Friday, February 23

Loebsack Back from Iraq

Reported by the Gazette

Rep. U.S. Dave Loebsack, D-Iowa, returned from his two-day stay in Iraq last night with a sense that the American military and political mission to stabilize the war-torn country will fail.

Loebsack said he voted last week to support a non-binding resolution that disapproves of President Bush's decision to send more than 22,000 additional troops to Iraq because he believed the cause is futile and troops should be on their way home.``I was not convinced before (going to Iraq) that this (additional troops) would make a significant difference, if any difference,'' Loebsack said in a telephone interview.

``I think there is very little chance of this succeeding, judging from what I heard and saw.``It is pretty clear to me that the escalation -- what President Bush calls a surge -- it is pretty clear to me, and many people there, it is kind of a last shot at this thing.''

What would he say to President Bush if he could speak to him about his findings in Iraq? ``I would say as I have said before: `Mr. President, it is long past time. We need to disengage and do all we can to get the troops out of there by next year.''

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