Saturday, August 30

Walk/Don't Walk

I believe in the concept of walkability and am excited to live in a city that has many neighborhood amenities within a quarter mile walking distance. Imagine my surprise when I logged on to Walk Score, which purports to identify how walkable where you live is (on a 100 point scale), and found out that my house which is near schools, a grocery store, four pharmacies, a bar, hardware store, coffeee house, movie rental place and several fast food re4staurants scores a middling 65. If I lived in the heart of Iowa City where a perfect score of 100 is possible, I would not be able to have a garden, would have to deal with much noisier neighbors, and would pay much more for housing.

This points to a problem of walkable neighborhoods--peace of mind. A better rating system might be to point out what is traded in for a perfect rating.

McCain Manages an Upset (But the Fallout Could Be More Upsetting)

Who knew that the stunning acceptance speech by Barack Obama at the Democratic Convention would have such a short shelf life? But when John McCain chose Alaska Governor (Governess?) Sarah Palin to be his running mate, he did just that. As I opined in December of last year, see "And Now For Something Completely Different: A Populist Progressive Republican", this is a Republican "I could support", particularly on corruption and holding Big Oil accountable.

Unfortunately, as a potential VP, I couldn't support her for a number of other HUGE reasons: her anti-choice stance on women's reproductive rights (membership in something called "Feminists for Life"), her wanting to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil exploration despite the environmental disaster it would create, her demand to take polar bears off the endangered species list despite the fact that the Arctic ice shelf is melting and thus their numbers are dwindling rapidly, her NRA support (particularly around assault weapons), her lack of a cohesive plan for health care coverage for all Americans, and her lack of any foreign policy experience (particularly important in light of the fact that she would replace McCain, if he should die in office).

The good news for John McCain is that his choice will keep the light on his campaign as the press seeks to "get to know" his telegenic choice for VP. Savvy move in the short run, but will it pay off in November? The Obama/Biden team will be working overtime against that happening.

Tuesday, August 26

Democratic Convention Highlights Real?

I ran into a local progressive (whose identity I'll protect, for reasons that will become clear) at the video rental place last night. I kidded 'Citizen X' "aren't you watching the Democratic convention?" He said that since it was day one, it wasn't so important to watch and if the Democrats run the White House the way they were running the Congress, he was done with party politics. I hear you, brother. When you count the victories that the Democrats have had since 2006, it does seem relatively paltry, but then again, George Bush still is the president and there are not a majority of Democrats in the senate.

Still, after I got home, I tuned into the convention in time to hear Senate legend Ted Kennedy, first-spouse-in waiting, Michelle Obama, Minnesota Senator Amy Kolbuchar, former Iowa Rep. (R) Jim Leach, and Missouri Senator, Claire McCaskill speak. Admittedly I am a sucker for conventions, for the same reason that I love reading vision statements, they bring the best out in people.

I can't imagine anyone who wasn't moved by Ken Burns' filmed tribute and Caroline Kennedy's introduction for her "Uncle Teddy," but the presence of the senior senator and the holder of the Kennedy legacy was quite moving. Having seen him champion his party and the causes such as health care as a right, not a privilege for many years, it was nevertheless inspiring to hear him address his fellow Dems with his words:

"For me, this is a season of hope," he said. "New hope - and this is the cause of my life - new hope that we will break the old gridlock and guarantee that every American - north, south, east, and west, young and old - will have decent, quality, affordable healthcare as a fundamental right and not a privilege.

"The torch will be passed again to a generation of Americans," Kennedy said, his voice straining slightly, echoing the era of his late brother's presidency, cut short by assassination in 1963. "The work begins anew. The hope rises again, and the dream lives on."

Then to hear Michelle Obama speak so very eloquently about her husband with the "funny name" and her own story and her values and beliefs:

"All of us driven by a simple belief that the world as it is just won't do — that we have an obligation to fight for the world as it should be.

That is the thread that connects our hearts. That is the thread that runs through my journey and Barack's journey and so many other improbable journeys that have brought us here tonight, where the current of history meets this new tide of hope."

