Tuesday, June 19

Fear and Loathing of Human Rights

In the latest blow toward America as arbiter of global human rights, the Trump Administration's Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, is expected to announce that the US is walking away from the UN Human Rights Council for alleged anti-Israel bias. At the same time, the US government is arresting asylum seekers and their children and interring them for an indeterminate period of time on our borders.

This march toward isolationism is directly attributable to the Trump Administration's nationalistic bent in which people who are not "patriotic" Americans, i.e., don't walk in lock step with Trump's ideology are to be dismissed or destroyed. Policies are replacing the rule of law to make this happen at an alarming rate.

The important thing to keep in mind is that we all need each other because we are all on planet earth.
There is a good reason that propaganda and wedge politics are so closely entwined, the goal is singular. For ideology to prevail, it must be seen as the only sensible game in town. If we allow our own government to dismiss the world community, people seeking asylum, or even our own citizens to be dismissed, democracy has ceded to demagoguery. God save us all if our shared humanity fails us.

Updated: The US has now officially withdrawn from the U.N. Human Rights Council, Haley "saying the group should make it easier to expel states with poor human rights records. She said the U.S. withdrawal came after the desired reforms were not fulfilled.

“We take this step because our commitment does not allow us to remain a part of a hypocritical and self-serving organization that makes a mockery of human rights,” she said, adding that the U.S. would be “happy” to rejoin the council if it is reformed."

John Bolton added this morning via The Hill:

“Getting off the U.N. Human Rights Council is an assertion of American determination to stick by its Constitution and not to recognize that there is some higher authority at the U.N., whether it is the Council or the High Commissioner for Human Rights, to judge our performance or to give us advice on how to implement the Constitution,” Bolton told "Fox and Friends."

“We’re perfectly capable of doing that ourselves. We make our share of mistakes and we correct our mistakes. That’s what this is about, self-governance,” Bolton added.

Editor's note: How conspicuously contradictory is this move in light of separating immigrant/asylum seeking children from their parents and interring them in Texas and other places?

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