thief, and so forth. Democrats are coming out of the woodwork to run for office and women are doing very well in their efforts.

  It may well be that a newer and possibly more progressive Democratic party is emerging or perhaps it is a blip on the radar, particularly as 2020 looms and old war horses consider running for the presidency again. Whatever the case may be, both parties are looking for infusions of younger, fresher faces. So far, it looks like the Democrats have to prove that the right is slipping and the House and possibly the Senate can stave off a thuggish Trump and send him packing in 2020.

  However, to do this, they need to be able to show what they can do with the spoils in November.  Winning an election is good, keeping momentum moving in your direction is quite another. Also, the issues that are so divisive are not going to solve themselves, it is for advocates of democratic values to repeatedly beat the drum of for those issues which progressives and some Republicans may find agreement. My urging to all, keep beating the drum, keep knocking on the doors, but also keep the home fires burning--because you know the other side will be.

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