For me, the star of the evening was Jim Leach, whose seat our own Dave Loebsack now holds. There is nothing more compelling than a convert speaking on behalf of an "across-the-aisler" to stir the coals. Leach, who has always been an internationalist, recognized that Obama is the best candidate to get the U.S. back on solid ground in the world community and that his own party has fallen away from its heritage:

"In troubled times, it was understood that country comes before party, that in perilous moments mutual concern for the national interest must be the only factor in political judgments. This does not mean that debate within and between the political parties should not be vibrant. Yet what frustrates so many citizens is the lack of bipartisanship in Washington and the way today's Republican Party has broken with its conservative heritage.

The party that once emphasized individual rights has gravitated in recent years toward regulating values. The party of military responsibility has taken us to war with a country that did not attack us. The party that formerly led the world in arms control has moved to undercut treaties crucial to the defense of the earth. The party that prides itself on conservation has abdicated its responsibilities in the face of global warming. And the party historically anchored in fiscal restraint has nearly doubled the national debt, squandering our precious resources in an undisciplined and unprecedented effort to finance a war with tax cuts."

Political conventions allow politicians to simultaneously let their hair down and get their dander up. It is a place where dichotomies reign supreme. Where else can you go to a event sponsored by lobbyists and roundly beat them about the head on the convention floor?

This may be part of the frustration that my friend was alluding to at the video store. Without recognizing the the very nature of party politics, to game the system as it were, how can we hope to have a more perfect union...particularly at the relative snail's pace it takes to get there?

Saturday, August 23

Biden: His Time

Senator Joe R. Biden of Delaware will be the choice for V.P. by Democratic-presidential-nominee-in-waiting, Barack Obama. Biden, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and former head of the Senate Judiciary Committee brings solid foreign affairs and judicial credentials to shore up what is considered to be Barack Obama's relative weaknesses. According to his Senate website, "Senator Richard Lugar, who is currently the top Republican on the committee has said: "Senator Biden has a very strong commitment to a bipartisan foreign policy and serves as a good example for everyone in Congress. He has a very broad, comprehensive view of the world. He's a good listener, but he's also a strong and effective advocate of his position." U.S. News & World Report described Senator Biden as "the Democrats' chief anti-crime specialist on Capitol Hill." He served as the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee for 16 years, including an extended term as Chairman from 1987-95. Today, Senator Biden is the Chairman of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Drugs, where he continues to lead the debate on criminal justice and public safety issues."

Senator Biden's championed the Adam Walsh Act, which helps protect children against predators and wrote and passed the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Joe Biden has an 80% lifetime rating from the ACLU, the second-highest of any major-party 2008 presidential candidate (Dennis Kucinich, at 89%, was number one).

According to, "Biden was the only 2008 Democratic presidential candidate to have voted in favor of the ban on live intact D&X ("partial birth") abortions in 2003. He has remained relatively silent on the Supreme Court's Gonzales v. Carhart ruling, which upheld the ban. Otherwise, his pro-choice record is flawless--he has received an 100% rating from NARAL Pro-Choice America for three consecutive years, and his record prior to 2003."

With regard to marriage equality, "Biden voted for the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996, but has been quoted as saying 'I don't know why we should be frightened of [same-sex marriage].' Although he sees same-sex marriage as a likely inevitability, he has not taken the step of actually supporting it. Instead, he supports a civil unions policy that would grant the same legal rights. He also supports the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), federal hate crime legislation that includes sexual orientation and gender identity as protected categories, and the repeal of 'don't ask, don't tell.'"

"He is a supporter of capital punishment, and holds the distinction of being the author of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (often referred to as the "Biden crime bill"), which expanded the federal death penalty to include drug trafficking, a nonviolent offense."

Biden, who dropped out of contention after the Iowa caucus in his own bid for the presidency, was considered one of half a dozen leading candidates for the Veep position. His issue positions can be found here.

Wednesday, August 20

Ohio Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones Hospitalized

UPDATE: Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones passed away last evening at the age of 58. Statement from her Congressional Office.

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean issued the following statement on the passing of Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones:

"We are greatly saddened about the passing of Congresswoman Tubbs Jones. Stephanie was a true American hero and inspiring leader, having spent a lifetime breaking barriers and standing up for her values. Just last week I was honored to have Stephanie join me on the campaign trail in Ohio where, as always, her infectious energy, enthusiasm and passion uplifted the crowd. Her voice will be greatly missed.
"This is a great loss for our Party and our nation. On behalf of the Democratic Party, we extend our thoughts and prayers to Congresswoman Tubbs Jones' friends and family during this difficult time."

