Wednesday, July 18

Trump Trumps Trump

Unless you were in a coma or other catatonic state, you are aware that our President threw his national intelligence agencies under the bus at the summit he had with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. He also intimated that he felt like Russia was not involved in the 2016 election mess--comment that he has since walked back (while still claiming no collusion occurred between his campaign and the Russians.

Badmouthing is not a new thing for Trump. He seems to take great pleasure in calling his opponents all kinds of diminishing names. However, what is doing now is harmful to us, the American people. He is saying that the only authority you should trust is his. This is simply authoritarianism and not how representative democracy is supposed to work. Coupling this with his own party's inability or unwillingness to censure him in any way lends credibility to him and reduces trust in them as a countervailing force to executive overreach.

Add to this  the tax cuts made before the new year, the US government is going to borrow a $1,000,000,000,000 to pay the bills and support the programs that the budget is addressing. According to Fiscal Times, "the updated budget now includes a projected 2019 deficit of $1.085 trillion, up from $984 billion in February — and more than double the $526 billion the White House called for in its 2018 budget." The Chicago Tribune adds, "The U.S. Treasury expects to borrow $955 billion this fiscal year, according to a documents released Wednesday. It's the highest amount of borrowing in six years, and a big jump from the $519 billion the federal government borrowed last year."

Essentially, the idea that growth in the economic sector would take care of these tax cuts is proving to be a big, fat, lie. According to Market Watch, "the Treasury Department on Thursday said government receipts fell 7% in June compared with the same month a year earlier, including a 33% drop in gross corporate taxes. Individual withheld and payroll taxes were down 5% from June 2017, while non-withheld individual taxes rose by 7%."

Meanwhile, at least until the mid-term elections November, the Democrats are observers with little power to prevent these shady dealings from happening. As Edward R. Murrow once said, "Good Night and Good Luck."

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