House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) mourned the passing of his colleague in the House and Congressional Black Caucus.

"Whether you were a presidential candidate, a colleague debating on the floor or a friend passing time, you wanted her on your team for her quick legal mind, tenacious debating skills, her infectious humor and that thousand watt smile. My heart is heavy," Clyburn said in a statement.

Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-Ohio) was hospitalized in critical condition at Huron Hospital in Cleveland from an apparent brain aneurysm. Some news agencies reported that she had died. As an admirer of her, I hope all progressives will join in wishing her a speedy recovery.

Tubbs Jones became the first black woman to represent Ohio in Congress when she was elected in 1998. She is a superdelegate who threw her support to Barack Obama after having championed Hillary Clinton's bid for the presidency. She is the Chairwoman of the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct (aka: the House Ethics committee).

According to Wikipedia: Born in Cleveland, Jones graduated from the city's public schools. She earned undergraduate degree from Case Western Reserve University, graduating with a degree in Social Work from the Flora Stone Mather College in 1971. In 1974, she earned a J.D. from the Case Western Reserve University School of Law.

As representative from Ohio's 11th district, she has won handily in all of her elections, winning no less than 76% of the popular vote.

In 2004, she served as the chairwoman of the platform committee at the Democratic National Convention and as a member of the Ohio delegation. She strongly supported Sen. John Kerry in his campaign to become President of the United States. On January 6, 2005, she joined U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) in objecting to the certification of the 2004 U.S. presidential election results for Ohio.

Phone for Peace in Iraq

Not that anyone needs to be reminded that there is a war in a Iraq, but...

"Make Peace for Iraq A Priority During The Congressional Recess" National Conference Call

The Declaration of Peace is facilitating a National Conference Call on Wednesday, August 20, 2008

8:00 - 9:00 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time)

Phone: 1-309-946-5000
Access Code: 12 13 14 15 #

Share Ideas ~ Talk with other Organizers & Activists

You are invited to join us on Wednesday evening for an open discussion on the best ways to interact and communicate with our members of Congress to bring the message of Peace for Iraq into U.S. policy.

We want to hear from you!

We'll talk about:

* Your recent or upcoming meetings with Congress members.
* Choice questions for Congress regarding Peace for Iraq.
* Experiences of effective visits/ meetings/ communications with members of Congress.
* Sharing ideas about creative nonviolent actions for the fall campaign.

All Peace Activists and Organizers are invited to participate in this call to share ideas about Making Peace for Iraq a Priority with our Representatives and Senators.

Click here for Great Tips & Resources for Communicating with Congress Members

Saturday, August 16

Support Dems Cell Research

Wondering what the Johnson County Democrats are up to and who's holding down the fort? Trish Nelson from Rapid Response Iowa provides this info:


The JOHNSON COUNTY DEMOCRATS OFFICE, at 625 S Dubuque St in Iowa City,
319-338-5790 or 319-337-VOTE.

Current hours:
10-9 Mon-Thurs, 9-9
Friday 9 a.m.-7 p.m.
Saturday 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Sunday 12 p.m.-9 p.m.

Current staff:

* Derek Eadon, Regional Field Director, 319-504-3076,
* Doug Dorando, Deputy Regional Field Director, 319-471-3943,
* Holly Savage, Johnson County Democrats Senior Staffperson and Office Manager, 303-819-0352,
* Franz Hochstrasser, Field Organizer, 319-351-1048,
* Hannah Joravsky, Field Organizer, 319-304-7022,
* John Noonan, IDP Canvass Captain,
* Brad Selken, Field Organizer, 319-504-0408,
* Sean Williams, Field Organizer, 319-504-0801,
* Chris Street, Campaign Manager for Larry Marek, House District 89., 773-653-0942

Constituency Work:

We currently have active constituency groups for:

Women, Educators (encompassing PreK-higher education), Students, Veterans, and the Business Community.

Contact Doug (319-431-3943, ddorando@iowademocr or Holly (303-819-0352 savageholly@ to get involved in any of these groups!

Phone Bank Opportunities:

Wednesday, 6-9 p.m. Women on Wednesday (WOW) Phone Banking. Women for Obama are sponsoring phone banking at the office. Call the office to let us know when you are coming.

Phone banks are open whenever the office is open. Contact your Field Organizer to set up a time to come in and help us contact potential voters and volunteers!

Canvassing Opportunities:

Canvassing is the best way to contact voters and to get people registered to vote by mail. Canvassers will leave in two shifts and we will cover all of Johnson County to get people registered to vote, signed up to vote by mail, and answer any questions they have about Barack Obama. Shifts are from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2-5 p.m. Contact your Field Organizer to RSVP. Or just show up at the office (we certainly aren't going to turn anyone away).

Front Office Volunteer Opportunities:

These are the shifts that we have open for the week of 8/12-8/17:

Thursday, 8/14: 1-3 p.m., 3-6 p.m.

Friday, 8/15: 9 a.m.-12 p.m., 12-3 p.m.

If you don't want to make phone calls or canvass, this is the perfect opportunity to get into the office and help the campaign! Duties include: greeting incoming volunteers and visitors, data entry, envelope addressing, answering the main office phone line, and more. Contact Holly at the office, 319-337-VOTE, savageholly@, or just come into the office to sign up for a time to work the front desk.

Food Sign Up:

Want a way to have hard working campaign staff and volunteers love you forever? Food donations make the office a happy place. We have a signup sheet in the office for food donations. Sunday through Friday donations should plan for feeding 5-10 people.

Current openings in August:

Sunday, 8/17

Friday, 8/22

Sunday, 8/24

Thursday, 8/28

Sunday, 8/31

Call if you have questions or want to sign up to volunteer!

Friday, August 15

Foreign Relations Running Hot and Cold

The problem with other countries is that they just don't do what we want them to do. Take Russia and Georgia. They have a beef with each other, they are ostensibly both our allies, and still they fight. What's a superpower to do?

As our lame duck president said, "The actions of Russia in recent days have damaged its credibility in the eyes of the free world. Bullying and intimidation are not the way to conduct foreign policy." I wonder if any country said that about our incursion into Iraq in March, 2002?

The Soviet bloc is no more, and supposedly the cold war is over. Yet, our relations with the Russians are tenuous at best between this festering sore and the U.S. agreement placing a missile defense system inside Poland--which the Russians are not so keen about. This only four months after President Bush and Prime Minister Putin met in Sochi, the Russian resort 15 miles from Georgia, and signed an “agreement” pledging cooperation on a variety of diplomatic and security matters and declaring that “the era in which the United States and Russia considered one another an enemy or strategic threat has ended.” Whoops!

Russia needs oil ports to sell its oil, Georgia has oil ports on the Black Sea (Georgia has been a key conduit of oil and gas from Central Asia to the West that bypasses Russia), we need oil, it seems pretty straight forward. Either encourage Georgia and Russia to play nice or work out an U.S. energy "plan b" that doesn't require playing referee with other countries whose are inextricably tied to fossil fuel.

But we should feel good because our president has his finger on the pulse of the situation. Bush said “got a lot of folks, smart folks, analyzing the situation on the ground and, of course, briefing us on different possibilities that could develop in the area and the region.” We'll hope they do better than in 2002.

Why Are the Democrats So Anti-American Energy?

Virginia Foxx, a Republican congresswoman from North Carolina asked a great question during a press conference held yesterday "Why are the Democrats anti-American energy?" Apparently being "anti-American energy" means not allowing oil companies carte blanche to open up the ANWR to oil and gas exploration or the outer continental shelf to deep sea oil exploration.

So why are the Democrats so "anti-American energy"?

- Perhaps the Democrats don't believe that existing American oil and gas fields are all in play, i.e., in production. EIA (Energy Information Administration) data shows that domestic production of oil has decreased from the 1980's to about half the level today. The main reason?-- the relative low cost of foreign produced crude oil.

- Perhaps the Democrats believe that American consumers may be ahead of Republican politicians in terms of what to do about energy use. Canada's Globe and Mail reports "the U.S. Department of Energy said yesterday that oil demand in that country recorded the biggest drop in 26 years in the first half of 2008, falling by an average of 800,000 barrels a day from the same period a year ago. For the world's biggest energy user, it was the steepest decline since consumption tumbled during a recession in the early 1980s.

The International Energy Agency (IEA), meanwhile, confirmed that the U.S. consumer is starting to shun travel in an effort to cut costs. The IEA now expects a combination of high crude prices and a slowing economy will lead to a 3.1-per-cent decline in U.S. oil demand this year followed by a 2-per-cent drop in 2009."

The Street reports "Last week's inventory report, released Wednesday, Aug. 6, estimated that oil consumption during the four-week period ending Aug. 1 fell 20.1 million barrels, or 2.6%, relative to the same period in 2007. Consumption for the week ending Aug. 1 was said to have dropped 4.1% year-on-year."

If these market lovin' Republicans stick to their belief in the marketplace, the cumulative effect should be that gas prices decrease as usage decreases.

- Perhaps the Democrats believe there is more than one kind of energy that can run cars and trucks and stimulate the economy in the long-run. And perhaps they believe that throwing open the flood gates to drill of fossil fuel is not in the long-term interest of the US as other technologies will be forced by the market to be brought online at a faster rate. Flex-fuel cars, hybrids, electric cars will come on the market as the pent up demand for fuel-efficient vehicles elevates.

- Perhaps the Democrats don't believe that BP, Exxon-Mobil and other oil companies will just sell the newly produced (and subsidized by us no less) "American" oil to only US consumers (unless the Republicans are now willing to sponsor a bill to nationalize oil companies?}. These multi-national companies are likely to sell "our oil" to China, India or any number of growing economies as to us.

- Perhaps the Democrats recognize that this is an opportunity to change energy policy direction in an effort to retrack our technology production, reduce global greenhouse gases and perhaps keep the planet a sustainable environment for humans to live in for a long time to come.

Perhaps a better question to ask is "Why are the Republicans so hell-bent on pushing for drilling in these sensitive areas, when the critical need is to find alternatives to existing fuels?"

Thursday, August 14

Inflation Up, Unemployment Slightly Down in July

That bastion of liberalism, the Wall Street Journal reports "U.S. inflation soared to a 17-year-high annual rate in July, a government report showed, led by gains in food, energy, airline fares and apparel."

Also, "Separately, the number of U.S. workers filing new claims for unemployment benefits fell slightly as expected last week but remained at high levels consistent with a rapid erosion in labor markets."

With energy and commodity prices on the retreat this month and the U.S. dollar strengthening, the inflation report is unlikely to spook Federal Reserve policymakers into raising rates anytime soon as the economy struggles with rising unemployment and soft consumer spending.

Still, a surprising rise in core inflation that excludes food and energy last month will keep officials on edge about the possibility that food and energy prices will become more firmly entrenched in the economy.

The consumer price index rose 0.8% in July, the Labor Department said Thursday. That came on the heels of June's 1.1% rise, which was the second largest since June 1982. Excluding food and energy, the CPI advanced 0.3% for a second-straight month.

I'm sure it doesn't take an economist to conjecture why other prices are generally rising; transportation costs. Every item we buy has to make it to market somehow. This may be an excellent reason to support locally grown, locally made products.

Wednesday, August 13

Jim Leach's Endorsement of Barack Obama...and a Pitch for Chuck Hagel

Besides Rita Hauser, Lincoln Chafee and a growing number of Republicans and former Republicans, former Iowa Congressman Jim Leach has endorsed Barack Obama's White House bid Tuesday saying "I also have no doubt that a lot of Republicans and independents are going to be attracted to his call for a new era of non-ideological, bipartisan decision-making,'' and said he hopes the Illinois senator considers a former GOP ally of rival John McCain as his running mate.

Speaking on a conference call with reporters to announce a new effort among Republicans in support of Obama's candidacy, Leach said he thought Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel should join the Democratic ticket.

"There are a number of impressive potential vice presidential candidates and this is a singular decision for one person, and that is Barack Obama," Leach said. "But personally I'd be hopeful in the list of serious candidates to be considered would be Chuck Hagel, whether it be for the veep position or a serious position in an Obama administration."

Tuesday, August 12

An Affair to Dismember: Why John Edwards Deserves to be Throttled

Having been a supporter of John Edwards, I do not take great pleasure to hear about his affair with a former staff videographer. Yes, he is a hypocrite. He eagerly joined in the bashing of Bill Clinton for his affair with Monica Lewinsky. At that time Edwards said, "I think this President [Clinton]has shown a remarkable disrespect for his office, for the moral dimensions of leadership, for his friends, for his wife, for his precious daughter. It is breathtaking to me the level to which that disrespect has risen.” -- Feb. 12, 1999.

Well, right back at you, JRE, but add a son to your list of people you've disrespected. Is it any wonder that the public is seeking better leaders?

This is proof of what I have said to my wife upon meeting Elizabeth Edwards at a book reading; the best part of John Edwards is Elizabeth. For both their sakes, I hope that his contrition is not based on political expediency.

For all intents and purposes, his political career is dead in the water and the saddest part of all is that the ideas he championed, such as the need to re-enter the war on poverty, are poisoned by association.

Now Where Was I...

Before I was so rudely interrupted by a virus that ate my computer...

Thanks to George (from at war/truce Georgia) at Computer Wizards, I am back in the fray. Speaking of George, his two daughters are in the independent country of Georgia and along with relatives may be in Armenia trying to return to the US. George's daughters are 2 and 7 respectively. I wish George and his family a speedy reunion.

Georgia is in a unique position. It sits on the Caspian Sea and its ties are historically with Russia, because it, like Russia, is a traditionally Christian nation surrounded by Muslim countries (Armenia and Turkey). However, the complication is that Georgia also sits on the Caspian Sea and its ports are important to exporting Russian oil. Add to that, the US is a strong ally to Georgia, which complicates relations to Russia who supports the areas which have declared independence from Georgia. Complicated enough for you?

District 39 State Senator, Joe Bolkcom is having a soirée with Iowa Senate leader, Jack Kibbie in his home in Iowa City on August 20. He is also looking for suggestions regarding the recovery efforts for the flooding in Iowa.

Patti Fields and her supports have been out getting her vibrant orange signs in the ground for the September 9th Iowa City Consolidated School Board elections.

Monday, August 4

A Cautionary Tale: Katrina Year 3

This "Red State Road Trip 2" episode shows how two different communities handled the aftermath of Katrina.

Remembering Knoxville

As one of a handful of local Unitarian Universalists who stood in candlelit vigil to remember Greg McKendry and Linda Kraeger who were killed and seven other people who were injured at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist church in Knoxville, Tennessee last Sunday, it was gratifying to stand in solidarity with a congregation that had experienced tragedy and was determined to return to service as soon as possible.

Jim Adkisson, who is the alleged shooter, targeted the church "because of its liberal teachings and his belief that all liberals should be killed because they were ruining the country, and that he felt that the Democrats had tied his country's hands in the war on terror and they had ruined every institution in America with the aid of media outlets."

Adkisson said "he could not get to the leaders of the liberal movement that he would then target those that had voted them in to office."

Inside the house, officers found "Liberalism is a Mental Health Disorder" by radio talk show host Michael Savage, "Let Freedom Ring" by talk show host Sean Hannity, and "The O'Reilly Factor," by television talk show host Bill O'Reilly.

Perhaps these idealogues should be arrested as accomplices.

Saturday, August 2

Let the Heckling Begin

A handful of black audience members at a townhall meeting in St. Petersburg, Florida interrupted a speech by Barack Obama and held up signs that said, "What About the Black Community, Obama?" and they ask a good question. A better question is "What about people living in poverty, politicians?" Like it or not, the issues of color are intertwined with poverty, though not exclusively.

To make it more interesting, the government groups the poor into two sectors: the "working poor”—persons who, during the year, spent 27 weeks or more in the labor force (working or looking for work), but whose incomes still fell below the official poverty level and the non-working poor. The working poor made up some 7.7 million accounted for Americans in 2005 out of the total of 37 million living in poverty.

Some statistics:
Of the working poor (16 or older), 5,477,000 are White, 1,694,000 are Black, 298,000 are Asian, and 1,983,000 are Hispanic.

Of the working poor (16 or older), 29% have attained less than a high school diploma: Whites 31%, Blacks 26%, Asian 19%, Hispanic 55%.

From "A Profile of the Working Poor, 2005"

All the "Yes We Can" in the world won't add up to much, if the void between the poorest among us and the wealthiest is not closed. A liveable wage, access to health care, improvements to education in the poorest districts, promoting reduced-cost workforce childcare, and more access to affordable, safe housing are all means to closing the gap.

Friday, August 1

Chris Hume on Day 14 of Road Trip

This posting is going to be delayed because of Blogger's spam-prevention robotos--I'm not sure why my blog is being treated as a spam blog, but here are some people who clearly have the wrong message.